An English Vision - March dates in the US
I thought it would be helpful for our American friends of Pentreath & Hall if I listed all the events where I'm speaking and signing books in March! There...
2 commentsAn English Vision - March dates in the US
I thought it would be helpful for our American friends of Pentreath & Hall if I listed all the events where I'm speaking and signing books in March! There...
Days lengthening
I flew into Kirkwall ahead of the storm - which was to wreak so much havoc across Ireland and the central belt of Scotland. It was in the dawn hours...
60 commentsDays lengthening
I flew into Kirkwall ahead of the storm - which was to wreak so much havoc across Ireland and the central belt of Scotland. It was in the dawn hours...
A Happy New Year
I hope you've had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. Let us pray for a gentle year ahead. Suddenly, today, when we are all back at work at Ben P...
110 commentsA Happy New Year
I hope you've had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. Let us pray for a gentle year ahead. Suddenly, today, when we are all back at work at Ben P...
I've been getting into the rhythm of Rousay weeks. It's different from the relentless up and down to Dorset, down on a Thursday, back on a Monday. I'd been up...
38 commentsRainbows
I've been getting into the rhythm of Rousay weeks. It's different from the relentless up and down to Dorset, down on a Thursday, back on a Monday. I'd been up...
Home at last
The light was bright on the flight from Edinburgh to Kirkwall on Friday. Thankfully I'd had a cancelled meeting that day so was able to head home, at last, a...
33 commentsHome at last
The light was bright on the flight from Edinburgh to Kirkwall on Friday. Thankfully I'd had a cancelled meeting that day so was able to head home, at last, a...
A tale of two islands
As regular readers of the blog will have read last week, I was heading to New York, for some lovely book events. I flew in last Friday. I woke early,...
28 commentsA tale of two islands
As regular readers of the blog will have read last week, I was heading to New York, for some lovely book events. I flew in last Friday. I woke early,...
A good perspective
L E A V I N G O R K N E Y This was my commute back down to London at the end of our move-in week......
47 commentsA good perspective
L E A V I N G O R K N E Y This was my commute back down to London at the end of our move-in week......
Farewell and hello
And as if like that, the Parsonage was completely empty. It was a beautiful, perfect October evening when we had finally packed and swept and the removals vans had left....
180 commentsFarewell and hello
And as if like that, the Parsonage was completely empty. It was a beautiful, perfect October evening when we had finally packed and swept and the removals vans had left....
Almost farewell
What a week! It was a busy one, for sure... On Tuesday evening, my wonderful friend Skye McAlpine - who's beautiful butter yellow kitchen features prominently in 'An English Vision'...
48 commentsAlmost farewell
What a week! It was a busy one, for sure... On Tuesday evening, my wonderful friend Skye McAlpine - who's beautiful butter yellow kitchen features prominently in 'An English Vision'...
Lengthening Shadows....
P A R T 1 It's the time of year.... the shadows in the valley are lengthening, as we gently tip into Autumn now. It's Sunday evening and rain...
29 commentsLengthening Shadows....
P A R T 1 It's the time of year.... the shadows in the valley are lengthening, as we gently tip into Autumn now. It's Sunday evening and rain...
Just four more weeks....
The garden has tipped into September - and with it, we now have fewer than four weeks before we'll be moving - so strange to write this. For those that...
25 commentsJust four more weeks....
The garden has tipped into September - and with it, we now have fewer than four weeks before we'll be moving - so strange to write this. For those that...
The last days of summer
I'm writing in Dorset this morning, feeling positively autumnal after a weekend of storms blowing through. There isn't quite yet that chill of autumn, I'm glad to say. Someone on...
14 commentsThe last days of summer
I'm writing in Dorset this morning, feeling positively autumnal after a weekend of storms blowing through. There isn't quite yet that chill of autumn, I'm glad to say. Someone on...
Summer song
P A R T 1 : V E N I C E Is there any better way to start a summer holiday than with a photograph like this...
15 commentsSummer song
P A R T 1 : V E N I C E Is there any better way to start a summer holiday than with a photograph like this...
Tuscan interlude
We were very lucky to be invited to stay with some friends at Cetinale, that fabled Tuscan house. We flew to Florence last Friday and at lunchtime this was our...
21 commentsTuscan interlude
We were very lucky to be invited to stay with some friends at Cetinale, that fabled Tuscan house. We flew to Florence last Friday and at lunchtime this was our...
Scotland calling...
Is it possible that six weeks can fly by quite so quickly? From May to July in a single blog, but with rather a few places visited too. I hope...
15 commentsScotland calling...
Is it possible that six weeks can fly by quite so quickly? From May to July in a single blog, but with rather a few places visited too. I hope...
One day...
I got down to Dorset early on Friday morning, driving out of London at dawn. There are few things I like more than being up, really early, in a city...
5 commentsOne day...
I got down to Dorset early on Friday morning, driving out of London at dawn. There are few things I like more than being up, really early, in a city...
The lie of the Land
I realise that last week's blog was insanely long. Each place in Copenhagen could have been a post on its own. This week, we can catch our breath. Back on...
12 commentsThe lie of the Land
I realise that last week's blog was insanely long. Each place in Copenhagen could have been a post on its own. This week, we can catch our breath. Back on...
Tulip fever
D O R S E T A month has passed since the last blog - and despite this cold April, here we are, tipping into May - and that extraordinary...
13 commentsTulip fever
D O R S E T A month has passed since the last blog - and despite this cold April, here we are, tipping into May - and that extraordinary...
Easter Song
P R E L U D E I've been away a lot, it feels - first, a lovely trip to Suffolk and Norfolk, for my old office annual reunion in...
14 commentsEaster Song
P R E L U D E I've been away a lot, it feels - first, a lovely trip to Suffolk and Norfolk, for my old office annual reunion in...
Spring Calling
P A R T 1 : T H E B U R R E L L We left the blog at the bothy, a couple of weeks...
Home to Scotland
It was a magical weekend in Dorset two weeks ago - sunshine and showers, but springlike days. I have read a brilliant description of this time of year - the...
10 commentsHome to Scotland
It was a magical weekend in Dorset two weeks ago - sunshine and showers, but springlike days. I have read a brilliant description of this time of year - the...
January travels
P A R T 1 : S Y D N E Y We arrived in Sydney in crystal clear heat.... We landed early in the morning, met with...
17 commentsJanuary travels
P A R T 1 : S Y D N E Y We arrived in Sydney in crystal clear heat.... We landed early in the morning, met with...
All in a day's work
One of the reasons I think I enjoy my life is because the work is so varied. On Wednesday, I was back in London, after the two weeks in Dorset,...
7 commentsAll in a day's work
One of the reasons I think I enjoy my life is because the work is so varied. On Wednesday, I was back in London, after the two weeks in Dorset,...
"We write the book. The choice is ours"
Happy New year! On the train coming back up from Dorset today, the guard had the following announcement. "Just remember ladies and gentlemen, it's the first Wednesday of the year"....
26 comments"We write the book. The choice is ours"
Happy New year! On the train coming back up from Dorset today, the guard had the following announcement. "Just remember ladies and gentlemen, it's the first Wednesday of the year"....
Autumn journey...
I last posted eight weeks ago, as I was on my way to Scotland. Sorry for the intermission! As you will see, it's been a busy little time. And we...
14 commentsAutumn journey...
I last posted eight weeks ago, as I was on my way to Scotland. Sorry for the intermission! As you will see, it's been a busy little time. And we...
The light on the hills
It's that time of year when suddenly the sunlight begins to slant across the land in the most extraordinary way - the low-lying light and long shadows of autumn. I...
8 commentsThe light on the hills
It's that time of year when suddenly the sunlight begins to slant across the land in the most extraordinary way - the low-lying light and long shadows of autumn. I...
The Indian Summer
It has been a beautiful few days in Dorset - but we have been thinking of our friends and neighbours in Scotland too, as torrential rainfall swept through Argyll &...
23 commentsThe Indian Summer
It has been a beautiful few days in Dorset - but we have been thinking of our friends and neighbours in Scotland too, as torrential rainfall swept through Argyll &...
Tourists in our own place
P A R T 1 It was a beautiful morning on Wednesday when the office decamped, blindingly, at Petworth House, after a rather early start from Waterloo to Petersfield...
10 commentsTourists in our own place
P A R T 1 It was a beautiful morning on Wednesday when the office decamped, blindingly, at Petworth House, after a rather early start from Waterloo to Petersfield...
Harvest Song
Is there any better view than the train from Glasgow to Lochgliphead, as I was inching my way closer to the bothy? I'd stayed overnight in Edinburgh and caught an...
9 commentsHarvest Song
Is there any better view than the train from Glasgow to Lochgliphead, as I was inching my way closer to the bothy? I'd stayed overnight in Edinburgh and caught an...
The last of Summer
Back from Italy. And suddenly, have you noticed the evenings getting shorter, the mornings just that little darker? If you are in the Southern Hemisphere, you will suddenly be feeling...
17 commentsThe last of Summer
Back from Italy. And suddenly, have you noticed the evenings getting shorter, the mornings just that little darker? If you are in the Southern Hemisphere, you will suddenly be feeling...
Italian interlude, Summer 2023
I left Dorset for London, for Italy… here is a view snapped from my early train that morning. And the sunset, the following evening, in Tuscany…. T U S...
9 commentsItalian interlude, Summer 2023
I left Dorset for London, for Italy… here is a view snapped from my early train that morning. And the sunset, the following evening, in Tuscany…. T U S...
Wild Flowers of the Chalk
If you were to come and stay in Dorset, one of the books you’d find in a big stack on the end of the bed in the guest bedroom is...
7 commentsWild Flowers of the Chalk
If you were to come and stay in Dorset, one of the books you’d find in a big stack on the end of the bed in the guest bedroom is...
Six weeks of Summer
Six weeks have passed since I last wrote, on my way back from Scotland. How long ago those balmy days of early June now feel. Charlie’s garden was frothy with...
18 commentsSix weeks of Summer
Six weeks have passed since I last wrote, on my way back from Scotland. How long ago those balmy days of early June now feel. Charlie’s garden was frothy with...
Northern progress
I’ve been on a bit of a mission on the second half of this week, taking photographs of our Tornagrain New Town project and two other Scottish houses we’ve worked...
28 commentsNorthern progress
I’ve been on a bit of a mission on the second half of this week, taking photographs of our Tornagrain New Town project and two other Scottish houses we’ve worked...
Summer days are here again
I had a magical few days in Ojai, California, last weekend – where we will be working on a beautiful 1920s house for a very old client of mine. We...
10 commentsSummer days are here again
I had a magical few days in Ojai, California, last weekend – where we will be working on a beautiful 1920s house for a very old client of mine. We...
Fleeting moments
One of my favourite views in the whole of Scotland – as you come around the corner towards Inveraray. Luckily, there’s often a moment when you stop for a second...
10 commentsFleeting moments
One of my favourite views in the whole of Scotland – as you come around the corner towards Inveraray. Luckily, there’s often a moment when you stop for a second...
Coronation Spring
We had the best weekend. Wilfred and Molly came to stay. Here we all are, in the gloaming, marvelling at Charlie’s mad and beautiful Coronation Decorations…
12 commentsCoronation Spring
We had the best weekend. Wilfred and Molly came to stay. Here we all are, in the gloaming, marvelling at Charlie’s mad and beautiful Coronation Decorations…
April showers and sunshine
It’s been a cold spring. I can’t say this for a fact… I haven’t checked the official data, but I’ve been feeling it. But the advantage of a slow spring...
13 commentsApril showers and sunshine
It’s been a cold spring. I can’t say this for a fact… I haven’t checked the official data, but I’ve been feeling it. But the advantage of a slow spring...
Springtime, stateside…
We went to Chicago – my first time back in that beautiful city for well over twenty years. I was there for an event and to receive a very kind...
17 commentsSpringtime, stateside…
We went to Chicago – my first time back in that beautiful city for well over twenty years. I was there for an event and to receive a very kind...
Out of this world…
Charlie and I are just back from a wonderful week in the mountains. Staying at our absolutely favourite hotel… Built in the later 19th century, and (with a few modifications)...
11 commentsOut of this world…
Charlie and I are just back from a wonderful week in the mountains. Staying at our absolutely favourite hotel… Built in the later 19th century, and (with a few modifications)...
Spring is just around the corner, now
I haven’t blogged for a few weeks now, and isn’t it funny to notice how suddenly the air changes in February? Charlie and I were up in Scotland only 2...
11 commentsSpring is just around the corner, now
I haven’t blogged for a few weeks now, and isn’t it funny to notice how suddenly the air changes in February? Charlie and I were up in Scotland only 2...
Simple days
The sunshine sparkled on our walk this morning. What a difference a day makes – Saturday was the flattest, greyest life – nothing moving. Today it felt as if the...
10 commentsSimple days
The sunshine sparkled on our walk this morning. What a difference a day makes – Saturday was the flattest, greyest life – nothing moving. Today it felt as if the...
From mid-winter to high summer
Well, it was the greyest weekend in Dorset. The flat grey light of late January, the month that seems to last always about a week too long, and that certain...
13 commentsFrom mid-winter to high summer
Well, it was the greyest weekend in Dorset. The flat grey light of late January, the month that seems to last always about a week too long, and that certain...
Winter days and evenings
It has been the softest wintery weekend in Dorset – still air, freezing temperature, brilliant sunshine. Snow still lies on the shadows of the hills. Beautiful January days.
9 commentsWinter days and evenings
It has been the softest wintery weekend in Dorset – still air, freezing temperature, brilliant sunshine. Snow still lies on the shadows of the hills. Beautiful January days.
The earth laid bare
From the sparkling sunshine and greens and blues of New Zealand to the depths of the English winter. Dorset is drenched. The rain poured down yesterday, and we hardly left...
12 commentsThe earth laid bare
From the sparkling sunshine and greens and blues of New Zealand to the depths of the English winter. Dorset is drenched. The rain poured down yesterday, and we hardly left...
The bright summer
We’re back to London this weekend, grey skied, rain sweeping through, everything drenched, trees black-green barked, buildings a symphony of brown and cream and black gloss paint. Red phone and...
29 commentsThe bright summer
We’re back to London this weekend, grey skied, rain sweeping through, everything drenched, trees black-green barked, buildings a symphony of brown and cream and black gloss paint. Red phone and...
Back to Scotland
Sunday lunch at the Parsonage, a few weeks ago now – Charlie had pulled in all his chrysanthemums from the greenhouse, the sun was streaming in through the bay window…....
18 commentsBack to Scotland
Sunday lunch at the Parsonage, a few weeks ago now – Charlie had pulled in all his chrysanthemums from the greenhouse, the sun was streaming in through the bay window…....
Godly and quietly
Autumn is shifting into gear now. We had huge rain and thunderstorms last night and woke this morning to a drenched landscape, but the clouds soon swept through to be...
19 commentsGodly and quietly
Autumn is shifting into gear now. We had huge rain and thunderstorms last night and woke this morning to a drenched landscape, but the clouds soon swept through to be...
Autumn song
A month has passed now, since the death of Queen Elizabeth. I was in Oxfordshire, that evening, and for work the following day – so I only got down to...
24 commentsAutumn song
A month has passed now, since the death of Queen Elizabeth. I was in Oxfordshire, that evening, and for work the following day – so I only got down to...
The Show Goes On
The blog opens with the wonderfully happy Mayor of Bridport, Ian Bark, on the sunshine-filled day a couple of weeks ago at the Melplash Agricultural Society Show. It is SO...
14 commentsThe Show Goes On
The blog opens with the wonderfully happy Mayor of Bridport, Ian Bark, on the sunshine-filled day a couple of weeks ago at the Melplash Agricultural Society Show. It is SO...
The Great Dorset Steam Fair 2022
If you’re an old Dorset hand, you probably already know that the best day out in the County is the Great Dorset Steam Fair. But just in case you don’t,...
29 commentsThe Great Dorset Steam Fair 2022
If you’re an old Dorset hand, you probably already know that the best day out in the County is the Great Dorset Steam Fair. But just in case you don’t,...
Italian Intermission
The strange this is, I’ve only been away for a week. But looking at all these photos, it feels like double or triple that. How beautiful it’s been to be...
23 commentsItalian Intermission
The strange this is, I’ve only been away for a week. But looking at all these photos, it feels like double or triple that. How beautiful it’s been to be...
Living the dream
The world goes quiet in August, but I’ve noticed for rather a few years now that the silly season never seems so funny anymore, does it? But then again, I’ve...
17 commentsLiving the dream
The world goes quiet in August, but I’ve noticed for rather a few years now that the silly season never seems so funny anymore, does it? But then again, I’ve...
High Spring to High Summer
We begin in Spring and end in Summer. I last managed to blog in early May, and here we are, tipping into late June. It’s actually been lovely to look...
20 commentsHigh Spring to High Summer
We begin in Spring and end in Summer. I last managed to blog in early May, and here we are, tipping into late June. It’s actually been lovely to look...
Green time…
It’s a blog of parts again! Looking back at these photos I realise I’ve been around a bit. Time to stay still in the same place sometime soon, I think....
18 commentsGreen time…
It’s a blog of parts again! Looking back at these photos I realise I’ve been around a bit. Time to stay still in the same place sometime soon, I think....
Catching up
There’s only one way to stay on top of things, I suppose… which is, try to stay on top of things. So although the blog is a little overdue, I’ve...
13 commentsCatching up
There’s only one way to stay on top of things, I suppose… which is, try to stay on top of things. So although the blog is a little overdue, I’ve...
Extraordinary spring
We had been planning a trip north. But on Friday morning, early, when Charlie should have been hitting the motorway early (I was going to meet him later in Glasgow,...
11 commentsExtraordinary spring
We had been planning a trip north. But on Friday morning, early, when Charlie should have been hitting the motorway early (I was going to meet him later in Glasgow,...
The Broadwey & Upwey Spring Show
It was the weekend of the Broadwey & Upwey Spring show… the first spring show that Charlie has ever entered. I think he was up and about at 4 or...
23 commentsThe Broadwey & Upwey Spring Show
It was the weekend of the Broadwey & Upwey Spring show… the first spring show that Charlie has ever entered. I think he was up and about at 4 or...
Spring song
The months are passing. I think that all the regular readers of the blog have grown a little accustomed to the fact that I don’t, or can’t, write quite as...
22 commentsSpring song
The months are passing. I think that all the regular readers of the blog have grown a little accustomed to the fact that I don’t, or can’t, write quite as...
In the midst of darkness – there is always light
Yet again, time and events run away from me and weeks pass before I write another blog! Happy New Year! But the funny thing is that nothing gives me more...
24 commentsIn the midst of darkness – there is always light
Yet again, time and events run away from me and weeks pass before I write another blog! Happy New Year! But the funny thing is that nothing gives me more...
Two weeks ago we were in Cheltenham, for the happiest wedding, one of Charlie’s old friends getting married to her wonderful man. So much laughter along the way and a...
15 commentsContrasts….
Two weeks ago we were in Cheltenham, for the happiest wedding, one of Charlie’s old friends getting married to her wonderful man. So much laughter along the way and a...
Autumn in Scotland
I’ve been on a northern progress – many sights and beautiful things. I drove up to Northumberland on Sunday – to a dreamy, romantic place, where we are being asked...
14 commentsAutumn in Scotland
I’ve been on a northern progress – many sights and beautiful things. I drove up to Northumberland on Sunday – to a dreamy, romantic place, where we are being asked...
Softly and gently…
And so, softly, gently, summer slips into autumn. What an autumn it has been this year. I suppose it is amazing how just when the world feels stranger than ever,...
19 commentsSoftly and gently…
And so, softly, gently, summer slips into autumn. What an autumn it has been this year. I suppose it is amazing how just when the world feels stranger than ever,...
Twenty four hours, twenty years ago.
For four of the five years that I lived in beautiful New York, this was the view north from my little railroad apartment, a 5th floor walk up, one tiny...
42 commentsTwenty four hours, twenty years ago.
For four of the five years that I lived in beautiful New York, this was the view north from my little railroad apartment, a 5th floor walk up, one tiny...
Out of the blue….
Welcome back to life – that end of August feeling, September turning, the new school year starting, new notebooks… have you been doing this weekend what is my favourite thing...
27 commentsOut of the blue….
Welcome back to life – that end of August feeling, September turning, the new school year starting, new notebooks… have you been doing this weekend what is my favourite thing...
June passing….
I can’t quite believe the whole of June has flown by like this? Can you? And I am sorry that yet again it feels that the blog, which I used...
24 commentsJune passing….
I can’t quite believe the whole of June has flown by like this? Can you? And I am sorry that yet again it feels that the blog, which I used...
The Saturated Palette of Spring
It’s seeming as though it has never stopped raining this May, although I manage to only take my camera out for the brief 3 seconds a day when the sun...
11 commentsThe Saturated Palette of Spring
It’s seeming as though it has never stopped raining this May, although I manage to only take my camera out for the brief 3 seconds a day when the sun...
Happy Days really are here again….
“I thought you already owned a Morris Minor?” said a text from my friend Val (from New York) on Monday. “Or am I going mad?”. That was what alerted me...
19 commentsHappy Days really are here again….
“I thought you already owned a Morris Minor?” said a text from my friend Val (from New York) on Monday. “Or am I going mad?”. That was what alerted me...
Happy days are here again
'I thought you said you wanted a leaf green Porsche?' said my brother Tim. 'I thought you wanted a Porsche' emailed my friend Paul when I told him. Yup—in a...
41 commentsHappy days are here again
'I thought you said you wanted a leaf green Porsche?' said my brother Tim. 'I thought you wanted a Porsche' emailed my friend Paul when I told him. Yup—in a...
An Easter of hope
It has been a beautiful weekend - I hope you have had a very restful, happy Easter. Spring has arrived in Dorset. The air has been filled with birdsong each...
17 commentsAn Easter of hope
It has been a beautiful weekend - I hope you have had a very restful, happy Easter. Spring has arrived in Dorset. The air has been filled with birdsong each...
One year later….
I’ve been thinking a lot to this time exactly a year ago; I’ll be honest, to the sense of total fear that I had, as I’d arrived in Dorset, physically...
33 commentsOne year later….
I’ve been thinking a lot to this time exactly a year ago; I’ll be honest, to the sense of total fear that I had, as I’d arrived in Dorset, physically...
Spring turning
As if by magic, we’re on the eve of the 1st of March, St. David’s Day, and spring felt like it had sprung in the valley. I’ve actually been in...
16 commentsSpring turning
As if by magic, we’re on the eve of the 1st of March, St. David’s Day, and spring felt like it had sprung in the valley. I’ve actually been in...
Time drifts by….
“Missing Ben’s Blog” said a text from our lovely neighbour Christine, this weekend. And I promised that I’d finally write one! There’s been something about this wintery lockdown – partly...
43 commentsTime drifts by….
“Missing Ben’s Blog” said a text from our lovely neighbour Christine, this weekend. And I promised that I’d finally write one! There’s been something about this wintery lockdown – partly...
Out of the fog comes hope
Our walk this morning somehow felt appropriate. It was a beautiful morning, but a thick fog filled the valley. The air was still, silent, muffled. No one was about.
27 commentsOut of the fog comes hope
Our walk this morning somehow felt appropriate. It was a beautiful morning, but a thick fog filled the valley. The air was still, silent, muffled. No one was about.
24 Mondays to the longest day of the year!
As always at this time of year, those last few weeks of December hurtle by – even without any late nights and too much drinking as normal – and then...
31 comments24 Mondays to the longest day of the year!
As always at this time of year, those last few weeks of December hurtle by – even without any late nights and too much drinking as normal – and then...
The year is on the brink of turning….
Is it the second lockdown, or was it just that we had a weird technical glitch that prevented me from writing (or at least, from posting a blog) for weeks?...
42 commentsThe year is on the brink of turning….
Is it the second lockdown, or was it just that we had a weird technical glitch that prevented me from writing (or at least, from posting a blog) for weeks?...
Everything is going to be alright
I left London on Thursday… the most beautiful day, but it was hard to concentrate. The world was holding its breath. I arrived in Dorset, exhausted. Charlie was awake early...
25 commentsEverything is going to be alright
I left London on Thursday… the most beautiful day, but it was hard to concentrate. The world was holding its breath. I arrived in Dorset, exhausted. Charlie was awake early...
Out of the storm…
The rain lashed the valley on Saturday. A huge storm passed through. Any tree exposed to the wind has lost its leaves. We stayed in bed late and got up...
37 commentsOut of the storm…
The rain lashed the valley on Saturday. A huge storm passed through. Any tree exposed to the wind has lost its leaves. We stayed in bed late and got up...
Reflection time
We were staying with our friends Luke and Duncan this weekend, but were in Scotland the week before that. We popped up for the shortest time to put the cottage...
36 commentsReflection time
We were staying with our friends Luke and Duncan this weekend, but were in Scotland the week before that. We popped up for the shortest time to put the cottage...
Last weekend, we had our friends Beata and John staying. The rain lashed down all weekend…wet walks, wet trips to Bridport, wet trips to the beach.
21 commentsThanksgiving
Last weekend, we had our friends Beata and John staying. The rain lashed down all weekend…wet walks, wet trips to Bridport, wet trips to the beach.
The air is slipping into an autumn mood. Trees are turning; the light takes on that extraordinary glow that I love so much at this time of year. This is...
11 commentsAutumnal…
The air is slipping into an autumn mood. Trees are turning; the light takes on that extraordinary glow that I love so much at this time of year. This is...
Weekend in Scotland…
We’ve just come back from Scotland – but first, a few photos from Dorset last week. We’ve had the most beautiful days and evenings; Charlie’s dahlia border is reaching its...
13 commentsWeekend in Scotland…
We’ve just come back from Scotland – but first, a few photos from Dorset last week. We’ve had the most beautiful days and evenings; Charlie’s dahlia border is reaching its...
The Summer of 2020: Part II
And then – we were to be in Scotland for weeks. We woke that first day to find bright skies and a powerful breeze; blue skies over Jura… Mavis was...
37 commentsThe Summer of 2020: Part II
And then – we were to be in Scotland for weeks. We woke that first day to find bright skies and a powerful breeze; blue skies over Jura… Mavis was...
The Summer of 2020: Part 1
I am sorry it’s taken so long to write. It’s for all sorts of reasons. Partly, you’ll understand, that for all of us, hours merged into days, days into weeks...
37 commentsThe Summer of 2020: Part 1
I am sorry it’s taken so long to write. It’s for all sorts of reasons. Partly, you’ll understand, that for all of us, hours merged into days, days into weeks...
A second month in the country
How’s it possible that four weeks have drifted by since my last blog? Partly – work has been weirdly busy… from time to time, intensely so. Partly, Charlie and I...
A second month in the country
How’s it possible that four weeks have drifted by since my last blog? Partly – work has been weirdly busy… from time to time, intensely so. Partly, Charlie and I...
From the virtual world, back to the real one
I titled my last post: Life, suspended. As the days and weeks drift by curiously quickly, yet simultaneously slowly, I think we may all know what I mean. And now,...
From the virtual world, back to the real one
I titled my last post: Life, suspended. As the days and weeks drift by curiously quickly, yet simultaneously slowly, I think we may all know what I mean. And now,...
Life, suspended
A week of more walks, doing the vital daily round; of more long days, with early starts, working harder than I’d somehow imagined possible right now (which makes me feel...
Life, suspended
A week of more walks, doing the vital daily round; of more long days, with early starts, working harder than I’d somehow imagined possible right now (which makes me feel...
I think it’s going to be okay
We’ve had another week of beautiful mornings – although cold, with a biting east wind. But our daily round of getting up and taking the dogs out as the sun...
I think it’s going to be okay
We’ve had another week of beautiful mornings – although cold, with a biting east wind. But our daily round of getting up and taking the dogs out as the sun...
The chip at the end of a bar of soap
The title of this blog will make sense only if you ready to the very end. But I wonder, is your week more a tiny bit settled at the end than...
The chip at the end of a bar of soap
The title of this blog will make sense only if you ready to the very end. But I wonder, is your week more a tiny bit settled at the end than...
The View from Here
This evening, I’m sitting in the kitchen. The dogs are on the sofa, Charlie’s cooking, it feels like any normal evening in Dorset. This was the view on our walk...
The View from Here
This evening, I’m sitting in the kitchen. The dogs are on the sofa, Charlie’s cooking, it feels like any normal evening in Dorset. This was the view on our walk...
Making a difference when it matters
This is the 442nd blog. That’s a long, long time of writing blogs. I’ve just counted up, and in so doing, I’ve spanned 11 years of writing, of memories, thoughts...
Making a difference when it matters
This is the 442nd blog. That’s a long, long time of writing blogs. I’ve just counted up, and in so doing, I’ve spanned 11 years of writing, of memories, thoughts...
How can architecture help make places beautiful...
On Friday, possibly, I guess, the last such gathering for a little while, I spoke at a conference in Cerne Abbas organised by that brilliant organisation, the CPRE, the Countryside Charity,...
2 commentsHow can architecture help make places beautiful...
On Friday, possibly, I guess, the last such gathering for a little while, I spoke at a conference in Cerne Abbas organised by that brilliant organisation, the CPRE, the Countryside Charity,...
Going nowhere
As the world, literally, loses its head, I’ve somehow been finding mine. I’ve gone nowhere and done nothing. The routine has been simple. An early morning walk to the cricket...
Going nowhere
As the world, literally, loses its head, I’ve somehow been finding mine. I’ve gone nowhere and done nothing. The routine has been simple. An early morning walk to the cricket...
Three weeks in the country…
Actually, that’s what’s about to happen. Charlie has gone to New Zealand, last week, to visit his family – and for various reasons this time I’ve stayed behind. I decided...
Three weeks in the country…
Actually, that’s what’s about to happen. Charlie has gone to New Zealand, last week, to visit his family – and for various reasons this time I’ve stayed behind. I decided...
Norfolk spectacles and Dorset storms
W E E K O N E It was a brilliant bright day as Charlie, Ruth (aka the Bible of British Taste – by the way, have you checked...
Norfolk spectacles and Dorset storms
W E E K O N E It was a brilliant bright day as Charlie, Ruth (aka the Bible of British Taste – by the way, have you checked...
Quiet times in Scotland
We’ve had the quietest weekend in Scotland and it’s been so good. Charlie and the dogs left from Dorset on Wednesday, and I got up on Friday morning after a...
Quiet times in Scotland
We’ve had the quietest weekend in Scotland and it’s been so good. Charlie and the dogs left from Dorset on Wednesday, and I got up on Friday morning after a...
American classic
We’ve been on a whirlwind visit to America… we arrived in Washington on Wednesday evening, late. On Thursday morning, very bright and early, on a crisp, clear, wintry day, we...
1 commentAmerican classic
We’ve been on a whirlwind visit to America… we arrived in Washington on Wednesday evening, late. On Thursday morning, very bright and early, on a crisp, clear, wintry day, we...
The turn of the year
Are you reading this at the beginning of the first day back to work? I’ve called this blog the turn of the year, but of course, it’s the turn of...
1 commentThe turn of the year
Are you reading this at the beginning of the first day back to work? I’ve called this blog the turn of the year, but of course, it’s the turn of...
The shop is sparkling now… looking so beautiful, dressed for Christmas. Thanks to all those who came for the Lambs Conduit Street Christmas Party on Thursday last week…. And for...
The shop is sparkling now… looking so beautiful, dressed for Christmas. Thanks to all those who came for the Lambs Conduit Street Christmas Party on Thursday last week…. And for...
Peace on earth
After lengthy trips to Dorset and Cornwall last week, I took the train back up to London on Thursday afternoon and caught the sleeper train from Euston in good time....
1 commentPeace on earth
After lengthy trips to Dorset and Cornwall last week, I took the train back up to London on Thursday afternoon and caught the sleeper train from Euston in good time....
Week of contrasts
It’s been a week of contrasts. I can’t really make the connections between the dots, except by a narrative of very separate events and moments. I. On Wednesday,...
Week of contrasts
It’s been a week of contrasts. I can’t really make the connections between the dots, except by a narrative of very separate events and moments. I. On Wednesday,...
For the long term
A couple of weeks ago, I gave a speech to a packed audience of American architects and interior decorators who were over in London for the Design Leadership Network Summit...
For the long term
A couple of weeks ago, I gave a speech to a packed audience of American architects and interior decorators who were over in London for the Design Leadership Network Summit...
New rhythms to life
For all sorts of reasons, I find I haven’t written a blog for weeks. The month of October slipped into November quietly… and Charlie and I have found ourselves in...
New rhythms to life
For all sorts of reasons, I find I haven’t written a blog for weeks. The month of October slipped into November quietly… and Charlie and I have found ourselves in...
Rest amidst the storm
I started the week with a lost voice. Talking too much? A sore throat? Probably, all of the above, and then just spending too much time whizzing here and there...
Rest amidst the storm
I started the week with a lost voice. Talking too much? A sore throat? Probably, all of the above, and then just spending too much time whizzing here and there...
It’s been a good week, and a productive one, but it felt like quite long at times too. I got back from Scotland on Sunday night. A very busy few...
It’s been a good week, and a productive one, but it felt like quite long at times too. I got back from Scotland on Sunday night. A very busy few...
En route….
This was meant to be a blog about moving into Scotland. But I’m 100 photos in and we just arrived at the bothy. So, that will be another blog, because...
1 commentEn route….
This was meant to be a blog about moving into Scotland. But I’m 100 photos in and we just arrived at the bothy. So, that will be another blog, because...
Two favourite places
P A R T 1 : N E W Y O R K Somehow, there aren’t many more views in the world as thrilling as this…. the towers...
Two favourite places
P A R T 1 : N E W Y O R K Somehow, there aren’t many more views in the world as thrilling as this…. the towers...
High Summer weeks
It seems weeks ago that I got down to Dorset at the end of one of the longest and craziest weeks in the office in a fair while – three...
High Summer weeks
It seems weeks ago that I got down to Dorset at the end of one of the longest and craziest weeks in the office in a fair while – three...
Progress at Tornagrain
This will be a blog of many pictures and few words, designed to give everyone who’s not able to get themselves to Inverness a good look at the emerging town...
Progress at Tornagrain
This will be a blog of many pictures and few words, designed to give everyone who’s not able to get themselves to Inverness a good look at the emerging town...
The mid Argyll Show
Charlie and I have been up at the bothy for a progress meeting with the builder. Things have moved along amazingly in the last three or four weeks since we...
The mid Argyll Show
Charlie and I have been up at the bothy for a progress meeting with the builder. Things have moved along amazingly in the last three or four weeks since we...
Holiday reading
Yet again, a month has gone by. My autumn resolution is to get writing weekly or fortnightly – there is something about the rhythm of the blog that needs the...
Holiday reading
Yet again, a month has gone by. My autumn resolution is to get writing weekly or fortnightly – there is something about the rhythm of the blog that needs the...
The consolations of nature
This was meant to be a blog about a beautiful weekend Charlie and I had had in Scotland – and the week before that, in Suffolk. We’d arrived in Scotland...
The consolations of nature
This was meant to be a blog about a beautiful weekend Charlie and I had had in Scotland – and the week before that, in Suffolk. We’d arrived in Scotland...
Small moments of peace…
In my memory, maybe it’s right, maybe not, this time last year we were having a bit of a heatwave. Not this June. I left London this morning in a...
1 commentSmall moments of peace…
In my memory, maybe it’s right, maybe not, this time last year we were having a bit of a heatwave. Not this June. I left London this morning in a...
Family Gathering, Cornwall calling
We’ve been down in Dorset all week, since the bank holiday. I’ve had work in Poundbury. The evenings have been dreamy… Strange to think that last autumn, Charlie dug up...
Family Gathering, Cornwall calling
We’ve been down in Dorset all week, since the bank holiday. I’ve had work in Poundbury. The evenings have been dreamy… Strange to think that last autumn, Charlie dug up...
Time flies when you are having fun….
At the end of every weekend for the last month I’ve been saying “oh golly I’ve got to write a blog”. And at the end of every weekend either something...
Time flies when you are having fun….
At the end of every weekend for the last month I’ve been saying “oh golly I’ve got to write a blog”. And at the end of every weekend either something...
Spring break
It’s been that magical moment since I last posted…. when spring breaks. The Easter weekend was beautifully hot and still in Dorset, but nonetheless the leaves on the trees were...
Spring break
It’s been that magical moment since I last posted…. when spring breaks. The Easter weekend was beautifully hot and still in Dorset, but nonetheless the leaves on the trees were...
West Country to East Coast
We were in Dorset during the week…. always a pleasure. It was Dad’s birthday supper on Tuesday; I visited local job sites on Wednesday, including a meeting for the church...
West Country to East Coast
We were in Dorset during the week…. always a pleasure. It was Dad’s birthday supper on Tuesday; I visited local job sites on Wednesday, including a meeting for the church...
Going away and not doing too much at all
Thank you for the kind, thoughtful, beautiful comments on the last post; there’s no doubt whatsoever that the thoughts and prayers of friends – and of those who read the...
Going away and not doing too much at all
Thank you for the kind, thoughtful, beautiful comments on the last post; there’s no doubt whatsoever that the thoughts and prayers of friends – and of those who read the...
It’s been six or seven weeks since I’ve written. Those that follow me over on instagram will already know that Mum died suddenly, of a heart attack, on the evening...
1 commentLife
It’s been six or seven weeks since I’ve written. Those that follow me over on instagram will already know that Mum died suddenly, of a heart attack, on the evening...
Quiet Times
We got back from America and have had the quietest time… Recovery and catching up. But… we also collected Enid. Oh golly. For those wondering, she’s not a relation of...
Quiet Times
We got back from America and have had the quietest time… Recovery and catching up. But… we also collected Enid. Oh golly. For those wondering, she’s not a relation of...
One week in the Deep South
We’re back! We had a fantastic time… thank you to every single blog reader that we met who made us so welcome. Charlie and I are having the quietest weekend,...
One week in the Deep South
We’re back! We had a fantastic time… thank you to every single blog reader that we met who made us so welcome. Charlie and I are having the quietest weekend,...
The promise of January
I’m writing on what has officially been labelled, by people who label things, as the most depressing day of the year. In fact it was a beautiful day in London,...
The promise of January
I’m writing on what has officially been labelled, by people who label things, as the most depressing day of the year. In fact it was a beautiful day in London,...
The promise of January
I’m writing on what has officially been labelled, by people who label things, as the most depressing day of the year. In fact it was a beautiful day in London,...
The promise of January
I’m writing on what has officially been labelled, by people who label things, as the most depressing day of the year. In fact it was a beautiful day in London,...
Time Flies, Year Turning…
I am sorry – that’s all I can say. I can’t believe quite how much time has passed since I actually last wrote… time has been flying; since I got...
Time Flies, Year Turning…
I am sorry – that’s all I can say. I can’t believe quite how much time has passed since I actually last wrote… time has been flying; since I got...
Now we are ten!
Hello from New Zealand. I can’t say it is the warmest summer I’ve known here, but can you imagine how wonderful it is to be transported into long days and...
Now we are ten!
Hello from New Zealand. I can’t say it is the warmest summer I’ve known here, but can you imagine how wonderful it is to be transported into long days and...
A time to remember
It’s been a sensational two weeks, although I’ll confess I got back from Scotland and down to a project in Cornwall and promptly got the cold that’s been doing the...
A time to remember
It’s been a sensational two weeks, although I’ll confess I got back from Scotland and down to a project in Cornwall and promptly got the cold that’s been doing the...
Old and New Memories
The autumn colours have been extraordinary this year. A couple of weekends ago, we had our friend Amy staying – the day was bright but the wind was bitterly cold...
Old and New Memories
The autumn colours have been extraordinary this year. A couple of weekends ago, we had our friend Amy staying – the day was bright but the wind was bitterly cold...
West Country week…
I’ve been out of London for the last ten days. It’s a rather strange feeling waving good-bye (metaphorically) to the Thames and Somerset House on the bus on the way...
West Country week…
I’ve been out of London for the last ten days. It’s a rather strange feeling waving good-bye (metaphorically) to the Thames and Somerset House on the bus on the way...
One month later….
You blink, and a month has whizzed by! What happened? Well, I’m still alive, at least. What happened was, I got far too crazy to blog. Thank you for everyone...
One month later….
You blink, and a month has whizzed by! What happened? Well, I’m still alive, at least. What happened was, I got far too crazy to blog. Thank you for everyone...
Early Autumn in Dorset doing nothing very much ...
The garden has reached that peak early autumn moment – wild and ebullient, blowsy, waiting for the first frost. I arrived on Dorset on Friday evening, and we had a...
Early Autumn in Dorset doing nothing very much ...
The garden has reached that peak early autumn moment – wild and ebullient, blowsy, waiting for the first frost. I arrived on Dorset on Friday evening, and we had a...
Decoration position available
There’s no blog this week, but there is a job being advertised in the Interior Decoration office! We are looking for a bright and enthusiastic new assistant in the studio....
Decoration position available
There’s no blog this week, but there is a job being advertised in the Interior Decoration office! We are looking for a bright and enthusiastic new assistant in the studio....
It’s Showtime!
From Italy, back to the green of England. It’s been amazing how a couple of weeks of normal temperature and a bit of rain make everything completely green again. Last...
It’s Showtime!
From Italy, back to the green of England. It’s been amazing how a couple of weeks of normal temperature and a bit of rain make everything completely green again. Last...
Dreaming of Italy
I’ve only been back a week, but Italy already feels like a dream. Summer is shifting now; here for a week or two longer perhaps, but that moment of new...
Dreaming of Italy
I’ve only been back a week, but Italy already feels like a dream. Summer is shifting now; here for a week or two longer perhaps, but that moment of new...
Pootling about
PART I I followed Charlie back from Stockholm a day late, and had a beautiful day heading to Richmond Park for our friend Monica’s birthday. London steamed in sultry heat,...
Pootling about
PART I I followed Charlie back from Stockholm a day late, and had a beautiful day heading to Richmond Park for our friend Monica’s birthday. London steamed in sultry heat,...
Swedish Classical
I’m just back from a wonderful few days in Stockholm. Yesterday, I was giving a talk to the Engelsberg Summer School students – and that prompted the thought that Charlie...
Swedish Classical
I’m just back from a wonderful few days in Stockholm. Yesterday, I was giving a talk to the Engelsberg Summer School students – and that prompted the thought that Charlie...
In suspension
Wednesday evening was not good. Here is our friend Ruth Guilding (author of the incredible Bible of British Taste) and Charlie, at the Pineapple, Leverton Street, which was the perfect...
In suspension
Wednesday evening was not good. Here is our friend Ruth Guilding (author of the incredible Bible of British Taste) and Charlie, at the Pineapple, Leverton Street, which was the perfect...
The endless weeks of summer
I can’t quite remember anything like it, and I’m not talking about our mad politics. In the ten years since I’ve lived at the Parsonage, there have been some wonderful...
The endless weeks of summer
I can’t quite remember anything like it, and I’m not talking about our mad politics. In the ten years since I’ve lived at the Parsonage, there have been some wonderful...
Two weekends in High Summer
The heat has been amazing. The earth is dry. It feels as if we are hurtling into late summer already. Walking this morning felt like being in Italy in the...
Two weekends in High Summer
The heat has been amazing. The earth is dry. It feels as if we are hurtling into late summer already. Walking this morning felt like being in Italy in the...
In a New York State of Mind…
It’s a strange thing about time, isn’t it? Ask me what I was doing last Thursday week and frankly I’ve got no idea. Ask me what I was doing 19...
In a New York State of Mind…
It’s a strange thing about time, isn’t it? Ask me what I was doing last Thursday week and frankly I’ve got no idea. Ask me what I was doing 19...
Summer passing
The late spring and freezing winter is forgotten. Summer has burst upon the valley and, blinking in the early, early mornings, we realise that we are only a few weeks...
Summer passing
The late spring and freezing winter is forgotten. Summer has burst upon the valley and, blinking in the early, early mornings, we realise that we are only a few weeks...
Wedding Weekend
It seemed as if England basked in sunshine and happiness. I got down to Dorset on Friday evening to find the Parsonage glowing. Suddenly summer is upon us.
2 commentsWedding Weekend
It seemed as if England basked in sunshine and happiness. I got down to Dorset on Friday evening to find the Parsonage glowing. Suddenly summer is upon us.
Monumental landscapes
We have had our friends Spencer and Austin staying over from New York. Always an opportunity for a monumental tour – which started with a visit to Chettle House, our...
Monumental landscapes
We have had our friends Spencer and Austin staying over from New York. Always an opportunity for a monumental tour – which started with a visit to Chettle House, our...
Spring into Summer
I remember one of the things I found strangest of all living in New York was the absence of a proper spring. Well into April, ice cold winds could blow...
Spring into Summer
I remember one of the things I found strangest of all living in New York was the absence of a proper spring. Well into April, ice cold winds could blow...
Where have the weeks flown?
One minute, it was winter. The next minute, it was high summer. And I’m writing this evening, at the Parsonage, next to a fire, with cold grey clouds scudding across...
Where have the weeks flown?
One minute, it was winter. The next minute, it was high summer. And I’m writing this evening, at the Parsonage, next to a fire, with cold grey clouds scudding across...
No – not the time of year – but our amazing response, in the village, to the appeal that I made at the end of the blog last week. Everyone...
No – not the time of year – but our amazing response, in the village, to the appeal that I made at the end of the blog last week. Everyone...
Glimmers of hope
Regular readers of the blog will again be aware that a post hasn’t popped into their email address boxes for a week or two. I am sorry…. it’s been a...
Glimmers of hope
Regular readers of the blog will again be aware that a post hasn’t popped into their email address boxes for a week or two. I am sorry…. it’s been a...
Snow expected & snow unexpected
Charlie and I went skiing last week for a few days, to France. It was the first time I’d been in years, and it’s always reassuring to realise I’m not...
Snow expected & snow unexpected
Charlie and I went skiing last week for a few days, to France. It was the first time I’d been in years, and it’s always reassuring to realise I’m not...
The snow was wonderful. I love the sense of disruption: a bit like the flu, when you have to cancel carefully laid plans left right and centre; but this time,...
The snow was wonderful. I love the sense of disruption: a bit like the flu, when you have to cancel carefully laid plans left right and centre; but this time,...
Hello Sibyl…
Oh golly, this has been one of those incredibly happy weekends that come once in a blue moon. You know what I mean? Sibyl our new corgi was arriving. Charlie...
Hello Sibyl…
Oh golly, this has been one of those incredibly happy weekends that come once in a blue moon. You know what I mean? Sibyl our new corgi was arriving. Charlie...
Small moments
If you are driving along the lanes not too far from us, just to the west of the village of Long Bredy, you will see a beautiful display of snowdrops...
Small moments
If you are driving along the lanes not too far from us, just to the west of the village of Long Bredy, you will see a beautiful display of snowdrops...
Staying put
I suppose when you’ve been a very long way, the best thing of all is not to go very far at all. I’ve had a fortnight to get used to being...
Staying put
I suppose when you’ve been a very long way, the best thing of all is not to go very far at all. I’ve had a fortnight to get used to being...
The wide open spaces of Summer
So January has nearly disappeared and we didn’t even blink! What happened? I’m afraid it’s taken me a week to get back to the blog – as I’m sure you’ll...
The wide open spaces of Summer
So January has nearly disappeared and we didn’t even blink! What happened? I’m afraid it’s taken me a week to get back to the blog – as I’m sure you’ll...
I hope you’ve had a really peaceful Christmas and New Year. Charlie and I headed down to Dorset on the Thursday before Christmas, leaving behind a deserted London. The countryside...
I hope you’ve had a really peaceful Christmas and New Year. Charlie and I headed down to Dorset on the Thursday before Christmas, leaving behind a deserted London. The countryside...
Scotland calling
Charlie and I are just back from a beautiful few days in Scotland. While the rest of the country was blanketed in snow, we had freezing, clear, sparkling days. We...
Scotland calling
Charlie and I are just back from a beautiful few days in Scotland. While the rest of the country was blanketed in snow, we had freezing, clear, sparkling days. We...
Into Winter
Nothing’s really been happening – which is nice: a moment of peace before we tip headlong into Christmas. I got sick momentarily, cancelled meetings and went to bed for a day...
Into Winter
Nothing’s really been happening – which is nice: a moment of peace before we tip headlong into Christmas. I got sick momentarily, cancelled meetings and went to bed for a day...
The Yeovil and District Chrysanthemum and Dahli...
If you’d spotted Charlie and me at a little after two o’ clock on Saturday afternoon, you might have been a bit surprised. This is where we were, in Yeovil....
The Yeovil and District Chrysanthemum and Dahli...
If you’d spotted Charlie and me at a little after two o’ clock on Saturday afternoon, you might have been a bit surprised. This is where we were, in Yeovil....
Autumn in Venice
We arrived in Venice to sparkling blue skies and sunshine. The moment when you first catch sight of the spires of Venice across the lagoon is always breathtaking.
Autumn in Venice
We arrived in Venice to sparkling blue skies and sunshine. The moment when you first catch sight of the spires of Venice across the lagoon is always breathtaking.
Temples of delight
Yet again you will be wondering where the blog has gone. If you are, by any chance, a new and budding ‘blogger’, you will know that the first rule of...
Temples of delight
Yet again you will be wondering where the blog has gone. If you are, by any chance, a new and budding ‘blogger’, you will know that the first rule of...
Out of Season
We’ve been trying to find a weekend to visit our friend Ruth Guilding down in Cornwall for months. Regular blog readers will recall Ruth not only as author of the brilliant...
Out of Season
We’ve been trying to find a weekend to visit our friend Ruth Guilding down in Cornwall for months. Regular blog readers will recall Ruth not only as author of the brilliant...
Harvest song
It’s been a village weekend. Autumn is settling over the valley. On Friday, Charlie was teaching a flower course at the Parsonage, with our friends Bridget and Henrietta, of the...
Harvest song
It’s been a village weekend. Autumn is settling over the valley. On Friday, Charlie was teaching a flower course at the Parsonage, with our friends Bridget and Henrietta, of the...
One month
It’s been the craziest month. You might have been wondering where I’d gone. Was I ever going to blog again? The truth is we’ve had a wonderful but manic month,...
One month
It’s been the craziest month. You might have been wondering where I’d gone. Was I ever going to blog again? The truth is we’ve had a wonderful but manic month,...
You cannot get too much of a good thing
I’m on the train back up to London – a dark evening, pouring rain – never good on a Sunday night at the best of times – and the weekend...
You cannot get too much of a good thing
I’m on the train back up to London – a dark evening, pouring rain – never good on a Sunday night at the best of times – and the weekend...
Morning and Evening; Summer’s end.
The main event was the Melplash show, and don’t miss reading about that here. But it’s been the most amazing long weekend in Dorset – well, everywhere, I think –...
Morning and Evening; Summer’s end.
The main event was the Melplash show, and don’t miss reading about that here. But it’s been the most amazing long weekend in Dorset – well, everywhere, I think –...
Melplash Revisited
We arrived at the show after a quick pub lunch to be greeted by a wonderful clown on a hobby horse. It was going to be that kind of a...
Melplash Revisited
We arrived at the show after a quick pub lunch to be greeted by a wonderful clown on a hobby horse. It was going to be that kind of a...
Facendo nulla
(is Italian for ‘doing nothing’). I’m home from Italy. Back here, Charlie’s been manically getting ready for the Melplash show. As I write, he’s still over in the Horticultural Tent...
Facendo nulla
(is Italian for ‘doing nothing’). I’m home from Italy. Back here, Charlie’s been manically getting ready for the Melplash show. As I write, he’s still over in the Horticultural Tent...
Scottish sojourn
I’ve just come back from a few days in Scotland. Heaven. It’s about that time of year when Charlie starts getting itchy feet to travel north, like a homing pigeon...
Scottish sojourn
I’ve just come back from a few days in Scotland. Heaven. It’s about that time of year when Charlie starts getting itchy feet to travel north, like a homing pigeon...
Life cycles
In amongst the torrential rain, it was a lovely weekend at the end of a busy old week. On Friday, I popped over to see Mum & Dad, on the Isle...
Life cycles
In amongst the torrential rain, it was a lovely weekend at the end of a busy old week. On Friday, I popped over to see Mum & Dad, on the Isle...
Weeks of endless Summer
Where has the time gone? I’m afraid you must have been wondering if I was ever going to blog again, but at the same time, I also know that you...
Weeks of endless Summer
Where has the time gone? I’m afraid you must have been wondering if I was ever going to blog again, but at the same time, I also know that you...
The sharp eyed amongst you may have noticed that my first book, English Decoration, was dedicated ‘to Anthony Sykes, who understands more about English Decoration than anyone I know’.Later, we’ll see more of...
The sharp eyed amongst you may have noticed that my first book, English Decoration, was dedicated ‘to Anthony Sykes, who understands more about English Decoration than anyone I know’.Later, we’ll see more of...
The View from Here
Apologies for those who use this blog as a way to ease themselves into the week ahead on a Monday morning. Last week, for some reason, I couldn’t quite think...
The View from Here
Apologies for those who use this blog as a way to ease themselves into the week ahead on a Monday morning. Last week, for some reason, I couldn’t quite think...
Mexico is the….
Well, I couldn’t have said it better than this jacket in the bar of the restaurant we went to one night! Too right. We’re back! We had the best time...
Mexico is the….
Well, I couldn’t have said it better than this jacket in the bar of the restaurant we went to one night! Too right. We’re back! We had the best time...
Two weeks go by
I realise a couple of weeks have passed since I last wrote; it’s Monday evening, at the end of a quiet Bank Holiday, and I’m on the late train back...
Two weeks go by
I realise a couple of weeks have passed since I last wrote; it’s Monday evening, at the end of a quiet Bank Holiday, and I’m on the late train back...
By pastures green
One of the strange things about renting two houses is that you spend a lot of time travelling between the two. I suppose that my weeks, in the main, are in...
By pastures green
One of the strange things about renting two houses is that you spend a lot of time travelling between the two. I suppose that my weeks, in the main, are in...
Happy times, in two parts
P A R T O N E The blog was on a bank holiday last weekend. Did you notice? It’s not that I’d stopped keeping my eyes open, but...
Happy times, in two parts
P A R T O N E The blog was on a bank holiday last weekend. Did you notice? It’s not that I’d stopped keeping my eyes open, but...
Tangier, revisited
PART I – Tangier It’s been a mad old week. More than once this weekend, Charlie and I were pinching ourselves thinking “this time last week we were….” to which...
5 commentsTangier, revisited
PART I – Tangier It’s been a mad old week. More than once this weekend, Charlie and I were pinching ourselves thinking “this time last week we were….” to which...
Time standing still
It’s been a strange experience, this weekend, to have an almost intense summer heat before the leaves on the trees are beginning to unfurl. But the garden is exploding.
Time standing still
It’s been a strange experience, this weekend, to have an almost intense summer heat before the leaves on the trees are beginning to unfurl. But the garden is exploding.
Staying put
Spring is springing. We were sitting in the garden this evening, in warm sunshine, at half past six, thinking how strange it is that only a month ago it would...
Staying put
Spring is springing. We were sitting in the garden this evening, in warm sunshine, at half past six, thinking how strange it is that only a month ago it would...
Spring calling
It’s been a perfect weekend in Dorset. The end of a pretty hectic week – a weekend of peace and quiet had never been more welcome. On Friday evening I...
Spring calling
It’s been a perfect weekend in Dorset. The end of a pretty hectic week – a weekend of peace and quiet had never been more welcome. On Friday evening I...
M I D W E E K E X C U R S I O N Charlie and I have been at Chatsworth today. Neither of us had been, and believe...
M I D W E E K E X C U R S I O N Charlie and I have been at Chatsworth today. Neither of us had been, and believe...
From a vision, to the start of a reality
It’s Monday evening and I’ve just come back from two brief, glorious days in Scotland. Charlie stayed in Dorset with Henry and Mavis, to which end, time and again, I...
From a vision, to the start of a reality
It’s Monday evening and I’ve just come back from two brief, glorious days in Scotland. Charlie stayed in Dorset with Henry and Mavis, to which end, time and again, I...
In the high places of Dorset
If you want to write a blog on a Sunday evening, don’t bump into your friends Jasper and Oisin on the train home that afternoon to London from Yeovil Junction....
In the high places of Dorset
If you want to write a blog on a Sunday evening, don’t bump into your friends Jasper and Oisin on the train home that afternoon to London from Yeovil Junction....
Playing with Castles
We’ve been in Wales for the weekend, on the edge of the Brecon Beacons, in a little dreamworld. With our friends Brandon and Will (and their dog Lewis) we’d rented the...
Playing with Castles
We’ve been in Wales for the weekend, on the edge of the Brecon Beacons, in a little dreamworld. With our friends Brandon and Will (and their dog Lewis) we’d rented the...
The Echo Chamber
It’s a stormy, windy night in Dorset. A gale is tearing through the valley, and Charlie, Mavis, Henry and I are sitting by the fire hearing the rain dash against the...
The Echo Chamber
It’s a stormy, windy night in Dorset. A gale is tearing through the valley, and Charlie, Mavis, Henry and I are sitting by the fire hearing the rain dash against the...
Dream world
Apologies for not posting last weekend. I hope you didn’t miss it. I arrived in London early on Monday morning to find I’d left my camera in Dorset. So the...
Dream world
Apologies for not posting last weekend. I hope you didn’t miss it. I arrived in London early on Monday morning to find I’d left my camera in Dorset. So the...
Meandering by the river
We were in London for the weekend. On Friday night we had our office Christmas Party. It’s become a bit of a tradition at Ben P towers that Christmas Parties...
Meandering by the river
We were in London for the weekend. On Friday night we had our office Christmas Party. It’s become a bit of a tradition at Ben P towers that Christmas Parties...
Quiet days are the best right now
We’ve had the quietest weekend. Nothing happened at all. Bliss. Today, it’s rained all day – great swathes of rain washing over the valley, the skies dark and wintry. I’ve...
Quiet days are the best right now
We’ve had the quietest weekend. Nothing happened at all. Bliss. Today, it’s rained all day – great swathes of rain washing over the valley, the skies dark and wintry. I’ve...
Morning and Evening
A bonus blog this week. Today, Charlie and I were down in Dorset – heading to Devon for my great-uncle’s funeral, where it was a sad but wonderful day learning...
Morning and Evening
A bonus blog this week. Today, Charlie and I were down in Dorset – heading to Devon for my great-uncle’s funeral, where it was a sad but wonderful day learning...
This blog starts with a prelude to great things. We went to Bridport early on Saturday morning. The market was quiet but Charlie and I came away with a haul...
This blog starts with a prelude to great things. We went to Bridport early on Saturday morning. The market was quiet but Charlie and I came away with a haul...
This was the first ever photograph I took of Percy…. and so, so sadly – this is the last. Taken the day before New Year. On Monday, a week ago, very...
This was the first ever photograph I took of Percy…. and so, so sadly – this is the last. Taken the day before New Year. On Monday, a week ago, very...
Something Old, Something New
It’s not blue Monday yet; that’s next week. So we can still say, Happy New Year! But if you’re like me, the holidays seem a slightly distant memory. Suddenly, this...
Something Old, Something New
It’s not blue Monday yet; that’s next week. So we can still say, Happy New Year! But if you’re like me, the holidays seem a slightly distant memory. Suddenly, this...
Looking back, and forward
Yay! Charlie’s back, after a wonderful but so-quick-trip to NZ, and we’ve had the quietest week down in Dorset with Henry, Percy and Mavis. The day he arrived home, he was knocked...
Looking back, and forward
Yay! Charlie’s back, after a wonderful but so-quick-trip to NZ, and we’ve had the quietest week down in Dorset with Henry, Percy and Mavis. The day he arrived home, he was knocked...
Into the mist
This week has been about not very much at all. The time has flown by. It’s Monday morning in Dorset; Monday night in New Zealand, and I’ve just spoken to...
Into the mist
This week has been about not very much at all. The time has flown by. It’s Monday morning in Dorset; Monday night in New Zealand, and I’ve just spoken to...
Quiet times
Mavis and I don’t entirely know what to do with ourselves. Yesterday afternoon we drove Charlie to the airport and said a sad goodbye as he headed off to New...
Quiet times
Mavis and I don’t entirely know what to do with ourselves. Yesterday afternoon we drove Charlie to the airport and said a sad goodbye as he headed off to New...
In Preparation
I’m afraid this is going to be the shortest blog ever, partly because the week has whizzed by quicker than ever. Here’s a photo of the house this evening, a...
In Preparation
I’m afraid this is going to be the shortest blog ever, partly because the week has whizzed by quicker than ever. Here’s a photo of the house this evening, a...
The best things never change
We had Bridie, and our friend and neighbour Gabby Deeming (of House & Garden fame) staying for the weekend… and had the quietest time you could imagine. The kitchen sofa...
The best things never change
We had Bridie, and our friend and neighbour Gabby Deeming (of House & Garden fame) staying for the weekend… and had the quietest time you could imagine. The kitchen sofa...
In a New York State of Mind
Charlie and I are back from the most wonderful trip to New York – we arrived home on Wednesday night, but it already feels like a dream. I’m sure I’ll...
In a New York State of Mind
Charlie and I are back from the most wonderful trip to New York – we arrived home on Wednesday night, but it already feels like a dream. I’m sure I’ll...
Home and Away
I think I wrote in my last blog, about Lisbon, how a hidden purpose of travelling to new places is to realise how much you love the familiar. A couple...
Home and Away
I think I wrote in my last blog, about Lisbon, how a hidden purpose of travelling to new places is to realise how much you love the familiar. A couple...
A weekend on the tiles
LAST WEEKEND Last weekend Charlie and I went to Lisbon. It had been high on our lists for a while. We got in late on Friday afternoon and rolled into...
A weekend on the tiles
LAST WEEKEND Last weekend Charlie and I went to Lisbon. It had been high on our lists for a while. We got in late on Friday afternoon and rolled into...
Modern art on a hangover is not a good combination
We had our friends Brandon and Will staying. Friday night was quiz night in the village hall. No-one was very good at the answers but as usual we were good...
Modern art on a hangover is not a good combination
We had our friends Brandon and Will staying. Friday night was quiz night in the village hall. No-one was very good at the answers but as usual we were good...
Pictures not words
PART I Hanging on the wall of my office is a poster I bought a few years ago at the Museum of Modern Art in Stockholm, by Andy Warhol. I...
Pictures not words
PART I Hanging on the wall of my office is a poster I bought a few years ago at the Museum of Modern Art in Stockholm, by Andy Warhol. I...
The Melplash Show
I have that feeling that I am taking a step back in time, and yet only by a two or three weeks. How quickly summer slips in to Autumn, but...
The Melplash Show
I have that feeling that I am taking a step back in time, and yet only by a two or three weeks. How quickly summer slips in to Autumn, but...
The Great Fire Bonfire….
I was planning to blog about the Melplash show, and Charlie’s dahlias, this week – but that is going to have to wait a night or two. Tonight – an...
The Great Fire Bonfire….
I was planning to blog about the Melplash show, and Charlie’s dahlias, this week – but that is going to have to wait a night or two. Tonight – an...
A month in the country
I’m back in London for the first time tonight in a month. I realised, when I was chatting with Charlie this morning, at the end of our wonderful month in Dorset, that...
A month in the country
I’m back in London for the first time tonight in a month. I realised, when I was chatting with Charlie this morning, at the end of our wonderful month in Dorset, that...
Classical Landscapes
This, too, is a blog in parts, so that you can dip in and out when you wish. I F O R D Last week, Charlie and I were in...
Classical Landscapes
This, too, is a blog in parts, so that you can dip in and out when you wish. I F O R D Last week, Charlie and I were in...
The joy of the everyday
Last week was one of those weeks (as some of you will have noticed) where I entirely ran out of time to post a blog. Events had conspired. No matter....
The joy of the everyday
Last week was one of those weeks (as some of you will have noticed) where I entirely ran out of time to post a blog. Events had conspired. No matter....
High Summer
Time is flying at the moment…. but I suppose the way to calm it down is to stay still, in one place, for more than a minute. I got down...
High Summer
Time is flying at the moment…. but I suppose the way to calm it down is to stay still, in one place, for more than a minute. I got down...
Too nice to leave
It was a lovely weekend. I’m writing a day late – it was that nice. We had our friends Jamie and Richard staying, who are themselves old friends of one...
Too nice to leave
It was a lovely weekend. I’m writing a day late – it was that nice. We had our friends Jamie and Richard staying, who are themselves old friends of one...
A year ago today….
Charlie and I were throwing our wedding party down in Dorset. Rather than writing something new this morning, I’ve been enjoying just thinking about what really was one of the...
A year ago today….
Charlie and I were throwing our wedding party down in Dorset. Rather than writing something new this morning, I’ve been enjoying just thinking about what really was one of the...
Business as usual
In the interests of business as usual, here is a blog about nothing particular at all. I’m glad to say that some things don’t change in Dorset…. Charlie’s huge flower...
Business as usual
In the interests of business as usual, here is a blog about nothing particular at all. I’m glad to say that some things don’t change in Dorset…. Charlie’s huge flower...
Back home
I arrived in Dorset late-ish on Friday night, at the end of a very long week. There is nothing in the world more happy than being met by Charlie at...
Back home
I arrived in Dorset late-ish on Friday night, at the end of a very long week. There is nothing in the world more happy than being met by Charlie at...
West Coasting
We’ve just got back from a wonderful, happy few days North. We called in on the way up with our friend Issy in the Scottish Borders. Heaven. June feels like...
West Coasting
We’ve just got back from a wonderful, happy few days North. We called in on the way up with our friend Issy in the Scottish Borders. Heaven. June feels like...
Village Celebration, in Seven Acts
This is a story in seven acts. It was the village celebration for the Queen’s 90th Birthday this weekend. Okay, okay, a week earlier than everyone else in the Country,...
Village Celebration, in Seven Acts
This is a story in seven acts. It was the village celebration for the Queen’s 90th Birthday this weekend. Okay, okay, a week earlier than everyone else in the Country,...
High Summer, already
It’s been a rare bank holiday of beautiful weather from start to end. When did that last happen? Dorset has fallen headlong in to summer.
High Summer, already
It’s been a rare bank holiday of beautiful weather from start to end. When did that last happen? Dorset has fallen headlong in to summer.
Weekend in Rutland
We’ve been in Rutland for the weekend – for a wonderful wedding of our friends Connie and Tom. In a strange sense, Connie is familiar to every one of our...
Weekend in Rutland
We’ve been in Rutland for the weekend – for a wonderful wedding of our friends Connie and Tom. In a strange sense, Connie is familiar to every one of our...
Early summer days
The sun has shone on Dorset this weekend. I’m writing on a quiet Sunday evening after the most fantastic couple of days. We’ve had our friends Will and Brandon (and...
Early summer days
The sun has shone on Dorset this weekend. I’m writing on a quiet Sunday evening after the most fantastic couple of days. We’ve had our friends Will and Brandon (and...
Pottering about in West Dorset
After the washout of the Bank Holiday weekend in Cornwall…. enjoyable as it was…. it was nonetheless rather a rare and lovely feeling to be arriving in Dorset on Friday...
Pottering about in West Dorset
After the washout of the Bank Holiday weekend in Cornwall…. enjoyable as it was…. it was nonetheless rather a rare and lovely feeling to be arriving in Dorset on Friday...
Happy times in Cornwall
You might have been wondering where I went again….. but in this case it was just another manic week. I can’t tell you what a relief it was to get...
Happy times in Cornwall
You might have been wondering where I went again….. but in this case it was just another manic week. I can’t tell you what a relief it was to get...
Slow recovery
Some of you may have been wondering where I’d gone. The day before we were meant to go to Lisbon, I came down with a really horrible flu. I woke that...
Slow recovery
Some of you may have been wondering where I’d gone. The day before we were meant to go to Lisbon, I came down with a really horrible flu. I woke that...
Time flying
Where’s the blog gone, you’ll have been asking… and time has been rushing by. It’s been one of those moments where I have just had to get my head down...
Time flying
Where’s the blog gone, you’ll have been asking… and time has been rushing by. It’s been one of those moments where I have just had to get my head down...
Small details
I can’t tell you how many hours I seem to have spent being stuck in a traffic jam on the Marylebone Road. For those that don’t know London, this great...
Small details
I can’t tell you how many hours I seem to have spent being stuck in a traffic jam on the Marylebone Road. For those that don’t know London, this great...
Days lengthening
Sorry for no blog last week. The trouble is, life’s pretty busy from time to time, as I’m sure you know. So there will be the odd intermittent delay –...
Days lengthening
Sorry for no blog last week. The trouble is, life’s pretty busy from time to time, as I’m sure you know. So there will be the odd intermittent delay –...
Work in progress
Regular readers of the blog (and of a particularly lively comments page) will remember that a few weeks ago I caused minor consternation in benworld by announcing that the garden...
Work in progress
Regular readers of the blog (and of a particularly lively comments page) will remember that a few weeks ago I caused minor consternation in benworld by announcing that the garden...
The Art of Interior Decoration
I’ll be honest. If you asked me on most Sunday mornings, I never have a clue what I’m going to blog about that evening (well, in fact, it’s early Monday...
The Art of Interior Decoration
I’ll be honest. If you asked me on most Sunday mornings, I never have a clue what I’m going to blog about that evening (well, in fact, it’s early Monday...
Local museums
I don’t know what it is, but I’ve always preferred a small local museum to the big boys. Something about the charm of the displays; the often rare survivals of...
Local museums
I don’t know what it is, but I’ve always preferred a small local museum to the big boys. Something about the charm of the displays; the often rare survivals of...
London meandering
We had such a nice day, on a walk we must have done fifty times but where you always discover something new. I’d been completely laid out this week… not...
London meandering
We had such a nice day, on a walk we must have done fifty times but where you always discover something new. I’d been completely laid out this week… not...
Home time
When you’ve been away – there’s nothing nicer than getting home. And nothing nicer than being in Dorset on a crystal clear sunny morning, with a heavy frost in the...
Home time
When you’ve been away – there’s nothing nicer than getting home. And nothing nicer than being in Dorset on a crystal clear sunny morning, with a heavy frost in the...
Summertime, and the living was easy
So we got back safe and sound on Friday…. and it’s been a very quiet weekend. There’s no doubt it takes a little while for the brain to catch up...
Summertime, and the living was easy
So we got back safe and sound on Friday…. and it’s been a very quiet weekend. There’s no doubt it takes a little while for the brain to catch up...
L.A. story, in 36 hours
Happy New Year! Sorry for the strange timing but it’s been wonderful to keep my laptop shut, as I am sure you can imagine. Charlie and I are slowly floating...
L.A. story, in 36 hours
Happy New Year! Sorry for the strange timing but it’s been wonderful to keep my laptop shut, as I am sure you can imagine. Charlie and I are slowly floating...
Slow recovery
Well, we were never going to feel very well this morning – but it was BAD. Charlie and I went to the amazing, beautiful wedding of our friends Jasper and...
Slow recovery
Well, we were never going to feel very well this morning – but it was BAD. Charlie and I went to the amazing, beautiful wedding of our friends Jasper and...
Kentish Town with Ruth
Sorry for no blog last week. We still had no internet in Dorset. I can’t tell you what a joy that is. And we had no car, for various reasons,...
Kentish Town with Ruth
Sorry for no blog last week. We still had no internet in Dorset. I can’t tell you what a joy that is. And we had no car, for various reasons,...
First Frost
It’s a very short blog this week. And late. Apologies! Do you know why? Because our internet is down in Dorset. Complete bliss. I didn’t so much as up my...
First Frost
It’s a very short blog this week. And late. Apologies! Do you know why? Because our internet is down in Dorset. Complete bliss. I didn’t so much as up my...
A Tale of Three Cities
This blog was going to be called A Tale of Two Cities; London, and Amsterdam. On Friday night, Charlie and I were in Amsterdam on a tiny break, happily celebrating my...
A Tale of Three Cities
This blog was going to be called A Tale of Two Cities; London, and Amsterdam. On Friday night, Charlie and I were in Amsterdam on a tiny break, happily celebrating my...
Perfect weekend, London, in two parts
BLOG PART I PERFECT SATURDAY It was the last day of Charlie’s pop up shop…. But we were closing early. At 1.45 the dresser was being packed up…. But a last...
Perfect weekend, London, in two parts
BLOG PART I PERFECT SATURDAY It was the last day of Charlie’s pop up shop…. But we were closing early. At 1.45 the dresser was being packed up…. But a last...
Westward to the Malvern Hills
Charlie and I went to Ledbury for the weekend… to see our friend Phoebe Clive and, at the longest lastest, to visit (amongst other treats) her beautiful shop Tinsmiths. We...
Westward to the Malvern Hills
Charlie and I went to Ledbury for the weekend… to see our friend Phoebe Clive and, at the longest lastest, to visit (amongst other treats) her beautiful shop Tinsmiths. We...
Harvest song
The flower ladies were in the church on Saturday morning, decorating for the Harvest festival.
Harvest song
The flower ladies were in the church on Saturday morning, decorating for the Harvest festival.
Pictures not words
It was a beautiful morning in Dorset… pale sunshine, filtered mist. This blog (you’ll be glad to hear) is one of those which has not very much to say –...
Pictures not words
It was a beautiful morning in Dorset… pale sunshine, filtered mist. This blog (you’ll be glad to hear) is one of those which has not very much to say –...
Indian Summer days
First up, an apology. Where was the blog last weekend, I guess you are wondering? It was all written in my mind – but Bridie, at the last minute, got...
Indian Summer days
First up, an apology. Where was the blog last weekend, I guess you are wondering? It was all written in my mind – but Bridie, at the last minute, got...
Box of treasures
This is a short blog this week…. Partly, because yesterday I was writing an article for the FT, and there’s only so much writing you can do in a day;...
Box of treasures
This is a short blog this week…. Partly, because yesterday I was writing an article for the FT, and there’s only so much writing you can do in a day;...
Autumn Turning
This is a strange tale, but very funny… If you happened to read last week’s blog, I said I’d be posting some photos of the new shop. Last weekend, Bridie...
Autumn Turning
This is a strange tale, but very funny… If you happened to read last week’s blog, I said I’d be posting some photos of the new shop. Last weekend, Bridie...
Changes of climate
It’s a strange thing isn’t it… how one minute you’re there, the next minute you’re here. On Monday, Charlie and I were near Lucca, for Valentina’s birthday. The plan had...
Changes of climate
It’s a strange thing isn’t it… how one minute you’re there, the next minute you’re here. On Monday, Charlie and I were near Lucca, for Valentina’s birthday. The plan had...
Late Summer landscapes
I remember some friends of a friend coming back from a long holiday in Tuscany one August to announce that the time “had been characterised by rain and conversation”. Which sounded like...
Late Summer landscapes
I remember some friends of a friend coming back from a long holiday in Tuscany one August to announce that the time “had been characterised by rain and conversation”. Which sounded like...
Two Florentine Gardens
As you will know, the blog is on holiday. I hope you might be too… or at least, I wouldn’t try reading this all at once. It’s a blog in...
Two Florentine Gardens
As you will know, the blog is on holiday. I hope you might be too… or at least, I wouldn’t try reading this all at once. It’s a blog in...
Incidental details
We’d been out near Henley for lunch today. A beautiful day and a delicious time. And then, Charlie had to head down to Dorset to get permission from the garden...
Incidental details
We’d been out near Henley for lunch today. A beautiful day and a delicious time. And then, Charlie had to head down to Dorset to get permission from the garden...
High Summer in Oxfordshire
It’s been a perfect weekend in Oxfordshire, of high summer gardens and the blue moon. We were staying at Wardington, but on the way, leaving London lazily on Saturday morning...
High Summer in Oxfordshire
It’s been a perfect weekend in Oxfordshire, of high summer gardens and the blue moon. We were staying at Wardington, but on the way, leaving London lazily on Saturday morning...
The Church will be locked overnight…
There was a slightly ominous tone to the rules of the Long Bredy Flower Arranging Competition flyer that had been dropped through our letterbox a week or so ago. Especially…....
The Church will be locked overnight…
There was a slightly ominous tone to the rules of the Long Bredy Flower Arranging Competition flyer that had been dropped through our letterbox a week or so ago. Especially…....
Getting back to normal (a day or two late)
We had the quietest weekend down in Dorset… Once Friday night was out of the way – there was a huge party in the village, our neighbour Glen & Mandy’s summer bash...
Getting back to normal (a day or two late)
We had the quietest weekend down in Dorset… Once Friday night was out of the way – there was a huge party in the village, our neighbour Glen & Mandy’s summer bash...
The best ever blog?
Okay, I should probably never blog again after this. Don’t worry – I’m not being serious…. but you may remember, if you are a very keen reader, that I said...
1 commentThe best ever blog?
Okay, I should probably never blog again after this. Don’t worry – I’m not being serious…. but you may remember, if you are a very keen reader, that I said...
Summer Evening, West Dorset
I’ll admit to finding something deeply special at this time of year, just after midsummer, at the particular time of day as the sun is about to set and the land...
Summer Evening, West Dorset
I’ll admit to finding something deeply special at this time of year, just after midsummer, at the particular time of day as the sun is about to set and the land...
New friends
This is another blog a little bit about books. You will see why. But then again, can there be too many? I wrote last week about the wonderful world of...
New friends
This is another blog a little bit about books. You will see why. But then again, can there be too many? I wrote last week about the wonderful world of...
Lost and Found
It’s been an extraordinary weekend. So apologies for a long blog, but you will understand why. We had our friends Maggie and Stephen staying (or should I say, Maggie, and...
Lost and Found
It’s been an extraordinary weekend. So apologies for a long blog, but you will understand why. We had our friends Maggie and Stephen staying (or should I say, Maggie, and...
Sunset at Wardington
Charlie and I were staying in Oxfordshire this weekend – at Wardington, which I’ve written about before… the beautiful house owned by his friends the Elworthys and which has become...
Sunset at Wardington
Charlie and I were staying in Oxfordshire this weekend – at Wardington, which I’ve written about before… the beautiful house owned by his friends the Elworthys and which has become...
Evening time
This is a short blog. It’s all about pictures, not about words. It’s about the moment, on the turn from Spring to Summer, as we rush towards the summer solstice,...
Evening time
This is a short blog. It’s all about pictures, not about words. It’s about the moment, on the turn from Spring to Summer, as we rush towards the summer solstice,...
The Functional Tradition
It’s not often I write two posts in a week… but yesterday was an incredible day. We’re working on a wonderful project on the south coast where we are planning...
The Functional Tradition
It’s not often I write two posts in a week… but yesterday was an incredible day. We’re working on a wonderful project on the south coast where we are planning...
Meandering home
It was sort of a quiet weekend; sort of action packed. I’m sure you know what I mean. Friday started bright and early, with an amazing visit pre-gates opening to...
Meandering home
It was sort of a quiet weekend; sort of action packed. I’m sure you know what I mean. Friday started bright and early, with an amazing visit pre-gates opening to...
Fleeting moments…
I thought I’d put up a little mid-week post, before we forget it, of the beautiful window that Charlie has done for the shop this week. It’s Chelsea Flower Show...
Fleeting moments…
I thought I’d put up a little mid-week post, before we forget it, of the beautiful window that Charlie has done for the shop this week. It’s Chelsea Flower Show...
Tourists in our own town
It was a bright and sunny Saturday. We were in London, for no particular reason other than we wanted a change of scene. Charlie got up at dawn for Portobello; I...
Tourists in our own town
It was a bright and sunny Saturday. We were in London, for no particular reason other than we wanted a change of scene. Charlie got up at dawn for Portobello; I...
What’s waiting around the corner?
Hasn’t your week flown by? It’s something in the air of spring. No sooner had we blinked but it was Friday night, and a delicious, mad, funny dinner with our neighbours the...
What’s waiting around the corner?
Hasn’t your week flown by? It’s something in the air of spring. No sooner had we blinked but it was Friday night, and a delicious, mad, funny dinner with our neighbours the...
Weekend wanderings and unexpected pleasures
Rain and mist swept across Dorset this weekend, but it didn’t seem to matter. We needed something to remind us it was a bank holiday, after all. Charlie and I...
Weekend wanderings and unexpected pleasures
Rain and mist swept across Dorset this weekend, but it didn’t seem to matter. We needed something to remind us it was a bank holiday, after all. Charlie and I...
Tulip time… in London
I have a strange feeling, from time to time, judging from the comments pages, that some readers might have decided to lie in bed for a whole weekend, turn off...
Tulip time… in London
I have a strange feeling, from time to time, judging from the comments pages, that some readers might have decided to lie in bed for a whole weekend, turn off...
Spring Days on the Isle of Wight
Charlie and I went to visit Mum & Dad on the Isle of Wight this weekend, for two days of beautiful spring sunshine. The talk was of New Zealand travels...
Spring Days on the Isle of Wight
Charlie and I went to visit Mum & Dad on the Isle of Wight this weekend, for two days of beautiful spring sunshine. The talk was of New Zealand travels...
Pictures without words
We’re back! I hope you haven’t missed the blog too much. (I haven’t… heheh). What can you write about New Zealand? We saw so much, did so much, met so...
Pictures without words
We’re back! I hope you haven’t missed the blog too much. (I haven’t… heheh). What can you write about New Zealand? We saw so much, did so much, met so...
Relative values
I’m about to go a very long way and I’m getting so excited I can’t tell you. Charlie’s been home in New Zealand for a few weeks now. As I...
Relative values
I’m about to go a very long way and I’m getting so excited I can’t tell you. Charlie’s been home in New Zealand for a few weeks now. As I...
Staying still
I haven’t felt like moving very far this weekend. And I haven’t moved very far at all. I walked down for tea with my landlord yesterday, and across the road...
Staying still
I haven’t felt like moving very far this weekend. And I haven’t moved very far at all. I walked down for tea with my landlord yesterday, and across the road...
Come home soon
Charlie’s away. He’s in New Zealand (as some of you may have already guessed. Did you work out that Charlie wasn’t around last weekend?). He has two weddings of friends to...
Come home soon
Charlie’s away. He’s in New Zealand (as some of you may have already guessed. Did you work out that Charlie wasn’t around last weekend?). He has two weddings of friends to...
Fifteen minutes…
It was springtime at Columbia Road. (that’s a little photo from my instagram posts. If you are not familiar with Instagram, may I just tell you how addictive, and fun,...
Fifteen minutes…
It was springtime at Columbia Road. (that’s a little photo from my instagram posts. If you are not familiar with Instagram, may I just tell you how addictive, and fun,...
Snowdrop time
“…….Oh B, I’d really like to see some snowdrops this year” said Charlie, a couple of weekends ago. I had a quick think, and called my erstwhile builder Raymond Williams, who...
Snowdrop time
“…….Oh B, I’d really like to see some snowdrops this year” said Charlie, a couple of weekends ago. I had a quick think, and called my erstwhile builder Raymond Williams, who...
Winter turning
There’s always a false dawn around this time of year, but I can’t help but wonder if winter is turning. I’m noticing how much lighter it is in the mornings...
Winter turning
There’s always a false dawn around this time of year, but I can’t help but wonder if winter is turning. I’m noticing how much lighter it is in the mornings...
Meandering on the Somerset border
We had a fantastic weekend. There is not a lot to write, but a lot to look at. Bitterly cold winds swept across Dorset, but accompanied by bright sunshine –...
1 commentMeandering on the Somerset border
We had a fantastic weekend. There is not a lot to write, but a lot to look at. Bitterly cold winds swept across Dorset, but accompanied by bright sunshine –...
The kindness of strangers
One of the amazing things about writing a blog is the number of people, who were once strangers, who one gets to know from all over the world. Some I’ll...
The kindness of strangers
One of the amazing things about writing a blog is the number of people, who were once strangers, who one gets to know from all over the world. Some I’ll...
Are you a Roundy or a Squary?
….Phew… well that was the most commented-upon-blog-ever-by-a-very-long-way. THANK YOU. Amazing. I guess we’re all pretty amazed! A few months ago I mentioned that I wanted to write a blog about...
2 commentsAre you a Roundy or a Squary?
….Phew… well that was the most commented-upon-blog-ever-by-a-very-long-way. THANK YOU. Amazing. I guess we’re all pretty amazed! A few months ago I mentioned that I wanted to write a blog about...
Love letter to Charlie
Six months ago this week my life was turned upside-down. I had the amazing fortune to be introduced to the most wonderful person I’ll ever meet… the most wonderful person...
Love letter to Charlie
Six months ago this week my life was turned upside-down. I had the amazing fortune to be introduced to the most wonderful person I’ll ever meet… the most wonderful person...
New Year glow
This blog was going to be a bit of a rant. I’ve been staring at too many friends’ photos on Instagram showing beautiful Caribbean beaches, and it’s been getting me...
New Year glow
This blog was going to be a bit of a rant. I’ve been staring at too many friends’ photos on Instagram showing beautiful Caribbean beaches, and it’s been getting me...
London Special Double Billing…
I hope you’ve had the best Christmas ever. We were down with Mum and Dad on the Isle of Wight, and had a lovely time. But this time, the blog...
London Special Double Billing…
I hope you’ve had the best Christmas ever. We were down with Mum and Dad on the Isle of Wight, and had a lovely time. But this time, the blog...
Have the Happiest Christmas with love from all ...
Here is a little sneak preview of the next blog; a photograph of Peter Hone’s drawing room – which in its own fragile white way is about as Christmassy as...
Have the Happiest Christmas with love from all ...
Here is a little sneak preview of the next blog; a photograph of Peter Hone’s drawing room – which in its own fragile white way is about as Christmassy as...
A day late, a day early…
The blog is getting very erratic these days isn’t it? A day late, a day early. How does anyone know where they stand? But we’re down in Dorset, waiting for...
A day late, a day early…
The blog is getting very erratic these days isn’t it? A day late, a day early. How does anyone know where they stand? But we’re down in Dorset, waiting for...
Better late than never…
It’s a funny thing. I meant to post on Sunday night… having driven down from London to Dorset, arriving at the Parsonage after dark, after an unexpectedly wonderful weekend. But...
Better late than never…
It’s a funny thing. I meant to post on Sunday night… having driven down from London to Dorset, arriving at the Parsonage after dark, after an unexpectedly wonderful weekend. But...
I’d like you to recommend yourself
This is a bit of a trip down memory lane. If blogs had existed when I lived in New York, getting on for 12 to 15 years ago now, this...
I’d like you to recommend yourself
This is a bit of a trip down memory lane. If blogs had existed when I lived in New York, getting on for 12 to 15 years ago now, this...
Soft late November
From time to time you stop on the roller-coaster of day-to-day life and think to yourself: how can time be spinning so fast? I suppose, really, there are only 52...
Soft late November
From time to time you stop on the roller-coaster of day-to-day life and think to yourself: how can time be spinning so fast? I suppose, really, there are only 52...
Hudson days
I wonder if you’ve been wondering where I’ve been? Instagram followers were one stage ahead. Needless to say…. A couple of short lovely days in New York…. staying with Valentina,...
Hudson days
I wonder if you’ve been wondering where I’ve been? Instagram followers were one stage ahead. Needless to say…. A couple of short lovely days in New York…. staying with Valentina,...
Golden and silver Valley
The weekend got off to a shaky start for some. It was bonfire night in the village, where we watched a fantastic display under the stars… and then the real...
Golden and silver Valley
The weekend got off to a shaky start for some. It was bonfire night in the village, where we watched a fantastic display under the stars… and then the real...
Late Indian Summer
It’s been a hectic week. It was bliss to get to Dorset and to finish a long day of meetings on Thursday, and collect Charlie on the late afternoon train,...
Late Indian Summer
It’s been a hectic week. It was bliss to get to Dorset and to finish a long day of meetings on Thursday, and collect Charlie on the late afternoon train,...
RIP Ben’s Blog
I was terrified to read a comment posted by Jess last week that said “RIP Ben Pentreath’s Blog, thanks for the good times, you’ll be missed”. You realise what happens...
RIP Ben’s Blog
I was terrified to read a comment posted by Jess last week that said “RIP Ben Pentreath’s Blog, thanks for the good times, you’ll be missed”. You realise what happens...
The best things are the least expected
I’m afraid the blog has had a cold today and yesterday. I’ve been in bed all day. So, sorry for being late. Can I say, before kind offers of sympathy,...
The best things are the least expected
I’m afraid the blog has had a cold today and yesterday. I’ve been in bed all day. So, sorry for being late. Can I say, before kind offers of sympathy,...
The heartbeat of London is singing
We set off incredibly bright and early to Columbia Road this morning. We’d had a happy boozy night with Bridie and Andy and it felt a little too much of...
The heartbeat of London is singing
We set off incredibly bright and early to Columbia Road this morning. We’d had a happy boozy night with Bridie and Andy and it felt a little too much of...
Village thanksgiving
Can you believe this autumn, shifting softly from September to October without a whisper? I am not sure I can remember a more quietly beautiful time as this. I got...
Village thanksgiving
Can you believe this autumn, shifting softly from September to October without a whisper? I am not sure I can remember a more quietly beautiful time as this. I got...
Autumnal moments
On Friday night, Charlie and I drove back to Wardington… that magical garden in Oxfordshire that you first caught sight of on the blog a few months ago now, Glimpses...
Autumnal moments
On Friday night, Charlie and I drove back to Wardington… that magical garden in Oxfordshire that you first caught sight of on the blog a few months ago now, Glimpses...
Quiet days are made of this
A bunch of flowers for Monday morning. The dahlias are in their final flourish… I suspect that in a couple of weeks they will be almost over. So it was...
Quiet days are made of this
A bunch of flowers for Monday morning. The dahlias are in their final flourish… I suspect that in a couple of weeks they will be almost over. So it was...
Paris mornings
It’s that Paris time of year. It’s always a little crazy, just when you’ve got home from your holidays, to find yourself jumping on a train again, and this year...
Paris mornings
It’s that Paris time of year. It’s always a little crazy, just when you’ve got home from your holidays, to find yourself jumping on a train again, and this year...
dream world changing
We’ve been back for 2 days and I’m in a dreamlike place. Do you ever have that feeling that however fast an aeroplane can travel, your mind only moves as...
dream world changing
We’ve been back for 2 days and I’m in a dreamlike place. Do you ever have that feeling that however fast an aeroplane can travel, your mind only moves as...
Island revisited
One of the annoying things about a meeting out of London at 9.30 on a Monday morning is that the blog is unlikely to happen, as normal, on a Sunday...
Island revisited
One of the annoying things about a meeting out of London at 9.30 on a Monday morning is that the blog is unlikely to happen, as normal, on a Sunday...
Lie of the land
It’s been a beautiful weekend in Dorset, but I’ve been a touch reclusive as well. Those who fell victim of my hermit-like nature know who they are, and they know...
Lie of the land
It’s been a beautiful weekend in Dorset, but I’ve been a touch reclusive as well. Those who fell victim of my hermit-like nature know who they are, and they know...
Summer cure
Well, thank you… for a lot of amazing comments at the end of the last blog. Life’s a lot more cheerful this Sunday than last, I’m glad to report. What...
Summer cure
Well, thank you… for a lot of amazing comments at the end of the last blog. Life’s a lot more cheerful this Sunday than last, I’m glad to report. What...
Glimpses of things
It’s a strange thing, isn’t it, how you sometimes don’t understand the whole picture but merely see, very clearly, glimpses of things. Do you know what I mean? And if you...
Glimpses of things
It’s a strange thing, isn’t it, how you sometimes don’t understand the whole picture but merely see, very clearly, glimpses of things. Do you know what I mean? And if you...
Seaside jaunt
I’m always highly conscious when it’s 9am on a Monday morning and I haven’t yet posted a blog. The fact is I’m a whole 24 hours off, this weekend. Yesterday...
Seaside jaunt
I’m always highly conscious when it’s 9am on a Monday morning and I haven’t yet posted a blog. The fact is I’m a whole 24 hours off, this weekend. Yesterday...
Who flicked the crazy switch?
It’s taken me a whole weekend to recover… and that includes a whole afternoon lying in bed watching the tennis final… do you know what I mean? What am I...
Who flicked the crazy switch?
It’s taken me a whole weekend to recover… and that includes a whole afternoon lying in bed watching the tennis final… do you know what I mean? What am I...
Sienese dream
I arrived home last night after 2 nights in Italy with Valentina and my friend Catherine. It was one of the happiest holidays I think I’ve ever had, and it...
Sienese dream
I arrived home last night after 2 nights in Italy with Valentina and my friend Catherine. It was one of the happiest holidays I think I’ve ever had, and it...
Days out are made of this
It was a fun Friday in the office this week. Very, very sadly for us, it was time to say goodbye to Ruth, who’s been with us for a few...
Days out are made of this
It was a fun Friday in the office this week. Very, very sadly for us, it was time to say goodbye to Ruth, who’s been with us for a few...
I’ll admit, I woke up this morning feeling rather healthier than last Sunday. That’s the difference between having the decoration office, and Mum & Dad, to stay at the Parsonage...
I’ll admit, I woke up this morning feeling rather healthier than last Sunday. That’s the difference between having the decoration office, and Mum & Dad, to stay at the Parsonage...
All work and no play…
…Is no way to run a life. We all know it, but it’s hard to remember sometimes. I think it’s true that just now life feels busier than it has in...
All work and no play…
…Is no way to run a life. We all know it, but it’s hard to remember sometimes. I think it’s true that just now life feels busier than it has in...
The nicest thing about the blog
… Is the rare experiences that it brings from time to time. This was an email that I received not too long after writing the other day about that great...
The nicest thing about the blog
… Is the rare experiences that it brings from time to time. This was an email that I received not too long after writing the other day about that great...
There’s a lot I’d like to show you
…this week, but I can’t. Lots has been going on, but my camera has been unusually quiet. I went to stay with Jasper Conran at dreamy Wardour Castle. “Of course...
There’s a lot I’d like to show you
…this week, but I can’t. Lots has been going on, but my camera has been unusually quiet. I went to stay with Jasper Conran at dreamy Wardour Castle. “Of course...
Ten out of Tenn
Mmmmmm. Stockholm. Civilisation. I’m back in London and the whole thing feels a bit like a dream. We had a wonderful time. It rained and rained, and everyone kept apologising,...
Ten out of Tenn
Mmmmmm. Stockholm. Civilisation. I’m back in London and the whole thing feels a bit like a dream. We had a wonderful time. It rained and rained, and everyone kept apologising,...
On the cusp
There’s a moment, around now, when I suddenly realised that spring is on the brink of summer. I’m never quite ready in my mind. Are we nearly half way through...
On the cusp
There’s a moment, around now, when I suddenly realised that spring is on the brink of summer. I’m never quite ready in my mind. Are we nearly half way through...
English Style
If you’re anything like me, you buy a lot more books than you have time to read. My shelves are groaning. My bedside table is laden with books that could...
English Style
If you’re anything like me, you buy a lot more books than you have time to read. My shelves are groaning. My bedside table is laden with books that could...
Tangerine dream
It’s Monday, I’m back in London, and I’m in a bit of a daze. Not just the effects of a weekend of expatriat-scale-cocktail-drinking after six weeks of Lenten abstinence. There’s...
Tangerine dream
It’s Monday, I’m back in London, and I’m in a bit of a daze. Not just the effects of a weekend of expatriat-scale-cocktail-drinking after six weeks of Lenten abstinence. There’s...
Dreaming of Heat…
There is honestly nothing, nothing, in the world that I love more than that moment – which I think happened this weekend, down here in Dorset, when there’s a tipping point headlong...
Dreaming of Heat…
There is honestly nothing, nothing, in the world that I love more than that moment – which I think happened this weekend, down here in Dorset, when there’s a tipping point headlong...
Rain doesn’t stop play
I arrived in Dorset on Friday afternoon to find the house and garden bathed in remarkable sunshine. It felt like a midsummer evening. Will and Maggie were driving down for...
Rain doesn’t stop play
I arrived in Dorset on Friday afternoon to find the house and garden bathed in remarkable sunshine. It felt like a midsummer evening. Will and Maggie were driving down for...
In praise of… Habitat in the early 70s
It’s nine o’ clock and I can’t believe where the evening has gone. Well, that’s what happens when the clocks change. But it’s also what happens when you’ve had a...
7 commentsIn praise of… Habitat in the early 70s
It’s nine o’ clock and I can’t believe where the evening has gone. Well, that’s what happens when the clocks change. But it’s also what happens when you’ve had a...
Never go back…
…was the wise advice Will gave me a couple of weeks ago. So true. I’d been asked by the Soane Museum to give a talk, last Monday evening. “What’s it...
Never go back…
…was the wise advice Will gave me a couple of weeks ago. So true. I’d been asked by the Soane Museum to give a talk, last Monday evening. “What’s it...
Back to Normal
It’s been a bit of a secret of mine, really, but since last summer, around about the time I came back from Italy, the garden has been completely out of...
Back to Normal
It’s been a bit of a secret of mine, really, but since last summer, around about the time I came back from Italy, the garden has been completely out of...
Morning at Franklin Farm
If I ever get around to writing another book, one of the reasons will be to publish photographs of my friends Kim and Pip’s farmhouse in Hampshire. I was staying...
1 commentMorning at Franklin Farm
If I ever get around to writing another book, one of the reasons will be to publish photographs of my friends Kim and Pip’s farmhouse in Hampshire. I was staying...
Hockney Spring
You’d have felt a bit sad to be an old gold-framed Old Master hanging at the Dulwich Picture Gallery this weekend. The people were queuing to see Hockney. I’m afraid...
Hockney Spring
You’d have felt a bit sad to be an old gold-framed Old Master hanging at the Dulwich Picture Gallery this weekend. The people were queuing to see Hockney. I’m afraid...
Close to Heaven
It’s been a weekend of houses and wide landscapes. I’ve been up on the coast again, in Norfolk. It was a dreamy, bright day on Friday, driving up to Norfolk...
Close to Heaven
It’s been a weekend of houses and wide landscapes. I’ve been up on the coast again, in Norfolk. It was a dreamy, bright day on Friday, driving up to Norfolk...
Days Lengthening
Well, who knew we’re an eighth of the way through the year already? At this rate it will be time to plan your Christmas holidays. Just when you thought we...
Days Lengthening
Well, who knew we’re an eighth of the way through the year already? At this rate it will be time to plan your Christmas holidays. Just when you thought we...
Cyclical worlds
It’s been back to reality with a vengeance. The noise of Mexico City and the peace of Tulum seem an age away: hard to believe I’ve only been back a...
Cyclical worlds
It’s been back to reality with a vengeance. The noise of Mexico City and the peace of Tulum seem an age away: hard to believe I’ve only been back a...
It’s strange to be back…
….and to welcome you to gloomy old London and a bright new home for the blog! I hope you all find your way around. As you will recall, we had...
It’s strange to be back…
….and to welcome you to gloomy old London and a bright new home for the blog! I hope you all find your way around. As you will recall, we had...
Gloom rising
For those that like to read the blog early on a Monday with their morning tea, in bed, please blame my friends David and Chris for throwing their annual Christmas...
1 commentGloom rising
For those that like to read the blog early on a Monday with their morning tea, in bed, please blame my friends David and Chris for throwing their annual Christmas...
There’s a reason why…
..... why What? Before I tell you what I really want to write about today, here's some gratuitously beautiful photos of a walk on Hampstead Heath this morning, with my...
There’s a reason why…
..... why What? Before I tell you what I really want to write about today, here's some gratuitously beautiful photos of a walk on Hampstead Heath this morning, with my...
Days from Heaven
"I just love this time of year". It's an expression I've heard time and time again recently. I suspect there is something of the autumn in all of us; that...
Days from Heaven
"I just love this time of year". It's an expression I've heard time and time again recently. I suspect there is something of the autumn in all of us; that...
I think the blog is divided between people who like weekends in London and weekends in the country. Which are you? I love both. Part of me would have loved...
I think the blog is divided between people who like weekends in London and weekends in the country. Which are you? I love both. Part of me would have loved...
It’s about the time of year…
When I realise just how much I love living in London. If you've been reading the blog for a while, you might remember one or two little odes to the...
It’s about the time of year…
When I realise just how much I love living in London. If you've been reading the blog for a while, you might remember one or two little odes to the...
I love quiet dark Sunday evenings in the winter. And it's amazing how dark it suddenly was in Dorset this afternoon. A storm is blowing in, and as I write...
I love quiet dark Sunday evenings in the winter. And it's amazing how dark it suddenly was in Dorset this afternoon. A storm is blowing in, and as I write...
Winter evenings in a new coat
I'm a creature of habit, and I also love the regular things of life when they happen. I think you know this. That moment of turning the clocks back is...
Winter evenings in a new coat
I'm a creature of habit, and I also love the regular things of life when they happen. I think you know this. That moment of turning the clocks back is...
Dear Ben, please may we see…
What's been happening up at your flat in London? Is a question that - if you happen to follow the comments section of the blog - comes up from time...
Dear Ben, please may we see…
What's been happening up at your flat in London? Is a question that - if you happen to follow the comments section of the blog - comes up from time...
Really New Beginnings
I've been hinting, from time to time, about some exciting developments in the shop. And they've all happened this week. For ages and ages, Bridie and I have been talking...
Really New Beginnings
I've been hinting, from time to time, about some exciting developments in the shop. And they've all happened this week. For ages and ages, Bridie and I have been talking...
New beginnings
I love this time of year. I've probably written it already in the last couple of weeks; The post New beginnings appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
New beginnings
I love this time of year. I've probably written it already in the last couple of weeks; The post New beginnings appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
I’ve missed you
...It's been a long time, as some loyal readers of the blog have taken to commenting on (which, I would say, is a fair comment), since I was in Dorset....
I’ve missed you
...It's been a long time, as some loyal readers of the blog have taken to commenting on (which, I would say, is a fair comment), since I was in Dorset....
Roman Mornings
I have a feeling that one of two readers would like to see what's up in Dorset (judging from the comments section). And I must admit, so would I. From...
Roman Mornings
I have a feeling that one of two readers would like to see what's up in Dorset (judging from the comments section). And I must admit, so would I. From...
The floor polisher of the Pantheon
You won't find me getting up early for the Sales. I slightly look down on (can I admit it?) that peculiarly British habit of getting up very very early to...
The floor polisher of the Pantheon
You won't find me getting up early for the Sales. I slightly look down on (can I admit it?) that peculiarly British habit of getting up very very early to...
La Citta Ideale
It's strange how time flies on holiday. I'm lying in my hotel bedroom in Rome, in the middle of a massive thunderstorm (during which I could not of course resist...
La Citta Ideale
It's strange how time flies on holiday. I'm lying in my hotel bedroom in Rome, in the middle of a massive thunderstorm (during which I could not of course resist...
Thank you…
To everyone who has very kindly entered my international conspiracy For Valentina's birthday and placed an order from Many Kitchens... it's worked! I am so grateful... Birthday going well... Here,...
Thank you…
To everyone who has very kindly entered my international conspiracy For Valentina's birthday and placed an order from Many Kitchens... it's worked! I am so grateful... Birthday going well... Here,...
The best things in life don’t change…
I realise that it's a year ago to the day (18th August) that I wrote a little blog about the Siena Palio that... how can I put it?... set the...
The best things in life don’t change…
I realise that it's a year ago to the day (18th August) that I wrote a little blog about the Siena Palio that... how can I put it?... set the...
Oh dear oh dear oh dear…
Just when I'd said my farewells... Answered all emails. Check. Booked taxi for early morning departure: check. Said goodbye to everyone... check. Found out which day my niece's A-level exam...
Oh dear oh dear oh dear…
Just when I'd said my farewells... Answered all emails. Check. Booked taxi for early morning departure: check. Said goodbye to everyone... check. Found out which day my niece's A-level exam...
Year Turning
I'm writing on Sunday evening, at the Old Parsonage. It's completely still and quiet. Perhaps the stillness is exemplified by the departure, earlier, of my friends Tom & Masie and...
Year Turning
I'm writing on Sunday evening, at the Old Parsonage. It's completely still and quiet. Perhaps the stillness is exemplified by the departure, earlier, of my friends Tom & Masie and...
North Norfolk Coastal
I left London on beautiful, baking hot Thursday morning. I was making my way to the coast - to Cley-next-the-Sea, where we've been asked to help on a fine small...
North Norfolk Coastal
I left London on beautiful, baking hot Thursday morning. I was making my way to the coast - to Cley-next-the-Sea, where we've been asked to help on a fine small...
In a perfect world…
It was a serene Friday morning when Lucy and I left London, early, to drive down to our decoration project near Devizes. We're working on a dreamy old stone manor...
In a perfect world…
It was a serene Friday morning when Lucy and I left London, early, to drive down to our decoration project near Devizes. We're working on a dreamy old stone manor...
The real way of doing things
"That's a nice website you've got there, Ben", said Jim when we spoke this morning to talk about bricks. "Did you really take all those photos? Is that your garden?...
The real way of doing things
"That's a nice website you've got there, Ben", said Jim when we spoke this morning to talk about bricks. "Did you really take all those photos? Is that your garden?...
High Summer morning
I've got some interesting things to be writing about this week, but tonight, I'm very sleepy and I've got what you might call an early start in the morning. I'm...
High Summer morning
I've got some interesting things to be writing about this week, but tonight, I'm very sleepy and I've got what you might call an early start in the morning. I'm...
In the beginning and at the end
Summer arrives: full-blown, blowsy, full of heat. The year tips imperceptibly... just beyond its half way point... and suddenly—as if by magic—the countryside is filled with the sounds and smells...
In the beginning and at the end
Summer arrives: full-blown, blowsy, full of heat. The year tips imperceptibly... just beyond its half way point... and suddenly—as if by magic—the countryside is filled with the sounds and smells...
On the Isle of Portland
What do you do in Dorset if it's midsummer and blowing a gale? (yes, yes, enough about the weather). Mum and Dad were staying this weekend. A huge wind was...
On the Isle of Portland
What do you do in Dorset if it's midsummer and blowing a gale? (yes, yes, enough about the weather). Mum and Dad were staying this weekend. A huge wind was...
Ugly Buildings
This is probably going to turn out to be the longest professional suicide note in history. I really should be writing about how good the irises are this year. The...
Ugly Buildings
This is probably going to turn out to be the longest professional suicide note in history. I really should be writing about how good the irises are this year. The...
On various ways of catching up
I've had the quietest weekend you can imagine. Valentina called from New York yesterday, for a catch up; and other than that phone call (p.s, Val's mum, just in case...
On various ways of catching up
I've had the quietest weekend you can imagine. Valentina called from New York yesterday, for a catch up; and other than that phone call (p.s, Val's mum, just in case...
Why I love Dorset
I went for a spin this afternoon - in my Morris Minor, which, to be honest, has been a little under the weather for months. My friend and neighbour Mike...
Why I love Dorset
I went for a spin this afternoon - in my Morris Minor, which, to be honest, has been a little under the weather for months. My friend and neighbour Mike...
Through the Woods
One of my favourite books, that I find myself returning to from time to time, is H. E. Bates's Through the Woods. Years ago, I used to spend a lot...
Through the Woods
One of my favourite books, that I find myself returning to from time to time, is H. E. Bates's Through the Woods. Years ago, I used to spend a lot...
Normal Service Resuming
We are pleased to announce that normal service has resumed. No more politics, no more sadness. It was a beautiful early Summer weekend in Dorset and the blog contains nothing...
Normal Service Resuming
We are pleased to announce that normal service has resumed. No more politics, no more sadness. It was a beautiful early Summer weekend in Dorset and the blog contains nothing...
Dormant Spring
...On the other hand (for those who've just read my last post), one of the things I like most about this blog, for me, is that it weirdly now acts...
Dormant Spring
...On the other hand (for those who've just read my last post), one of the things I like most about this blog, for me, is that it weirdly now acts...
Family Album
One of the nicest things about settling down with my family last week was that Mum & Dad brought along a bunch of old photo albums. They make one realise...
1 commentFamily Album
One of the nicest things about settling down with my family last week was that Mum & Dad brought along a bunch of old photo albums. They make one realise...
Coastal Spring
A few days amongst the narrow-laned, softly rolling hills of the North Cornwall and Devon coast are drawing to a close. It's been a wonderful time, with my whole family...
Coastal Spring
A few days amongst the narrow-laned, softly rolling hills of the North Cornwall and Devon coast are drawing to a close. It's been a wonderful time, with my whole family...
Happy Easter!
The blog is on an Easter Holiday today. The post Happy Easter! appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
Happy Easter!
The blog is on an Easter Holiday today. The post Happy Easter! appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
Walking the High Line
Oh man! What's the best thing thats happened to New York since I left?!? (please, excuse the pun). The High Line. Regular readers will recall my blog a couple of...
Walking the High Line
Oh man! What's the best thing thats happened to New York since I left?!? (please, excuse the pun). The High Line. Regular readers will recall my blog a couple of...
In praise of…John Derian
I think not a lot of people know that when we first opened the shop in London it was all a bit of what you might call a drugs front....
In praise of…John Derian
I think not a lot of people know that when we first opened the shop in London it was all a bit of what you might call a drugs front....
New York City, I love you…
"I'm not so in love with New York anymore" said my friend Thomas the other day, and I can't remember who else it was I was chatting to recently who...
New York City, I love you…
"I'm not so in love with New York anymore" said my friend Thomas the other day, and I can't remember who else it was I was chatting to recently who...
And then there was one
Do you remember holidays as a child, which seemed to stretch for an eternity? Time is a weird thing, I find. How is it that days and nights move so...
And then there was one
Do you remember holidays as a child, which seemed to stretch for an eternity? Time is a weird thing, I find. How is it that days and nights move so...
In like a Lion, out like a Lamb?
Well, it's certainly a freezing start to March. I'm in London and as I'm writing, a snowstorm is threatening to blow in; and I've got to admit, without trying to...
In like a Lion, out like a Lamb?
Well, it's certainly a freezing start to March. I'm in London and as I'm writing, a snowstorm is threatening to blow in; and I've got to admit, without trying to...
Spring turning…
I was sitting at my drawing board this afternoon, in Dorset, having dropped off my friends Tom, Maisie, Moss and Vera at the station. And I suddenly realised something. It...
Spring turning…
I was sitting at my drawing board this afternoon, in Dorset, having dropped off my friends Tom, Maisie, Moss and Vera at the station. And I suddenly realised something. It...
Subliminal power
I had an extraordinary day today. I know that I said, at the end of the last blog, that normal service will resume next week - and I am sure...
Subliminal power
I had an extraordinary day today. I know that I said, at the end of the last blog, that normal service will resume next week - and I am sure...
And I’m happy to say that…
that particular vote passed.. and, yes, I'm happy. Now it's on to the next stages in Parliament, and doubtless lots more arguments, so I am afraid I can expect a few...
And I’m happy to say that…
that particular vote passed.. and, yes, I'm happy. Now it's on to the next stages in Parliament, and doubtless lots more arguments, so I am afraid I can expect a few...
There's a proper blog here, for those that are interested (and thank you for your interesting comments, already)... But we can't let the snow pass by without saying how much...
There's a proper blog here, for those that are interested (and thank you for your interesting comments, already)... But we can't let the snow pass by without saying how much...
Spring song and Summer song…
What is it about these dark January days? Yes, maybe, like me, you've noticed the mornings getting lighter, just slightly... yes, perhaps there is a blackbird that sings from time...
Spring song and Summer song…
What is it about these dark January days? Yes, maybe, like me, you've noticed the mornings getting lighter, just slightly... yes, perhaps there is a blackbird that sings from time...
Quietly welcoming the New Year
Three quiet days in Dorset, with closest friends, to ring out the old and welcome in the New Year. I was sad to see 2012 go; a strange year in...
Quietly welcoming the New Year
Three quiet days in Dorset, with closest friends, to ring out the old and welcome in the New Year. I was sad to see 2012 go; a strange year in...
Classical Landscape, with Memories…
I hope you have had a fantastic Christmas - if you've been celebrating. Mine was quiet, but very very happy; in London, with Mum and Dad, and my neighbour Maggie,...
Classical Landscape, with Memories…
I hope you have had a fantastic Christmas - if you've been celebrating. Mine was quiet, but very very happy; in London, with Mum and Dad, and my neighbour Maggie,...
Happy Christmas!
Have a really happy, safe, peaceful Christmas, with best wishes from Ben. The post Happy Christmas! appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
Happy Christmas!
Have a really happy, safe, peaceful Christmas, with best wishes from Ben. The post Happy Christmas! appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
Colours of Winter
It's been a simultaneously quiet and hectic weekend in Dorset. Perhaps an occupational hazard for the time of year? I went to three birthday parties, no less: my lovely neighbour's...
Colours of Winter
It's been a simultaneously quiet and hectic weekend in Dorset. Perhaps an occupational hazard for the time of year? I went to three birthday parties, no less: my lovely neighbour's...
You can’t judge a book by its cover…
"Do you have Living in Vogue (1984)?" ...was the enigmatic pencil-written note on the back of old postcard that arrived from my friend Ruth (she who was putting me off...
You can’t judge a book by its cover…
"Do you have Living in Vogue (1984)?" ...was the enigmatic pencil-written note on the back of old postcard that arrived from my friend Ruth (she who was putting me off...
Beautiful Britain November 1984
"OH GOD BEN" said my friend Ruth, this morning, at breakfast, "YOU'VE GONE AND TAKEN A CALENDAR PHOTO". It's true. It was a ridiculously beautiful morning in Dorset and I...
Beautiful Britain November 1984
"OH GOD BEN" said my friend Ruth, this morning, at breakfast, "YOU'VE GONE AND TAKEN A CALENDAR PHOTO". It's true. It was a ridiculously beautiful morning in Dorset and I...
Goodbye, cluster, goodbye empty frames with vin...
It's a strange world isn't it. You would expect, on a glorious sunny day in London, as it was today, that I would be writing this evening about what a...
Goodbye, cluster, goodbye empty frames with vin...
It's a strange world isn't it. You would expect, on a glorious sunny day in London, as it was today, that I would be writing this evening about what a...
Our Spitalfields Life
Opens this evening - please come! This evening at the shop, we are expecting a crowd! And if you can't make it, be sure to visit the Spitalfields online shop...
Our Spitalfields Life
Opens this evening - please come! This evening at the shop, we are expecting a crowd! And if you can't make it, be sure to visit the Spitalfields online shop...
Absolutely nothing happened
It was a few years ago, in Charleston, South Carolina, that I found a little metal plaque on the side of an old Georgian brick building that read 'on this...
Absolutely nothing happened
It was a few years ago, in Charleston, South Carolina, that I found a little metal plaque on the side of an old Georgian brick building that read 'on this...
My Spitalfields Life
So I won't quite say that I lost my virginity in Spitalfields, because that wouldn't quite be true, but it was certainly the first time I had real fun. That would...
My Spitalfields Life
So I won't quite say that I lost my virginity in Spitalfields, because that wouldn't quite be true, but it was certainly the first time I had real fun. That would...
Welcome to the centre of the universe
"It's all very well coming from the capital", said the taxi driver this morning, "but what does it feel like being in the centre of the Universe?" The post Welcome...
Welcome to the centre of the universe
"It's all very well coming from the capital", said the taxi driver this morning, "but what does it feel like being in the centre of the Universe?" The post Welcome...
Fleeting moments
I arrived down in Dorset yesterday and had my friend Mary over for a great lunch and a long chat. But after she left, for a walk down the valley...
Fleeting moments
I arrived down in Dorset yesterday and had my friend Mary over for a great lunch and a long chat. But after she left, for a walk down the valley...
A Statement of Intent
I don't often write about architecture on this blog, or what we do in the office, but I thought you might be interested this exchange. And you might have noticed...
A Statement of Intent
I don't often write about architecture on this blog, or what we do in the office, but I thought you might be interested this exchange. And you might have noticed...
Indian Summer days
Don't you love these days as late summer slips into early Autumn; not quite frosts, yet, but heavy, wet dews and misty mornings and then burning hot afternoons? My good...
Indian Summer days
Don't you love these days as late summer slips into early Autumn; not quite frosts, yet, but heavy, wet dews and misty mornings and then burning hot afternoons? My good...
The best things in life don’t change
Sharp eyed readers will be able to play spot the difference in this post. And be grateful that there isn't any! I know that somewhere deep in this blog you...
The best things in life don’t change
Sharp eyed readers will be able to play spot the difference in this post. And be grateful that there isn't any! I know that somewhere deep in this blog you...
Dahlia Time…
Regular readers of this post will know I've got a bit of a thing about dahlias, which you can read here, or here or indeed here (that was a nice trip down...
Dahlia Time…
Regular readers of this post will know I've got a bit of a thing about dahlias, which you can read here, or here or indeed here (that was a nice trip down...
A bit about the book
It's a funny process writing a book. I can't even remember how long ago it was that my friend Alison, then an editor at Ryland Peters & Small (and where...
A bit about the book
It's a funny process writing a book. I can't even remember how long ago it was that my friend Alison, then an editor at Ryland Peters & Small (and where...
Getting lost in Siena…
After my previous post, you might have thought I had an ulterior motive for getting lost in Siena. But no, this time, I am afraid, the visit was all about...
Getting lost in Siena…
After my previous post, you might have thought I had an ulterior motive for getting lost in Siena. But no, this time, I am afraid, the visit was all about...
Quiet days in Chianti
There is something amazingly relaxing about going on holiday to the same place every year. I'm not quite sure what it is. I suppose that because you can anticipate, with...
Quiet days in Chianti
There is something amazingly relaxing about going on holiday to the same place every year. I'm not quite sure what it is. I suppose that because you can anticipate, with...
It’s hotter in Siena
I've heard there's bit of a heatwave in London this weekend... but I can't help feeling it might have been hotter in Siena. We arrived on Thursday afternoon for the...
It’s hotter in Siena
I've heard there's bit of a heatwave in London this weekend... but I can't help feeling it might have been hotter in Siena. We arrived on Thursday afternoon for the...
If the map fits, hang it…
Well, a lot of comments on the previous post seem to be to do with my map of London... I can sort of understand why! I can't quite remember when...
1 commentIf the map fits, hang it…
Well, a lot of comments on the previous post seem to be to do with my map of London... I can sort of understand why! I can't quite remember when...
Moving pictures
Well, apologies for such brief postings; I can at last download photos again! And in the middle of Olympic-silent London, this weekend, I have moved. It was a fun if...
Moving pictures
Well, apologies for such brief postings; I can at last download photos again! And in the middle of Olympic-silent London, this weekend, I have moved. It was a fun if...
Sitting Down Sports
I will blog a bit more about the week's doings (for instance I'm about to move the first bits and pieces into my new flat...) when I've fixed my camera....
Sitting Down Sports
I will blog a bit more about the week's doings (for instance I'm about to move the first bits and pieces into my new flat...) when I've fixed my camera....
The Walled Garden
Is there anything more beautiful in the world than a walled garden? The answer we all know to be no. There is something so contained, so benign, about a walled...
The Walled Garden
Is there anything more beautiful in the world than a walled garden? The answer we all know to be no. There is something so contained, so benign, about a walled...
And to Rousham…
A couple of weeks ago, to Garsington; and yesterday, to another dream Oxfordshire garden, Rousham. I am sure this needs no introduction to most readers, and in a sense I...
And to Rousham…
A couple of weeks ago, to Garsington; and yesterday, to another dream Oxfordshire garden, Rousham. I am sure this needs no introduction to most readers, and in a sense I...
House and Garden in the early 60s
One of my obsessions? House and Garden Magazine in the 1960s. This is probably not the time to start rehearsing in detail the brilliance of the magazine's fantastic editor, Robert...
1 commentHouse and Garden in the early 60s
One of my obsessions? House and Garden Magazine in the 1960s. This is probably not the time to start rehearsing in detail the brilliance of the magazine's fantastic editor, Robert...
Apres moi, le deluge…
...or in the case of the Bride Valley this weekend, après le deluge, le soleil. A massive rainstorm swept through the valley yesterday; water poured off the hills, the River...
Apres moi, le deluge…
...or in the case of the Bride Valley this weekend, après le deluge, le soleil. A massive rainstorm swept through the valley yesterday; water poured off the hills, the River...
To Garsington
And then, from the Isle of Wight, I caught the train to Oxford, where I was met by Will and Alexa, and we drove to my friend Catherine's house at...
To Garsington
And then, from the Isle of Wight, I caught the train to Oxford, where I was met by Will and Alexa, and we drove to my friend Catherine's house at...
Messing about with boats
I think a very large part of my childhood was spent on the water. I guess that's what comes from having a dad in the Navy. Every year our summer...
Messing about with boats
I think a very large part of my childhood was spent on the water. I guess that's what comes from having a dad in the Navy. Every year our summer...
Waterloo Sunset
It was a beautiful evening in London last night. The light was amazing (and it is a beautiful morning as well). I felt the need to get out and enjoy...
Waterloo Sunset
It was a beautiful evening in London last night. The light was amazing (and it is a beautiful morning as well). I felt the need to get out and enjoy...
Making progress
My new flat has caused quite a bit of comment on the previous post; I am grateful for your thoughts and gratified by the interest! It's taking shape and here...
Making progress
My new flat has caused quite a bit of comment on the previous post; I am grateful for your thoughts and gratified by the interest! It's taking shape and here...
A blank canvas
But really what is on my mind at the moment is this. I am moving flat. Not very far; about 2 minutes up the road, to Queen Square... which will...
A blank canvas
But really what is on my mind at the moment is this. I am moving flat. Not very far; about 2 minutes up the road, to Queen Square... which will...
Flaming June
Do you ever have the feeling you're in the wrong place? I had made a vague plan to be in London for the weekend, but waking incredibly early on Saturday...
Flaming June
Do you ever have the feeling you're in the wrong place? I had made a vague plan to be in London for the weekend, but waking incredibly early on Saturday...
I hope you didn't get too drenched on your way to work this morning. London is soaking. For those of our readers overseas, I know we have a reputation for...
I hope you didn't get too drenched on your way to work this morning. London is soaking. For those of our readers overseas, I know we have a reputation for...
Evening Mist
Some photographs of the garden on a misty evening over at the fabulous new Gardenista website... brought to you by our friends at Remodelista. The post Evening Mist appeared first...
Evening Mist
Some photographs of the garden on a misty evening over at the fabulous new Gardenista website... brought to you by our friends at Remodelista. The post Evening Mist appeared first...
Jubilee Village!
It's pouring with rain, the valley is drenched, and we're all exhausted. But it's that happy sort of exhaustion that comes from knowing that you've just put on the best...
Jubilee Village!
It's pouring with rain, the valley is drenched, and we're all exhausted. But it's that happy sort of exhaustion that comes from knowing that you've just put on the best...
Jubilee Hall
What is that splash of vivid red I spied out of my bedroom window when I woke up early this morning? Hmm. I was not particularly thrilled that the black...
Jubilee Hall
What is that splash of vivid red I spied out of my bedroom window when I woke up early this morning? Hmm. I was not particularly thrilled that the black...
May evenings
Don't you love this time of year? And when summer finally arrived—with a brilliantly hot, sparkling week—the garden, like the countryside, burst into life. I've been missing Dorset so much...
May evenings
Don't you love this time of year? And when summer finally arrived—with a brilliantly hot, sparkling week—the garden, like the countryside, burst into life. I've been missing Dorset so much...
It’s all in the details…
We know this to be true, don't we? The smallest details matter. This is as true of one of our architecture projects: the architrave around a door, or the design...
It’s all in the details…
We know this to be true, don't we? The smallest details matter. This is as true of one of our architecture projects: the architrave around a door, or the design...
Just when you think you've seen enough weirdness to last a lifetime, Moscow would get weirder. Ruth, from the office, and I, went for a 36 hour trip to meet...
Just when you think you've seen enough weirdness to last a lifetime, Moscow would get weirder. Ruth, from the office, and I, went for a 36 hour trip to meet...
Keeping up to date…
"But you enjoy blogging" a friend said to me this evening. "Well I do, but it's hard to keep up when there's so much to blog about, and no time...
Keeping up to date…
"But you enjoy blogging" a friend said to me this evening. "Well I do, but it's hard to keep up when there's so much to blog about, and no time...
Behind the Scenes at the Theatre…
We're getting very excited about the exhibition of new works by Ed Kluz next week! Ed has kindly sent me a few photographs showing him at work in the Studio...
Behind the Scenes at the Theatre…
We're getting very excited about the exhibition of new works by Ed Kluz next week! Ed has kindly sent me a few photographs showing him at work in the Studio...
Lakeland meanderings
I am sitting writing this at the end of a fantastic day at the end of a fantastic week in the perfect lakes: an area that I have longed to...
Lakeland meanderings
I am sitting writing this at the end of a fantastic day at the end of a fantastic week in the perfect lakes: an area that I have longed to...
Any colour so long as it’s black?
In case you hadn't noticed, I've got a bit of a thing for black tulips. Queen of the Night, Black Parrot, Black Hero. Well, to be honest, for all tulips...
Any colour so long as it’s black?
In case you hadn't noticed, I've got a bit of a thing for black tulips. Queen of the Night, Black Parrot, Black Hero. Well, to be honest, for all tulips...
Jubilee Jollies from Ben and Bridie
Over here at Ben P towers, we're obviously great supporters of The Royal Family in all their glory, as you will have learned from previous posts: Prince Philip chic, anyone?...
Jubilee Jollies from Ben and Bridie
Over here at Ben P towers, we're obviously great supporters of The Royal Family in all their glory, as you will have learned from previous posts: Prince Philip chic, anyone?...
Easter garden
The garden's gone a bit bonkers in my absence in Scotland last weekend. I'm not sure if it is super-happy-exuberant or bordering on municipal authority flowerbed, but the tulips are...
Easter garden
The garden's gone a bit bonkers in my absence in Scotland last weekend. I'm not sure if it is super-happy-exuberant or bordering on municipal authority flowerbed, but the tulips are...
Dreaming of Italy
I don't know what it is about Easter time and the fact that I'm sitting in my kitchen in Dorset FREEZING. What happened to the balmy spring? Hello?!? The post...
Dreaming of Italy
I don't know what it is about Easter time and the fact that I'm sitting in my kitchen in Dorset FREEZING. What happened to the balmy spring? Hello?!? The post...
Timewashed in Scotland
I got back from Inverness on Monday night, after a fantastic, head-spinning day picking paint colours and making plans for the huge, romantic castle that I am beginning to help...
1 commentTimewashed in Scotland
I got back from Inverness on Monday night, after a fantastic, head-spinning day picking paint colours and making plans for the huge, romantic castle that I am beginning to help...
The Selby wants to be in your place…
Do you follow one of my favourite websites, The Selby is in your Place? I'm sure you already do, but if you don't, have a little browse. The post The...
The Selby wants to be in your place…
Do you follow one of my favourite websites, The Selby is in your Place? I'm sure you already do, but if you don't, have a little browse. The post The...
A tale of two lives
One of the things which makes me happiest, I think, is being able to combine life in the country and in London. From time to time I get worried about...
A tale of two lives
One of the things which makes me happiest, I think, is being able to combine life in the country and in London. From time to time I get worried about...
Spring stirring
It's been a busy two days in the office and I haven't had time to post a few photographs since getting back from Dorset. It was a sparkling happy weekend...
Spring stirring
It's been a busy two days in the office and I haven't had time to post a few photographs since getting back from Dorset. It was a sparkling happy weekend...
Changing colours…
What's one of the most inspiring things you can do? Change your colours. As many of you know, we recently did a bit of a revamp in the shop, which...
Changing colours…
What's one of the most inspiring things you can do? Change your colours. As many of you know, we recently did a bit of a revamp in the shop, which...
London my beautiful city (2)
A little while ago, back last autumn, I took a walk across London on a sparkling October day. I called that post London, beautiful city. A moment when I, for...
London my beautiful city (2)
A little while ago, back last autumn, I took a walk across London on a sparkling October day. I called that post London, beautiful city. A moment when I, for...
Worth the wait…
I've been in Scotland, back up in the Moray Firth for a few very happy days working on our architectural project there - shaping the early development of a new...
Worth the wait…
I've been in Scotland, back up in the Moray Firth for a few very happy days working on our architectural project there - shaping the early development of a new...
We hope you like…
Our new look home page. The website elves (well, specifically, our brilliant web designer Joe Smalley) have been hard at work making a few tweaks which hopefully will make it...
We hope you like…
Our new look home page. The website elves (well, specifically, our brilliant web designer Joe Smalley) have been hard at work making a few tweaks which hopefully will make it...
Valley and Sea
It was the sort of day in Dorset that you dream of. We woke to clear, brilliant sunshine and after breakfast went down to the sea, for a walk on...
Valley and Sea
It was the sort of day in Dorset that you dream of. We woke to clear, brilliant sunshine and after breakfast went down to the sea, for a walk on...
Visual treats
A tiny bunch of flowers for the Sunday lunch table; will you look at how beautiful the crocus and snowdrops are? But what I really wanted to write about this...
Visual treats
A tiny bunch of flowers for the Sunday lunch table; will you look at how beautiful the crocus and snowdrops are? But what I really wanted to write about this...
Dorset, the beautiful
It was a beautiful weekend in Dorset. It feels like a little while since I've been at the Old Parsonage, and towards the end of last week we were getting...
Dorset, the beautiful
It was a beautiful weekend in Dorset. It feels like a little while since I've been at the Old Parsonage, and towards the end of last week we were getting...
David and Celia
What's on your coffee table right now? A few weeks ago my friend Will produced a ticket to the Hockney exhibition. It was interesting to see (noting, I have to...
David and Celia
What's on your coffee table right now? A few weeks ago my friend Will produced a ticket to the Hockney exhibition. It was interesting to see (noting, I have to...
Quiet days
Don't you love quiet weekends in London? If you are anything like me you anticipated the snowfall last night with a little hint of childlike excitement. Is it, perhaps, the...
Quiet days
Don't you love quiet weekends in London? If you are anything like me you anticipated the snowfall last night with a little hint of childlike excitement. Is it, perhaps, the...
Down Time
"A few people are worried you're working too hard" said the text message from my friend Ben. Hmmmm, I thought. Okay. They have a point. Except that if you're quite...
Down Time
"A few people are worried you're working too hard" said the text message from my friend Ben. Hmmmm, I thought. Okay. They have a point. Except that if you're quite...
A tight fit
One of the advantages of living in the tiniest flat in London is that you don't have to go very far for things. I tumble out of bed early and...
A tight fit
One of the advantages of living in the tiniest flat in London is that you don't have to go very far for things. I tumble out of bed early and...
Recording Britain
I've been travelling a little this week—two days in Scotland, on the Moray Firth, at the fantastic project we're about to get going on up there. As we were driving...
Recording Britain
I've been travelling a little this week—two days in Scotland, on the Moray Firth, at the fantastic project we're about to get going on up there. As we were driving...
Getting ahead again
I heard on the radio yesterday morning that unless we have some serious rainfall, a drought is to be declared within weeks. You see? It doesn't rain nearly as much...
Getting ahead again
I heard on the radio yesterday morning that unless we have some serious rainfall, a drought is to be declared within weeks. You see? It doesn't rain nearly as much...
Getting ahead…
I was going to be helping Robin in the shop this weekend. We've been taking it all apart and putting everything back - repainting, fresh carpet, and a good New...
Getting ahead…
I was going to be helping Robin in the shop this weekend. We've been taking it all apart and putting everything back - repainting, fresh carpet, and a good New...
Green Shoots stirring
I'm not a great one for New Year's resolutions. But I would like to start this New Year with a story. The post Green Shoots stirring appeared first on Ben...
Green Shoots stirring
I'm not a great one for New Year's resolutions. But I would like to start this New Year with a story. The post Green Shoots stirring appeared first on Ben...
Christmas Alphabet, Christmas Quiz
It's been a beautiful day in Dorset. We went for drives in the Morris 1000. The sun is now setting along the valley. Maggie, Roland, Will and I have just...
1 commentChristmas Alphabet, Christmas Quiz
It's been a beautiful day in Dorset. We went for drives in the Morris 1000. The sun is now setting along the valley. Maggie, Roland, Will and I have just...
Winter sunset
An extraordinary sky this evening, as drenching rain and storms cleared just at the close of the day. Then it was time for cake and mince pies by the fire...
Winter sunset
An extraordinary sky this evening, as drenching rain and storms cleared just at the close of the day. Then it was time for cake and mince pies by the fire...
E is for Emily Sutton
If you follow me on Twitter (and if you don't, which I would entirely understand, but might like to, you can here) you will have noticed that I've been particularly...
E is for Emily Sutton
If you follow me on Twitter (and if you don't, which I would entirely understand, but might like to, you can here) you will have noticed that I've been particularly...
I don’t know about you…
But I've been baking. All those flipping "GET READY FOR CHRISTMAS NOW" Blogs to live up to. Yikes. How do they do it? Hang on... how do I do it?...
I don’t know about you…
But I've been baking. All those flipping "GET READY FOR CHRISTMAS NOW" Blogs to live up to. Yikes. How do they do it? Hang on... how do I do it?...
What to Look for in Winter
Earlier this morning, I was having a bit of a clean up. And came across this little book... Immediately I was propelled back 30 years or more. When I was...
What to Look for in Winter
Earlier this morning, I was having a bit of a clean up. And came across this little book... Immediately I was propelled back 30 years or more. When I was...
Christmas Rose
I arrived in Dorset last night, late. I'm glad to say the AGA man had at last done what he needed to do, just in time for winter. The house...
Christmas Rose
I arrived in Dorset last night, late. I'm glad to say the AGA man had at last done what he needed to do, just in time for winter. The house...
By the fire with the FT
You can read my little blog for everyone's favourite newspaper here. Happy weekend... The post By the fire with the FT appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
By the fire with the FT
You can read my little blog for everyone's favourite newspaper here. Happy weekend... The post By the fire with the FT appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
Christmas Windows
What a fun night last night! All the shops were open for a bustling evening. Wine flowed and mince pies were consumed and it was great to say hello to...
Christmas Windows
What a fun night last night! All the shops were open for a bustling evening. Wine flowed and mince pies were consumed and it was great to say hello to...
Happy Christmas with love from the Street!
On Thursday 8th December, Lambs Conduit and Rugby Streets are hosting our very own Happy Christmas Street Party -where all the stores will be staying open late, offering seasonal goodies...
Happy Christmas with love from the Street!
On Thursday 8th December, Lambs Conduit and Rugby Streets are hosting our very own Happy Christmas Street Party -where all the stores will be staying open late, offering seasonal goodies...
Crackers about Crackers…
So, what is tomorrow? The post Crackers about Crackers… appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
Crackers about Crackers…
So, what is tomorrow? The post Crackers about Crackers… appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
Happy Birthday… to me
Um, so I promised that we would get organised, and we did. My great friend Simon who takes all the brilliant photos for our shop very kindly snapped a few...
Happy Birthday… to me
Um, so I promised that we would get organised, and we did. My great friend Simon who takes all the brilliant photos for our shop very kindly snapped a few...
Blessed are the Printmakers
You may remember that last year I wrote about the Whittington Press. Yesterday afternoon I have spent the day with a remarkable new book that John and Rose Randle have...
Blessed are the Printmakers
You may remember that last year I wrote about the Whittington Press. Yesterday afternoon I have spent the day with a remarkable new book that John and Rose Randle have...
Just in case you were wondering what the kitchen looked like this morning... after a great great night for my 40th birthday party yesterday evening. The post Aftermath… appeared first...
Just in case you were wondering what the kitchen looked like this morning... after a great great night for my 40th birthday party yesterday evening. The post Aftermath… appeared first...
Paint the town pink
For those of you that have followed this blog for a while, you may have guessed that I'm quite partial to pale pink. I'm thinking of my sitting room, which...
Paint the town pink
For those of you that have followed this blog for a while, you may have guessed that I'm quite partial to pale pink. I'm thinking of my sitting room, which...
May we introduce….
Franco Falconetto, the comic author? The post May we introduce…. appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
May we introduce….
Franco Falconetto, the comic author? The post May we introduce…. appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
My kind of afternoon…
It was a beautiful day yesterday in Dorset. My friend George is staying with his two boys, Wilfy and Barnaby. With a bit of help from George, they raked up...
My kind of afternoon…
It was a beautiful day yesterday in Dorset. My friend George is staying with his two boys, Wilfy and Barnaby. With a bit of help from George, they raked up...
The Desmond Guinnesses
A friend emailed me this morning with a copy of the Sunday Telegraph's '20 Best Interiors Blogs'. It turns out I'm number 4 on the list, goodness, I thought, how...
The Desmond Guinnesses
A friend emailed me this morning with a copy of the Sunday Telegraph's '20 Best Interiors Blogs'. It turns out I'm number 4 on the list, goodness, I thought, how...
It was a grey weekend in Dorset. I returned to London this morning. Standing on the platform at Dorchester South at ten to seven (not nice), I did think to...
It was a grey weekend in Dorset. I returned to London this morning. Standing on the platform at Dorchester South at ten to seven (not nice), I did think to...
London, beautiful city
'Your blog's getting really boring', a friend said to me the other day. 'Enough already with pictures of hills and your garden in Dorset'. I've got to admit - it's...
London, beautiful city
'Your blog's getting really boring', a friend said to me the other day. 'Enough already with pictures of hills and your garden in Dorset'. I've got to admit - it's...
Autumn light
Doesn't the heatwave seem a while ago? Two weeks ago my good friends Alison, Julian and Charlotte were staying. We went for a remarkable walk across the hills (to pick...
Autumn light
Doesn't the heatwave seem a while ago? Two weeks ago my good friends Alison, Julian and Charlotte were staying. We went for a remarkable walk across the hills (to pick...
The Jewel garden
I think it was Monty Don (who's book, The Complete Gardener, is one which is by my bedside a lot) who coined the phrase the Jewel garden. When I drove...
The Jewel garden
I think it was Monty Don (who's book, The Complete Gardener, is one which is by my bedside a lot) who coined the phrase the Jewel garden. When I drove...
Cabinet of Curiosities 2011
The post Cabinet of Curiosities 2011 appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
Cabinet of Curiosities 2011
The post Cabinet of Curiosities 2011 appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
Autumn Parsonage
I drove down to Dorset late last night. It felt so good to be back at last. I woke to a morning of pouring rain, but this afternoon the clouds...
Autumn Parsonage
I drove down to Dorset late last night. It felt so good to be back at last. I woke to a morning of pouring rain, but this afternoon the clouds...
It’s not often…
...that you have a feeling that you have walked into a World of Interiors magazine. But I think the Villa Palagonia, in Bagheria, does it for me. Do you see...
It’s not often…
...that you have a feeling that you have walked into a World of Interiors magazine. But I think the Villa Palagonia, in Bagheria, does it for me. Do you see...
Where are all the happy old guys?
Try as I might, and I've been looking out since I've been back, but I haven't seen a single happy, contented old guy, just hanging out with his friends, in...
Where are all the happy old guys?
Try as I might, and I've been looking out since I've been back, but I haven't seen a single happy, contented old guy, just hanging out with his friends, in...
Sicilian Baroque
It's quite strange being back in London; soft, green and damp. If I show you some photographs of Sicily, do you know what I mean? I don't think life is...
Sicilian Baroque
It's quite strange being back in London; soft, green and damp. If I show you some photographs of Sicily, do you know what I mean? I don't think life is...
Tipografia Sicilia
A little while after arriving in Sicily, I realised one of the most amazing things I was seeing was typography. Everywhere. Beautiful street signs. Three dimensional shop signs. Art deco...
Tipografia Sicilia
A little while after arriving in Sicily, I realised one of the most amazing things I was seeing was typography. Everywhere. Beautiful street signs. Three dimensional shop signs. Art deco...
I’m sorry, but…
... I think it's time to get out rainy England for a few weeks. Can you believe this is summer in London? Someone asked me the other day who's going...
I’m sorry, but…
... I think it's time to get out rainy England for a few weeks. Can you believe this is summer in London? Someone asked me the other day who's going...
Symphony in Grey and Green
So, not Whistler's famous painting, but some photographs of Edinburgh—where I spent the weekend. Was I the only person in the city not there for the festival (oh dear, I've...
Symphony in Grey and Green
So, not Whistler's famous painting, but some photographs of Edinburgh—where I spent the weekend. Was I the only person in the city not there for the festival (oh dear, I've...
High Summer in the Garden
I've had a crazy few weeks, really, and I don't think it's going to get any less crazy until I'm off to Italy (to stay at my friend Valentina's beautiful...
High Summer in the Garden
I've had a crazy few weeks, really, and I don't think it's going to get any less crazy until I'm off to Italy (to stay at my friend Valentina's beautiful...
All I want for Christmas…
Is a Spencer Ivy Electric bicycle. Cute, no? Even if they go in for a rather eccentric type of male model. The post All I want for Christmas… appeared first...
All I want for Christmas…
Is a Spencer Ivy Electric bicycle. Cute, no? Even if they go in for a rather eccentric type of male model. The post All I want for Christmas… appeared first...
Help! Where has your energy gone?
Do you remember my writing about the Energy Cafe? Well, I don't know if it was an evil reader of the blog or merely an opportunistic ne'er do well, but...
Help! Where has your energy gone?
Do you remember my writing about the Energy Cafe? Well, I don't know if it was an evil reader of the blog or merely an opportunistic ne'er do well, but...
High Summer Suffolk coastal
I'm staying with my old friends Charles and Rachel for a couple of days, while I'm up here on the Suffolk coast taking photographs for a book that I'm writing...
High Summer Suffolk coastal
I'm staying with my old friends Charles and Rachel for a couple of days, while I'm up here on the Suffolk coast taking photographs for a book that I'm writing...
Sunshine and showers at the seaside
It's been a strange weekend hasn't it? I don't know about you but I'm not really rating these summer storms very highly. My garden is blown and soaked to bits....
Sunshine and showers at the seaside
It's been a strange weekend hasn't it? I don't know about you but I'm not really rating these summer storms very highly. My garden is blown and soaked to bits....
Stands the clock at ten to three?
It was only after I had taken this photograph that I was reminded of Rupert Brooke's poem, The Old Vicarage, Granchester.... one of those instances of English literature where the...
Stands the clock at ten to three?
It was only after I had taken this photograph that I was reminded of Rupert Brooke's poem, The Old Vicarage, Granchester.... one of those instances of English literature where the...
Farewell to an Old Face
I don't know about you, but I'm not quite sure what to make of the News of the World debacle. Good riddance the evil Murdoch empire, maybe? Sad that our...
Farewell to an Old Face
I don't know about you, but I'm not quite sure what to make of the News of the World debacle. Good riddance the evil Murdoch empire, maybe? Sad that our...
Time to Escape
If Monday mornings are inclined to get you down, may I recommend your morning cup of coffee is accompanied by a 1968 copy of Vogue's Book of Houses, Gardens, People,...
Time to Escape
If Monday mornings are inclined to get you down, may I recommend your morning cup of coffee is accompanied by a 1968 copy of Vogue's Book of Houses, Gardens, People,...
Please don’t forget
That everyone is invited! The post Please don’t forget appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
Please don’t forget
That everyone is invited! The post Please don’t forget appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
Broad bean green
One of my favourite things about this time of year is walking out to the garden and picking broad beans before they are really ready. Pea sized beans somehow just...
Broad bean green
One of my favourite things about this time of year is walking out to the garden and picking broad beans before they are really ready. Pea sized beans somehow just...
Midsummer mist
I woke up very early this morning - my ears still ringing after a crazy, fantastic night of dancing until the small hours to the sounds of the brilliant Slipped Disc...
Midsummer mist
I woke up very early this morning - my ears still ringing after a crazy, fantastic night of dancing until the small hours to the sounds of the brilliant Slipped Disc...
Getting your ducks in a row
Yesterday morning I suffered a terrible hangover - thanks to a good evening the night before with my friends Mo, Eyre & Sherbert, down the valley. I woke feeling grim...
Getting your ducks in a row
Yesterday morning I suffered a terrible hangover - thanks to a good evening the night before with my friends Mo, Eyre & Sherbert, down the valley. I woke feeling grim...
Midsummer approaches
I find it hard to believe that in a week it is midsummer's eve. How the year is flying. Can you cope? The post Midsummer approaches appeared first on Ben...
Midsummer approaches
I find it hard to believe that in a week it is midsummer's eve. How the year is flying. Can you cope? The post Midsummer approaches appeared first on Ben...
Summer Party on the Block
The post Summer Party on the Block appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
Summer Party on the Block
The post Summer Party on the Block appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
The High Line
It was back in 1999, or maybe 2000, when I was living in New York and working for a small firm of architects in the Meatpacking District, that we got...
The High Line
It was back in 1999, or maybe 2000, when I was living in New York and working for a small firm of architects in the Meatpacking District, that we got...
The Dark Side…
We had supper at the weekend with my friends Jane and Edward Hurst, whose old house may be remembered by sharp-eyed readers of World of Interiors from December 2006. They...
The Dark Side…
We had supper at the weekend with my friends Jane and Edward Hurst, whose old house may be remembered by sharp-eyed readers of World of Interiors from December 2006. They...
Staying still
I'm longing to have a moment of staying still. Today - I'm off to a wedding of a very old friend, which is exciting; tomorrow - a trip back up...
Staying still
I'm longing to have a moment of staying still. Today - I'm off to a wedding of a very old friend, which is exciting; tomorrow - a trip back up...
Signs of the Times
It's been quite an exhausting week in the North, and I'm still waiting to unpack my camera when all our stuff gets delivered back down to London next week. So...
Signs of the Times
It's been quite an exhausting week in the North, and I'm still waiting to unpack my camera when all our stuff gets delivered back down to London next week. So...
September to May
I was just leafing through some old photos from last year - looking for something else. I couldn't find the picture I was after (if you must know, of the...
September to May
I was just leafing through some old photos from last year - looking for something else. I couldn't find the picture I was after (if you must know, of the...
Earl Grey or Builder’s?
To find out the answer to this and other vital questions, you can have a little look at the Telegraph Fashion pages: 'What is British style? Four experts have their...
Earl Grey or Builder’s?
To find out the answer to this and other vital questions, you can have a little look at the Telegraph Fashion pages: 'What is British style? Four experts have their...
Early morning
Why is it that gardens are at their most beautiful early in the morning or at dusk? Either way, here are a few shots from very early this morning. Shortly...
Early morning
Why is it that gardens are at their most beautiful early in the morning or at dusk? Either way, here are a few shots from very early this morning. Shortly...
It's not all the time that I pay attention to the Google doodle. But I was very happy this morning to see that they are celebrating the 76th birthday of...
It's not all the time that I pay attention to the Google doodle. But I was very happy this morning to see that they are celebrating the 76th birthday of...
Having decided not to return to London tonight, I went for a run along the valley at sunset. The cows are back in the pasture and after a fleeting rain...
Having decided not to return to London tonight, I went for a run along the valley at sunset. The cows are back in the pasture and after a fleeting rain...
Spring Clean
Why a picture of my cleaning cupboard this weekend? Because Bridie and I have been having a bit of a spring clean of the website. We've slightly reorganised the Departments,...
Spring Clean
Why a picture of my cleaning cupboard this weekend? Because Bridie and I have been having a bit of a spring clean of the website. We've slightly reorganised the Departments,...
News from the North
I have just returned from a couple of days looking at a new project in Scotland, where the Lowlands meet the Highlands in the wonderful country just to the east...
News from the North
I have just returned from a couple of days looking at a new project in Scotland, where the Lowlands meet the Highlands in the wonderful country just to the east...
The necessities of solitude
A short blog for the FT How to Spend It can be found here... The post The necessities of solitude appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
The necessities of solitude
A short blog for the FT How to Spend It can be found here... The post The necessities of solitude appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
Spring Green…
1st May. I love England in May at more than any other time, I think. There is something about the colour of the landscape, this first week of May, that...
Spring Green…
1st May. I love England in May at more than any other time, I think. There is something about the colour of the landscape, this first week of May, that...
Iris time
My first iris unfurled this evening. It's early days for the iris bed. But this gives me hope for the years to come! The post Iris time appeared first on...
Iris time
My first iris unfurled this evening. It's early days for the iris bed. But this gives me hope for the years to come! The post Iris time appeared first on...
Royal Wedding Village
Despite my usual cynicism, I haven't met a single person who didn't love the Royal wedding. Even people who thought they wouldn't. (I wasn't too hopeful myself). Here we are...
Royal Wedding Village
Despite my usual cynicism, I haven't met a single person who didn't love the Royal wedding. Even people who thought they wouldn't. (I wasn't too hopeful myself). Here we are...
How to…
... enjoy it. You can read a little post for the Financial Times How to Spend it here, about the garden one evening this week. The post How to… appeared...
How to…
... enjoy it. You can read a little post for the Financial Times How to Spend it here, about the garden one evening this week. The post How to… appeared...
The Energy Cafe
It's a bit of a shame that my friend Mo is in Ethiopia for Easter (Happy Easter by the way), because I think she would have loved this little set...
The Energy Cafe
It's a bit of a shame that my friend Mo is in Ethiopia for Easter (Happy Easter by the way), because I think she would have loved this little set...
Tulip Time 2…
One advantage of having too many tulips in the garden... is that you can have too many inside. A case of when too many is never enough. The post Tulip...
Tulip Time 2…
One advantage of having too many tulips in the garden... is that you can have too many inside. A case of when too many is never enough. The post Tulip...
A week…
Is a long time in the garden. The wisteria is in flower, the copper beech in leaf. I'm not sure I can get over this weather. It's a bit scary....
A week…
Is a long time in the garden. The wisteria is in flower, the copper beech in leaf. I'm not sure I can get over this weather. It's a bit scary....
Tulip time
It has been one of those weeks here at the Parsonage.... Not much to say, but a lot to look at! The post Tulip time appeared first on Ben Pentreath...
Tulip time
It has been one of those weeks here at the Parsonage.... Not much to say, but a lot to look at! The post Tulip time appeared first on Ben Pentreath...
In the Pink
No, not my pink sitting room (which, for those who were wondering, I am really in love with). But, yes, I have been asked to give you a link to...
In the Pink
No, not my pink sitting room (which, for those who were wondering, I am really in love with). But, yes, I have been asked to give you a link to...
“It’s a fine line…
...between too much and not enough", as a friend of mine in New York used to say. So. I got back from Berlin and straight to work for a rather...
“It’s a fine line…
...between too much and not enough", as a friend of mine in New York used to say. So. I got back from Berlin and straight to work for a rather...
Old and New: Berlin Spring
Sorry (to regular readers) for not posting for a little while. Not just because we wanted to join Princess Anne in admiring her rowers... not only that... but also because...
Old and New: Berlin Spring
Sorry (to regular readers) for not posting for a little while. Not just because we wanted to join Princess Anne in admiring her rowers... not only that... but also because...
Nineteenth Century Skyline
If The Prince of Wales had happened to find himself strolling across Waterloo Bridge yesterday morning, at about 6.15, I think he might have been quite happy. By a bizarre...
Nineteenth Century Skyline
If The Prince of Wales had happened to find himself strolling across Waterloo Bridge yesterday morning, at about 6.15, I think he might have been quite happy. By a bizarre...
Spring sunshine
It has been a beautiful weekend down in Dorset. As a result, lots of things that I was meant to do haven't quite been done. But who wants to do...
Spring sunshine
It has been a beautiful weekend down in Dorset. As a result, lots of things that I was meant to do haven't quite been done. But who wants to do...
January 1987
Would anyone like to help fill a gap? What is that obsessive compulsive pile of magazines in the landing outside my bedroom (see below....)? Yes, I have spent a bit...
January 1987
Would anyone like to help fill a gap? What is that obsessive compulsive pile of magazines in the landing outside my bedroom (see below....)? Yes, I have spent a bit...
I’m very scared…
I have just come back this evening from the St. Pancras Hotel - which opened today. Not being the sort of person with time on their hands to do the...
I’m very scared…
I have just come back this evening from the St. Pancras Hotel - which opened today. Not being the sort of person with time on their hands to do the...
Roman Holiday
I have left my camera in Dorset. Which is a shame, because in the last week or so I've seen rather a lot of little scenes in London that might...
Roman Holiday
I have left my camera in Dorset. Which is a shame, because in the last week or so I've seen rather a lot of little scenes in London that might...
Signs of Spring
Did you realise the clocks change in three weekends time? No, I didn't think so.... (put a note in your diary for 27 March). The post Signs of Spring appeared...
Signs of Spring
Did you realise the clocks change in three weekends time? No, I didn't think so.... (put a note in your diary for 27 March). The post Signs of Spring appeared...
Rhubarb crumble
Okay, I have a confession to make. The following photos are not garden grown rhubarb, although I did have a look in one of my forcers yesterday and I suppose...
Rhubarb crumble
Okay, I have a confession to make. The following photos are not garden grown rhubarb, although I did have a look in one of my forcers yesterday and I suppose...
Royal Wedding Chic
What is every best dressed kitchen wearing this March? A Francis Terry Royal Wedding tea towel. Who knew? The post Royal Wedding Chic appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
Royal Wedding Chic
What is every best dressed kitchen wearing this March? A Francis Terry Royal Wedding tea towel. Who knew? The post Royal Wedding Chic appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
Hello, Cupcake
The other day I went for a cup of tea with my brother and sister in law, and was greeted by my youngest niece Daisy who had made quite an...
Hello, Cupcake
The other day I went for a cup of tea with my brother and sister in law, and was greeted by my youngest niece Daisy who had made quite an...
Dictator style…
I don't know if you, like us at Ben P towers, find events in the Middle East a little hard to keep up with. Talk about shifting sands. There is...
Dictator style…
I don't know if you, like us at Ben P towers, find events in the Middle East a little hard to keep up with. Talk about shifting sands. There is...
Pink Spring
Have you noticed the mornings getting lighter, and the evenings longer? No? Well, I think they are. It's subtle, but signs that spring is on its way are here at...
Pink Spring
Have you noticed the mornings getting lighter, and the evenings longer? No? Well, I think they are. It's subtle, but signs that spring is on its way are here at...
Hello, Mr Happy
Well, it can only get better after Monday. As you probably all know, January 24th is officially the most depressing day of the year. (Well, actually there is some question...
Hello, Mr Happy
Well, it can only get better after Monday. As you probably all know, January 24th is officially the most depressing day of the year. (Well, actually there is some question...
Kitchen typography
Yesterday afternoon I was having a look at a couple of beautiful cookbooks I found at Bridport Old Books on Saturday. They prompted me to think how nice 1940s and...
Kitchen typography
Yesterday afternoon I was having a look at a couple of beautiful cookbooks I found at Bridport Old Books on Saturday. They prompted me to think how nice 1940s and...
Green shoots
It's probably a false promise of spring, but one couldn't help but be cheered by the day when I arrived in Dorset this morning. Opening up the shuttered house for...
Green shoots
It's probably a false promise of spring, but one couldn't help but be cheered by the day when I arrived in Dorset this morning. Opening up the shuttered house for...
Changing scenery
I suppose one of the best things about going on holiday, as I did with my best friend Valentina, to Italy, the day after Christmas, is having a new view...
Changing scenery
I suppose one of the best things about going on holiday, as I did with my best friend Valentina, to Italy, the day after Christmas, is having a new view...
Morning and Evening
A beautiful but freezing day. It is good to be curled up by the fire writing this. And even better this afternoon that the oil company - amazingly - brought...
Morning and Evening
A beautiful but freezing day. It is good to be curled up by the fire writing this. And even better this afternoon that the oil company - amazingly - brought...
Landscape under snow
I arrived in Dorset this afternoon to find a bleached, white, silent landscape... and felt I had entered a dream. Nothing moved in the valley. The village has been completely...
Landscape under snow
I arrived in Dorset this afternoon to find a bleached, white, silent landscape... and felt I had entered a dream. Nothing moved in the valley. The village has been completely...
Helpful hints no. 39: Corner Fireplaces
Well it's not often that we get such a nice email as that from Anna, a New Yorker living in Berlin... commenting on snowy streets and my fireplace here in...
Helpful hints no. 39: Corner Fireplaces
Well it's not often that we get such a nice email as that from Anna, a New Yorker living in Berlin... commenting on snowy streets and my fireplace here in...
Happy Christmas with love from London!
Its been a beautiful day in London. Well, not if you were trying to fly home from Heathrow airport, like my neighbour Daniel. The post Happy Christmas with love from...
Happy Christmas with love from London!
Its been a beautiful day in London. Well, not if you were trying to fly home from Heathrow airport, like my neighbour Daniel. The post Happy Christmas with love from...
Winter sunshine
When the holiday pages in the paper promise winter sun, it is true that I sometimes dream of baking on some faraway island just now. But can I be honest?...
Winter sunshine
When the holiday pages in the paper promise winter sun, it is true that I sometimes dream of baking on some faraway island just now. But can I be honest?...
The World of Interiors
Today was a happy day. After a quick trip to Columbia market, a delicious lunch with my friends Ruth Andrew and Georgie (Georgie is our apron model). It was very...
The World of Interiors
Today was a happy day. After a quick trip to Columbia market, a delicious lunch with my friends Ruth Andrew and Georgie (Georgie is our apron model). It was very...
Three Classicists strike again…
Do you remember our exhibition in May? And the film that went with it? The post Three Classicists strike again… appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
Three Classicists strike again…
Do you remember our exhibition in May? And the film that went with it? The post Three Classicists strike again… appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
Winter evenings
Am I alone in being happy for winter afternoons drawing rapidly to dark evenings? The weekend has been wet, grey and cold. It was my birthday yesterday... a delicious dinner...
Winter evenings
Am I alone in being happy for winter afternoons drawing rapidly to dark evenings? The weekend has been wet, grey and cold. It was my birthday yesterday... a delicious dinner...
Two skies
Driving back across Eggardon Hill from Jane and Johnny Holland's, I had to stop a moment to drink in the view. Dorset at her best. The post Two skies appeared...
Two skies
Driving back across Eggardon Hill from Jane and Johnny Holland's, I had to stop a moment to drink in the view. Dorset at her best. The post Two skies appeared...
Autumn Mornings
I don't know about you, but I think there is something particularly amazing about Autumn this year. A year ago last weekend, I realise, I moved in to the house....
Autumn Mornings
I don't know about you, but I think there is something particularly amazing about Autumn this year. A year ago last weekend, I realise, I moved in to the house....
Through the Woods
I think it was Vita Sackville-West who wrote of 'autumn leaves moments' - those visceral times of such great pleasure - that we get from trampling through a pile of...
Through the Woods
I think it was Vita Sackville-West who wrote of 'autumn leaves moments' - those visceral times of such great pleasure - that we get from trampling through a pile of...
Home for lost Gnomes…
One of the more curious curiosities that Bridie gathered into the shop was a marvellous collection of Gnomes. At the end of the fortnight, they have all found new homes,...
Home for lost Gnomes…
One of the more curious curiosities that Bridie gathered into the shop was a marvellous collection of Gnomes. At the end of the fortnight, they have all found new homes,...
The landscape around us
On Sunday, we went for a walk across the valley to Top Parts. I don't know that I have seen the air so clear, or the light so sharp on...
The landscape around us
On Sunday, we went for a walk across the valley to Top Parts. I don't know that I have seen the air so clear, or the light so sharp on...
The perfect house
What a weekend. It's been a hectic few days - following the wonderful cabinet opening (more will follow in a day or two) I was down to Dorset... where I...
The perfect house
What a weekend. It's been a hectic few days - following the wonderful cabinet opening (more will follow in a day or two) I was down to Dorset... where I...
Well, this post is called our Inspiration, but from time to time I wonder if it should just be renamed things we like? Last week was a slightly manic. I...
Well, this post is called our Inspiration, but from time to time I wonder if it should just be renamed things we like? Last week was a slightly manic. I...
Border control…
A year goes quickly, and nowhere more so than in the garden. It's strange to think that I've been at the Parsonage for a year now... it seems about five...
Border control…
A year goes quickly, and nowhere more so than in the garden. It's strange to think that I've been at the Parsonage for a year now... it seems about five...
The Cabinet of Curiosities awaits…
Have you noticed how busy Bridie has been recently? At strange times of the night I get short emails describing delirious and crazy schemes... and to be honest, I'm not...
The Cabinet of Curiosities awaits…
Have you noticed how busy Bridie has been recently? At strange times of the night I get short emails describing delirious and crazy schemes... and to be honest, I'm not...
A star is born…
For a little while, Bridie and I have reluctantly admitted, in private, that the biggest attraction on Rugby Street these days was no longer the shop. No, not the latest...
A star is born…
For a little while, Bridie and I have reluctantly admitted, in private, that the biggest attraction on Rugby Street these days was no longer the shop. No, not the latest...
Autumn windows
Autumn is in the air, isn't it? What a beautiful weekend it has been in London. Yesterday afternoon, after a morning of running very satisfying errands, I went for a...
Autumn windows
Autumn is in the air, isn't it? What a beautiful weekend it has been in London. Yesterday afternoon, after a morning of running very satisfying errands, I went for a...
Sneak preview…
On Tuesday, as you will know if you follow this blog, Bridie and I reopen the doors after what can only be described as a new term reorganisation. We've metaphorically...
Sneak preview…
On Tuesday, as you will know if you follow this blog, Bridie and I reopen the doors after what can only be described as a new term reorganisation. We've metaphorically...
A first harvest
This weekend I was meant to be working. Tomorrow morning, Monday, my client will find out that I haven't done the drawings that I promised to get down. Oh dear....
A first harvest
This weekend I was meant to be working. Tomorrow morning, Monday, my client will find out that I haven't done the drawings that I promised to get down. Oh dear....
Simple pleasures, Part 2
A while ago, I seem to remember writing about the simple pleasure of a grapefruit. Thank you to those of you who sent Bridie and me pictures of your simple...
Simple pleasures, Part 2
A while ago, I seem to remember writing about the simple pleasure of a grapefruit. Thank you to those of you who sent Bridie and me pictures of your simple...
Late Summer days
Did you have a good bank holiday? It feels a long time ago... a busy week down in Dorset. The post Late Summer days appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
Late Summer days
Did you have a good bank holiday? It feels a long time ago... a busy week down in Dorset. The post Late Summer days appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
Signs of the Times
If you had been wandering down Rugby Street early on Sunday morning, you would have encountered a cheerful chap on a ladder, outside the shop, painting our new sign. Wayne...
Signs of the Times
If you had been wandering down Rugby Street early on Sunday morning, you would have encountered a cheerful chap on a ladder, outside the shop, painting our new sign. Wayne...
I was just…
Looking at my holiday snaps. So, I know, the other night, I denied everyone photos of Sienese churches and misty hillsides (although I do have a few of those). Well...
I was just…
Looking at my holiday snaps. So, I know, the other night, I denied everyone photos of Sienese churches and misty hillsides (although I do have a few of those). Well...
Gli Anni di Cocktail di Gamberetto*
(*The Prawn Cocktail Years) The post Gli Anni di Cocktail di Gamberetto* appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
Gli Anni di Cocktail di Gamberetto*
(*The Prawn Cocktail Years) The post Gli Anni di Cocktail di Gamberetto* appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
Now and then…
Next week, I'm very excited to be heading off to Italy for a couple of weeks with my best friend Valentina from New York. The post Now and then… appeared...
Now and then…
Next week, I'm very excited to be heading off to Italy for a couple of weeks with my best friend Valentina from New York. The post Now and then… appeared...
Forget tulipomania. (well, at least until next spring). Tonight I picked the first dahlias. The post Dahliamania appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
Forget tulipomania. (well, at least until next spring). Tonight I picked the first dahlias. The post Dahliamania appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
The view from here
It's perfect this evening. At the end of a pretty busy day, I've spent a couple of very quiet hours in the garden. The sun is setting with just a...
The view from here
It's perfect this evening. At the end of a pretty busy day, I've spent a couple of very quiet hours in the garden. The sun is setting with just a...
Evening and morning
Yesterday evening, I left London but not without taking a snap of my flat mate William's lilies... the new ephemeral attraction of Lambs Conduit Street. Pop by and look up...
Evening and morning
Yesterday evening, I left London but not without taking a snap of my flat mate William's lilies... the new ephemeral attraction of Lambs Conduit Street. Pop by and look up...
Of Cabbages and Kings
Oh dear, I feel like I'm turning in to Sarah Raven. Basically, I love Sarah Raven, although I think it could be a finely balanced thing as to whether I...
1 commentOf Cabbages and Kings
Oh dear, I feel like I'm turning in to Sarah Raven. Basically, I love Sarah Raven, although I think it could be a finely balanced thing as to whether I...
Reddish for ever
This morning, I was driving to Dorset via a new site in Wiltshire. I got a little lost on my way down, and chanced upon the incredible valley west of...
1 commentReddish for ever
This morning, I was driving to Dorset via a new site in Wiltshire. I got a little lost on my way down, and chanced upon the incredible valley west of...
Town & Country
Have you noticed something incredibly exciting arriving in London? I can't say I hate Boris, I can't say I love him - but I do love the new London bike...
Town & Country
Have you noticed something incredibly exciting arriving in London? I can't say I hate Boris, I can't say I love him - but I do love the new London bike...
Something old, something blue…
A little while ago, I found a sad old chair in a junk auction, falling to bits and covered in a revolting greasy chintz. Not very encouraging, but there was...
Something old, something blue…
A little while ago, I found a sad old chair in a junk auction, falling to bits and covered in a revolting greasy chintz. Not very encouraging, but there was...
Farewell, Leonie Highton
I saw a really old friend the other day for the first time in years. He was just off to the farewell party for Leonie Highton, associate editor at House...
Farewell, Leonie Highton
I saw a really old friend the other day for the first time in years. He was just off to the farewell party for Leonie Highton, associate editor at House...
Do you mind?
If I post a couple more pics of the valley and the veg patch, taken the other evening? The post Do you mind? appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
Do you mind?
If I post a couple more pics of the valley and the veg patch, taken the other evening? The post Do you mind? appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
Contrasts at Mottisfont
It's been a busy couple of weeks... but a little while ago, on a beautiful June evening, I went with friends to Mottisfont. June is Rose month at Mottisfont, and...
Contrasts at Mottisfont
It's been a busy couple of weeks... but a little while ago, on a beautiful June evening, I went with friends to Mottisfont. June is Rose month at Mottisfont, and...
Really Plain English…
I was sitting having my cup of coffee just now and was thinking a bit about kitchens. In the new age of modesty (sounds a bit friendlier than austerity, doesn't...
Really Plain English…
I was sitting having my cup of coffee just now and was thinking a bit about kitchens. In the new age of modesty (sounds a bit friendlier than austerity, doesn't...
Rain clouds rolled through the valley at the end of a hot day. At dusk, the sky cleared and I went for a short walk through the village. Here are...
Rain clouds rolled through the valley at the end of a hot day. At dusk, the sky cleared and I went for a short walk through the village. Here are...
Salad Days
It was a lovely weekend of friends down in Dorset, visits to Bridport Market, Forde Abbey, and lots of neighbours around for supper - where we enjoyed bowls of salad...
Salad Days
It was a lovely weekend of friends down in Dorset, visits to Bridport Market, Forde Abbey, and lots of neighbours around for supper - where we enjoyed bowls of salad...
The Whittington Press
How nice to receive an email this morning from John and Rose Randle at the Whittington Press, announcing their handsomely designed new website, which you can link to here. It...
The Whittington Press
How nice to receive an email this morning from John and Rose Randle at the Whittington Press, announcing their handsomely designed new website, which you can link to here. It...
Midsummer chimneypiece
My friend George Saumarez Smith (who I did the RIBA drawings with - see the posting in May) sent me this photograph of his fireplace at home in Winchester saying...
Midsummer chimneypiece
My friend George Saumarez Smith (who I did the RIBA drawings with - see the posting in May) sent me this photograph of his fireplace at home in Winchester saying...
Margery Street Estate
I went for a little walk up to Amwell Street this evening. What was this vision of English country house planting on the corner of Lloyd Baker Street and Farringdon...
Margery Street Estate
I went for a little walk up to Amwell Street this evening. What was this vision of English country house planting on the corner of Lloyd Baker Street and Farringdon...
Memory of a View…
Considering cities, as I just was, I had a long, happy think back about my years in New York. Too many friends and memories to write about just now, but...
Memory of a View…
Considering cities, as I just was, I had a long, happy think back about my years in New York. Too many friends and memories to write about just now, but...
In Praise of the City
I suddenly began to get a nasty feeling that the blog was all about a rural idyll. Believe me, if I lived in Dorset all the time, I would go...
In Praise of the City
I suddenly began to get a nasty feeling that the blog was all about a rural idyll. Believe me, if I lived in Dorset all the time, I would go...
Patterns in the Garden
It was strange to think that a few months ago my new veg patch was a field. The post Patterns in the Garden appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
Patterns in the Garden
It was strange to think that a few months ago my new veg patch was a field. The post Patterns in the Garden appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
The King Penguins
I was thinking at the weekend about King Penguins. If you don't know these books, here are a few examples - ending with my very battered copy of Life in...
The King Penguins
I was thinking at the weekend about King Penguins. If you don't know these books, here are a few examples - ending with my very battered copy of Life in...
Cow Parsley and chives
Did everyone have a good bank holiday weekend? The post Cow Parsley and chives appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
Cow Parsley and chives
Did everyone have a good bank holiday weekend? The post Cow Parsley and chives appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
A pastoral moment
Earlier this week, at the end of a fairly exhausting few days of meetings at the end of a fairly exhausting month, I went for a little stroll through the...
A pastoral moment
Earlier this week, at the end of a fairly exhausting few days of meetings at the end of a fairly exhausting month, I went for a little stroll through the...
And so to the Parsonage…
As if exhibitions, drawings, lectures and boring old work hasn't been enough.. what about the most important thing in my life right now? My veg patch! The post And so...
And so to the Parsonage…
As if exhibitions, drawings, lectures and boring old work hasn't been enough.. what about the most important thing in my life right now? My veg patch! The post And so...
RIBA drawing day
A few days after our exhibition opening, George, Francis and I spent the day at the RIBA and drew a massive drawing on the wall. A little crazy, and a...
RIBA drawing day
A few days after our exhibition opening, George, Francis and I spent the day at the RIBA and drew a massive drawing on the wall. A little crazy, and a...
Too busy to write?
It's been a bit of a crazy month. For those of you who follow the blog (hello Bridie, and hello Bridie's mum!) you may have been wondering if we were...
1 commentToo busy to write?
It's been a bit of a crazy month. For those of you who follow the blog (hello Bridie, and hello Bridie's mum!) you may have been wondering if we were...
Is winter going to end? Bridie is off skiing, lucky her. For those of us left behind, I've put an easter display in the window but it all feels, well,...
Is winter going to end? Bridie is off skiing, lucky her. For those of us left behind, I've put an easter display in the window but it all feels, well,...
Wide skies
Back to London from a quiet, happy weekend in Suffolk, near the coast. Life in Dorset (or indeed in London) makes one forget those wide skies and soft blue grey,...
Wide skies
Back to London from a quiet, happy weekend in Suffolk, near the coast. Life in Dorset (or indeed in London) makes one forget those wide skies and soft blue grey,...
French letters
What is it about those French? A little while ago, Bridie and I had a lovely weekend in Paris, looking for inspiration. We found it in many places, but for...
French letters
What is it about those French? A little while ago, Bridie and I had a lovely weekend in Paris, looking for inspiration. We found it in many places, but for...
Getting ready in the garden…
We've been hard at work in the garden at the Old Parsonage... and last weekend it was time to bring in the muck! Ian and Denise, my lovely friends who...
Getting ready in the garden…
We've been hard at work in the garden at the Old Parsonage... and last weekend it was time to bring in the muck! Ian and Denise, my lovely friends who...
A different view
I am having some chairs reupholstered. These chairs cost me £10 each. I don't know about you, but I think there's something a little wrong in the world when these...
A different view
I am having some chairs reupholstered. These chairs cost me £10 each. I don't know about you, but I think there's something a little wrong in the world when these...
Simple pleasures
The other day, I sliced a grapefruit in half for breakfast. Here it is. I don't know about you, but I found something so pleasing about that grapefruit, sitting on...
Simple pleasures
The other day, I sliced a grapefruit in half for breakfast. Here it is. I don't know about you, but I found something so pleasing about that grapefruit, sitting on...
A steampunk moment…
I was recently chatting to my good friends the Hamilton clan, who are publishing the catalogue of a forthcoming exhibition of drawings at the RIBA that I am putting on...
A steampunk moment…
I was recently chatting to my good friends the Hamilton clan, who are publishing the catalogue of a forthcoming exhibition of drawings at the RIBA that I am putting on...
Spring stirring…
Just as the snow and pouring rain continue to make Bridie and me wonder why we don't shut the shop and go to the sunshine all winter long... a glimmer...
Spring stirring…
Just as the snow and pouring rain continue to make Bridie and me wonder why we don't shut the shop and go to the sunshine all winter long... a glimmer...
Will you be my….
I'm not a great one for sentiment or symbolic gestures but there is something about the shape of a heart that makes me come over all funny. I don't know...
Will you be my….
I'm not a great one for sentiment or symbolic gestures but there is something about the shape of a heart that makes me come over all funny. I don't know...
Long dark days
Although Rugby Street, bizarrely, seems to have escaped the winter weather with little more than half an inch of snow, we have heard from time to time that the rest...
Long dark days
Although Rugby Street, bizarrely, seems to have escaped the winter weather with little more than half an inch of snow, we have heard from time to time that the rest...
Ben Pentreath Ltd Christmas Window
I wanted to take some really atmospheric photographs of the shop Christmas window yesterday while it was snowing, but it was so freezing I couldn't concentrate and here is my...
Ben Pentreath Ltd Christmas Window
I wanted to take some really atmospheric photographs of the shop Christmas window yesterday while it was snowing, but it was so freezing I couldn't concentrate and here is my...
Cabinet of Curiosities
For those of you who didn't make it to the innagural Ben Pentreath Ltd 'Cabinet of Curiosities', here are a few choice images to take inspiration from. The post Cabinet...
Cabinet of Curiosities
For those of you who didn't make it to the innagural Ben Pentreath Ltd 'Cabinet of Curiosities', here are a few choice images to take inspiration from. The post Cabinet...
Christmas Shopping Evening Thursday 10th December
We'll be open for this, promise. The post Christmas Shopping Evening Thursday 10th December appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
Christmas Shopping Evening Thursday 10th December
We'll be open for this, promise. The post Christmas Shopping Evening Thursday 10th December appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
Buy Nothing Day – Sorry – and thank you…
So, I have a confession to make. When Bridie and I decided to close the shop for International Buy Nothing Day, on Saturday... The post Buy Nothing Day – Sorry...
Buy Nothing Day – Sorry – and thank you…
So, I have a confession to make. When Bridie and I decided to close the shop for International Buy Nothing Day, on Saturday... The post Buy Nothing Day – Sorry...
Rugby Street Thursday 26th November
The post Rugby Street Thursday 26th November appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
Rugby Street Thursday 26th November
The post Rugby Street Thursday 26th November appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
Christmas is coming…..
....and we have the perfect way to count down to the big day. The Victorian Advent Calendar! The post Christmas is coming….. appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
Christmas is coming…..
....and we have the perfect way to count down to the big day. The Victorian Advent Calendar! The post Christmas is coming….. appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
Number 18 Rugby Street
On the 21st of September we had a rather special gathering at Ben Pentreath Ltd. It was the publication date for 'Timmy the Tug'. The post Number 18 Rugby Street...
Number 18 Rugby Street
On the 21st of September we had a rather special gathering at Ben Pentreath Ltd. It was the publication date for 'Timmy the Tug'. The post Number 18 Rugby Street...
The Old Parsonage…
I know there is a bit of a fan club out there for the Old Parsonage (hello Bridie's mum & Rob Rae!!!) so here before I go to sleep are...
The Old Parsonage…
I know there is a bit of a fan club out there for the Old Parsonage (hello Bridie's mum & Rob Rae!!!) so here before I go to sleep are...
A Cabinet of Glamour…
A fantastic balmy air last week on Rugby Street.... as the shop was transformed by Bridie into a magical and marvelous wunderkammer of delights. Here, as a little taster, is...
A Cabinet of Glamour…
A fantastic balmy air last week on Rugby Street.... as the shop was transformed by Bridie into a magical and marvelous wunderkammer of delights. Here, as a little taster, is...
The Cabinet of Curiosities is opening!
The post The Cabinet of Curiosities is opening! appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
The Cabinet of Curiosities is opening!
The post The Cabinet of Curiosities is opening! appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
I know exactly where I’d rather be right now…
I love my job, but I have just spent the last couple of hours arranging and re-arranging the new stock of blankets Eleanor Pritchard has bought in, and at the...
I know exactly where I’d rather be right now…
I love my job, but I have just spent the last couple of hours arranging and re-arranging the new stock of blankets Eleanor Pritchard has bought in, and at the...
Goodbye Summer…
I think we can all say that summer is slipping slowly away. The autumn leaves are turning down in Dorset. Lovely days of pouring rain here to stay in London....
Goodbye Summer…
I think we can all say that summer is slipping slowly away. The autumn leaves are turning down in Dorset. Lovely days of pouring rain here to stay in London....
The Rugby Street Film Club!
Here is a massive thanks to everyone who made our film night such a success - George and Sarah from Pyjama Pictures, Winston and Dr John the Camden sound engineers,...
The Rugby Street Film Club!
Here is a massive thanks to everyone who made our film night such a success - George and Sarah from Pyjama Pictures, Winston and Dr John the Camden sound engineers,...
Amelie on Rugby Street
What is that yellow poster on the corner of Rugby Street & Lambs Conduit? The post Amelie on Rugby Street appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
Amelie on Rugby Street
What is that yellow poster on the corner of Rugby Street & Lambs Conduit? The post Amelie on Rugby Street appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
The Hone Museum
Recently, we installed a collection of Peter Hone plasters on the back wall of the shop. The outcome being far more impressively dramatic then we expected lead us to rename...
1 commentThe Hone Museum
Recently, we installed a collection of Peter Hone plasters on the back wall of the shop. The outcome being far more impressively dramatic then we expected lead us to rename...
The Rugby Street Summer Party
A beautiful warm evening last Thursday, and a big thank you to everyone who came along to the shops and made for such a fun night! The post The Rugby...
The Rugby Street Summer Party
A beautiful warm evening last Thursday, and a big thank you to everyone who came along to the shops and made for such a fun night! The post The Rugby...
A Lease of life
The still of evening; a quiet, soft pink sunset on the longest day of the year. At the end of a wonderful weekend, I have just spent an hour alone...
A Lease of life
The still of evening; a quiet, soft pink sunset on the longest day of the year. At the end of a wonderful weekend, I have just spent an hour alone...
Attention All Stationery Enthusiasts!
Passers-by have been stopping in their tracks outside the new window display of Tessa Fantoni Photo Albums, Box Files and Magazine Boxes. Those who've then come in have been heard...
Attention All Stationery Enthusiasts!
Passers-by have been stopping in their tracks outside the new window display of Tessa Fantoni Photo Albums, Box Files and Magazine Boxes. Those who've then come in have been heard...
Dreaming of Alphabets
If you were wondering what is the same price as a family car, a lot more fun, and infinitely more beautiful, try this Alphabet tapestry by Peter Blake. The post...
Dreaming of Alphabets
If you were wondering what is the same price as a family car, a lot more fun, and infinitely more beautiful, try this Alphabet tapestry by Peter Blake. The post...
Would you rather be on Eggardon Hill?
My best friends Jane and Johnny Holland have just embarked on an amazing project in the beautiful Dorset village of Powerstock. The post Would you rather be on Eggardon Hill?...
Would you rather be on Eggardon Hill?
My best friends Jane and Johnny Holland have just embarked on an amazing project in the beautiful Dorset village of Powerstock. The post Would you rather be on Eggardon Hill?...
Can we possibly have enough of Elaine?
Due to popular demand we have extended the duration of Elaine’s photographic exhibiton for another fortnight; the closing date is now Saturday 30 May. The reception the work has been getting...
Can we possibly have enough of Elaine?
Due to popular demand we have extended the duration of Elaine’s photographic exhibiton for another fortnight; the closing date is now Saturday 30 May. The reception the work has been getting...
The P&H Christmas Shop Opening Hours
Christmas Opening Hours: Tuesday – Friday, 11am to 6pm Saturday – 11am to 5pm Open Sunday 22nd December – 11am to 5pm Christmas Eve – 11am – 5pm CLOSED:...
The P&H Christmas Shop Opening Hours
Christmas Opening Hours: Tuesday – Friday, 11am to 6pm Saturday – 11am to 5pm Open Sunday 22nd December – 11am to 5pm Christmas Eve – 11am – 5pm CLOSED:...
P&H Coronation Decorations 2023
It was this time a year ago we were beginning to think about taking down the Coronation Decorations that adorned our shop front for the week prior and the week...
5 commentsP&H Coronation Decorations 2023
It was this time a year ago we were beginning to think about taking down the Coronation Decorations that adorned our shop front for the week prior and the week...
NEW! Trellis Work Glass & Brass Lamps. High Fre...
Introducing the newest range of Glass & Brass Lamps featuring a colourful array of newly worked richly printed trellis work patterns by Bridie Hall. Colour is at the very heart...
NEW! Trellis Work Glass & Brass Lamps. High Fre...
Introducing the newest range of Glass & Brass Lamps featuring a colourful array of newly worked richly printed trellis work patterns by Bridie Hall. Colour is at the very heart...
Introducing! CHIC Red & White Marble Soap Dishe...
The rectangular and round red and white marble soap dishes were designed by Bridie especially for the Intaglio and Bay & Rosemary Caesar Soaps. There's no better soap dish for...
Introducing! CHIC Red & White Marble Soap Dishe...
The rectangular and round red and white marble soap dishes were designed by Bridie especially for the Intaglio and Bay & Rosemary Caesar Soaps. There's no better soap dish for...
Project Intaglio Soap - From Hades to Hercules.
For those of you who have been following along on my creative path for over 12 years now, you will be familiar with the intaglio cases we have made over the...
1 commentProject Intaglio Soap - From Hades to Hercules.
For those of you who have been following along on my creative path for over 12 years now, you will be familiar with the intaglio cases we have made over the...
Pentreath & Hall Creamware Collection
The reassuringly traditional plain glazed cream earthenware made by the great English potteries of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, known as creamware, has been a stock staple of Pentreath &...
Pentreath & Hall Creamware Collection
The reassuringly traditional plain glazed cream earthenware made by the great English potteries of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, known as creamware, has been a stock staple of Pentreath &...
Introducing Bay & Rosemary Caesar soaps
Introducing new Bay & Rosemary Caesar Soaps! Caesar shaped soaps, the likes of which you've never seen before! For everyday use in the cloakroom, shower and bath. A perfect sized and...
Introducing Bay & Rosemary Caesar soaps
Introducing new Bay & Rosemary Caesar Soaps! Caesar shaped soaps, the likes of which you've never seen before! For everyday use in the cloakroom, shower and bath. A perfect sized and...
Workshop Assistants Wanted for Bridie Hall Ltd
£12.50/hour. Monday – Thursday, 9am to 5.30pm. Bridie Hall Ltd is growing and we are currently looking for two workshop assistants for four days a week. They will be required...
Workshop Assistants Wanted for Bridie Hall Ltd
£12.50/hour. Monday – Thursday, 9am to 5.30pm. Bridie Hall Ltd is growing and we are currently looking for two workshop assistants for four days a week. They will be required...
Introducing a New Alphabet Brush Pot Font - 'FIGGINS ANTIQUE' Enjoy a 20% discount on all new 'Figgins Antique Font Alphabet Brush Pots' Offer ends Friday 6th May. Desktops don’t have to...
Introducing a New Alphabet Brush Pot Font - 'FIGGINS ANTIQUE' Enjoy a 20% discount on all new 'Figgins Antique Font Alphabet Brush Pots' Offer ends Friday 6th May. Desktops don’t have to...
Intaglio Paperweights
Believe it or not paperweights were part of a showcase of international artistic innovation at The Great Exhibition of 1851. Paperweights were viewed as luxury items that satisfied the C19th...
Intaglio Paperweights
Believe it or not paperweights were part of a showcase of international artistic innovation at The Great Exhibition of 1851. Paperweights were viewed as luxury items that satisfied the C19th...
AD100 Bridie Hall 2022
I am honoured to be included in the AD100 lineup for 2022. What a wonderful way to start the year.
AD100 Bridie Hall 2022
I am honoured to be included in the AD100 lineup for 2022. What a wonderful way to start the year.
Bear Bottle Pottery Project
For as long as l have visited the pottery galleries at the V&A, I have admired their small collection of bear bottles and jugs. As my interest in pottery grew...
Bear Bottle Pottery Project
For as long as l have visited the pottery galleries at the V&A, I have admired their small collection of bear bottles and jugs. As my interest in pottery grew...
Pentreath & Hall | Assistant Shop Manager
Hours: Tuesday – Saturday, 9am – 6pm - £13.50 per hour. We’re excited to be expanding our team and are looking for a self-motivated, friendly and responsible person to assist...
Pentreath & Hall | Assistant Shop Manager
Hours: Tuesday – Saturday, 9am – 6pm - £13.50 per hour. We’re excited to be expanding our team and are looking for a self-motivated, friendly and responsible person to assist...
WANTED: Pentreath & Hall Ltd Shop Manager
Pentreath & Hall Ltd Shop Manager Hours: Monday – Friday, 9am – 6pm. Occasional Saturdays along with the odd late-night event. Job Description: We’re looking for a self-motivated and responsible person...
WANTED: Pentreath & Hall Ltd Shop Manager
Pentreath & Hall Ltd Shop Manager Hours: Monday – Friday, 9am – 6pm. Occasional Saturdays along with the odd late-night event. Job Description: We’re looking for a self-motivated and responsible person...
Production Assistant Wanted for Bridie Hall Ltd
Bridie Hall Ltd is currently looking for a workshop assistant for four days a week. They will be required to help with the preparation and...
Production Assistant Wanted for Bridie Hall Ltd
Bridie Hall Ltd is currently looking for a workshop assistant for four days a week. They will be required to help with the preparation and...
New: Grand Tour Intaglio Cases
Diamond, rectangle, square, triangle and octagonal shaped shaped display cases filled an array of candy coloured cast 'Grand tour' intaglios. Inspired by the famous Cobbe museum’s collections of colourful ‘medallion...
1 commentNew: Grand Tour Intaglio Cases
Diamond, rectangle, square, triangle and octagonal shaped shaped display cases filled an array of candy coloured cast 'Grand tour' intaglios. Inspired by the famous Cobbe museum’s collections of colourful ‘medallion...
Pentreath & Hall | Ecommerce Co-ordinator An exciting opportunity has arisen for a customer-focused, dynamic and motivated candidate to run the day-to-day online operations of our globally reputable central London-based...
Pentreath & Hall | Ecommerce Co-ordinator An exciting opportunity has arisen for a customer-focused, dynamic and motivated candidate to run the day-to-day online operations of our globally reputable central London-based...
At home with the 'Bible of British Taste'
It was a privilege and an honour to allow the hallowed ‘Bible of British Taste’, back in the days when it was safe to do so, into my home to...
At home with the 'Bible of British Taste'
It was a privilege and an honour to allow the hallowed ‘Bible of British Taste’, back in the days when it was safe to do so, into my home to...
Vacancy: Box Packer Wanted!
Box packer wanted! Bridie Hall Ltd is looking for a happy hardworking and practical box packer to help out 2-3 days per week until Christmas in the NEW central London...
Vacancy: Box Packer Wanted!
Box packer wanted! Bridie Hall Ltd is looking for a happy hardworking and practical box packer to help out 2-3 days per week until Christmas in the NEW central London...
Desk Accessories for Pentreath & Hall
Covering our classic desk accessories in my collection of ‘Opus Sectile’ patterned papers made me think about how chic they would look printed onto leather and covering a beautiful collection...
Desk Accessories for Pentreath & Hall
Covering our classic desk accessories in my collection of ‘Opus Sectile’ patterned papers made me think about how chic they would look printed onto leather and covering a beautiful collection...
Painted Rainbow Needlepoint cushions for Fine C...
In 2018 I was inspired by the work of the nun pop artist Corita Kent and had some fun painting some simple bright rainbows. This coincided nicely with a meeting...
Painted Rainbow Needlepoint cushions for Fine C...
In 2018 I was inspired by the work of the nun pop artist Corita Kent and had some fun painting some simple bright rainbows. This coincided nicely with a meeting...
Production Manager Wanted
Bridie Hall is currently looking for a full time Production Manager. £27,000 – £30,000 per annum. Within this role the successful candidate will be required to produce and finish Bridie...
Production Manager Wanted
Bridie Hall is currently looking for a full time Production Manager. £27,000 – £30,000 per annum. Within this role the successful candidate will be required to produce and finish Bridie...
VACANCY: Pentreath & Hall | Shop Manager
Hours: Monday – Friday, 9am – 6pm. Occasional Saturdays along with the odd late-night event. Job Description: We’re looking for a self-motivated and responsible person to take over the reins of...
VACANCY: Pentreath & Hall | Shop Manager
Hours: Monday – Friday, 9am – 6pm. Occasional Saturdays along with the odd late-night event. Job Description: We’re looking for a self-motivated and responsible person to take over the reins of...
Introducing the newest additions to the P&H Cre...
A collection of two temple jars, a ginger jar and a high shouldered vase. Modelled from four fine Chinese examples. Over the course of 2024, Bridie took multiple trips to...
Introducing the newest additions to the P&H Cre...
A collection of two temple jars, a ginger jar and a high shouldered vase. Modelled from four fine Chinese examples. Over the course of 2024, Bridie took multiple trips to...
The P&H Christmas Shop Opening Hours
Christmas Opening Hours: Tuesday – Friday, 11am to 6pm Saturday – 11am to 5pm Open Sunday 22nd December – 11am to 5pm Christmas Eve – 11am – 5pm CLOSED:...
The P&H Christmas Shop Opening Hours
Christmas Opening Hours: Tuesday – Friday, 11am to 6pm Saturday – 11am to 5pm Open Sunday 22nd December – 11am to 5pm Christmas Eve – 11am – 5pm CLOSED:...
Introducing: The Great Creamware Candlestick
In the 1760s, Josiah Wedgwood introduced his famous ‘creamware’ designed initially for Queen Charlotte, wife of George III. The designs, with their pure simplicity and classical form, took Georgian England...
Introducing: The Great Creamware Candlestick
In the 1760s, Josiah Wedgwood introduced his famous ‘creamware’ designed initially for Queen Charlotte, wife of George III. The designs, with their pure simplicity and classical form, took Georgian England...
JOIN US! Shop book signing Thursday 21st November!
Join us for all manner of festivities this Thursday 21st November. From 6pm - 8pm Ben will be in our Lamb's Conduit Street shop signing copies of his new book...
JOIN US! Shop book signing Thursday 21st November!
Join us for all manner of festivities this Thursday 21st November. From 6pm - 8pm Ben will be in our Lamb's Conduit Street shop signing copies of his new book...
Moro Dabron Scented Candles - New to Pentreath ...
As the nights are properly drawing in now, we're delighted with the arrival of the newest collection of Moro Dabron scented candles. We've selected our three favourite scents and...
Moro Dabron Scented Candles - New to Pentreath ...
As the nights are properly drawing in now, we're delighted with the arrival of the newest collection of Moro Dabron scented candles. We've selected our three favourite scents and...
Kasmin's Postcards - A collection of books and ...
As it so happens in the world of shop-keeping, certainly our line of shop-keeping, is that we're routinely introduced to and become engrossed in the most unsuspecting and thrilling subjects...
Kasmin's Postcards - A collection of books and ...
As it so happens in the world of shop-keeping, certainly our line of shop-keeping, is that we're routinely introduced to and become engrossed in the most unsuspecting and thrilling subjects...
ORDER NOW : An English Vision - Signed Copy
A project five years in the making, covering over two decades of Ben's projects, exploring his distinctive approach to architecture, design, and decoration. Each project has been beautifully photographed and...
ORDER NOW : An English Vision - Signed Copy
A project five years in the making, covering over two decades of Ben's projects, exploring his distinctive approach to architecture, design, and decoration. Each project has been beautifully photographed and...
P&H Summer Sale!
Visit the 'Sale' department on our website and enjoy up to 40% off some of our favourite items. CLICK HERE TO VISIT THE P&H SALE
P&H Summer Sale!
Visit the 'Sale' department on our website and enjoy up to 40% off some of our favourite items. CLICK HERE TO VISIT THE P&H SALE
Keep up to date with our Latest Arrivals
See the very latest of what landed in the shop by visiting our 'Latest Arrivals' department on the website. CLICK HERE TO SEE MORE
Keep up to date with our Latest Arrivals
See the very latest of what landed in the shop by visiting our 'Latest Arrivals' department on the website. CLICK HERE TO SEE MORE
Rebecca Christie-Miller Antiques at Pentreath &...
As a part of the larger refurbishment of the Rugby Street Showrooms, we are delighted to announce that we are now carrying an exclusive collection of Rebecca Christie-Miller Antiques. Available...
Rebecca Christie-Miller Antiques at Pentreath &...
As a part of the larger refurbishment of the Rugby Street Showrooms, we are delighted to announce that we are now carrying an exclusive collection of Rebecca Christie-Miller Antiques. Available...
P&H Coronation Decorations 2023
It was this time a year ago we were beginning to think about taking down the Coronation Decorations that adorned our shop front for the week prior and the week...
5 commentsP&H Coronation Decorations 2023
It was this time a year ago we were beginning to think about taking down the Coronation Decorations that adorned our shop front for the week prior and the week...
LCS and Rugby Street Summer Fair Saturday 22nd ...
Music Miles Copeland of Wonderfulsound will be playing tunes. Ciao Bella - pizza offerings Perseverance & The Lamb - Pimms bar etc Shrine to the Vine - Tastings Schuller -...
LCS and Rugby Street Summer Fair Saturday 22nd ...
Music Miles Copeland of Wonderfulsound will be playing tunes. Ciao Bella - pizza offerings Perseverance & The Lamb - Pimms bar etc Shrine to the Vine - Tastings Schuller -...
London Leaves
NOW SOLD OUT: More coming soon... Gathered on her daily morning walk from between Bridie's home in Islington and her Bloomsbury workshop over the summer of 2022. Slabs of clay...
1 commentLondon Leaves
NOW SOLD OUT: More coming soon... Gathered on her daily morning walk from between Bridie's home in Islington and her Bloomsbury workshop over the summer of 2022. Slabs of clay...
New: Limited Edition Prints
New limited edition Urn Prints have been added to the website. Click HERE to visit the Limited Edition Prints department on our website and add to your collection today.
New: Limited Edition Prints
New limited edition Urn Prints have been added to the website. Click HERE to visit the Limited Edition Prints department on our website and add to your collection today.
Wool you look what's back in stock?
Our exclusive range of colourful, reversible rugs are back in stock! Designed by P&H and made in collaboration with Shame Studio's, these wool yarn rugs have been hand spun and...
Wool you look what's back in stock?
Our exclusive range of colourful, reversible rugs are back in stock! Designed by P&H and made in collaboration with Shame Studio's, these wool yarn rugs have been hand spun and...
Use the code NEWSHIP at the checkout and enjoy ...
P&H are delighted to share that after much research and hard nosed negotiation, we have road tested and signed up to two new delivery services who are enabling us to...
Use the code NEWSHIP at the checkout and enjoy ...
P&H are delighted to share that after much research and hard nosed negotiation, we have road tested and signed up to two new delivery services who are enabling us to...
P&H Shop Easter Opening Hours
Our Lamb's Conduit Street opening hours over the Easter holiday are as follows; CLOSED: Good Friday – 29th March We are open Saturday 30th March. CLOSED: Easter Monday – 1st April...
P&H Shop Easter Opening Hours
Our Lamb's Conduit Street opening hours over the Easter holiday are as follows; CLOSED: Good Friday – 29th March We are open Saturday 30th March. CLOSED: Easter Monday – 1st April...
P&H Rugby Street closes.... for exciting spring...
Our P&H Rugby Street shop is now closed for refurbishment. We are excited to re-open later in Summer 2024! Our P&H Dry Goods & Stationery shop is open as usual...
P&H Rugby Street closes.... for exciting spring...
Our P&H Rugby Street shop is now closed for refurbishment. We are excited to re-open later in Summer 2024! Our P&H Dry Goods & Stationery shop is open as usual...
Check out our new P&H Books and Magazine Depart...
There's now plenty of inspiration and food for thought to be found in our new Books & Magazines Department. Click here to visit.
Check out our new P&H Books and Magazine Depart...
There's now plenty of inspiration and food for thought to be found in our new Books & Magazines Department. Click here to visit.
The P&H New Year Sale Continues!
Enjoy further discounts on selected and discontinued items. Available while stocks last. Click here to view the sale.
The P&H New Year Sale Continues!
Enjoy further discounts on selected and discontinued items. Available while stocks last. Click here to view the sale.
New: Lambs Conduit Street Opening Hours.
Our Lambs Conduit Street Dry Goods & Stationery shop now opens on Mondays! Opening hours; Monday - Friday, 11am to 6pm. Saturday, 11am - 5pm. Sunday, Closed.
New: Lambs Conduit Street Opening Hours.
Our Lambs Conduit Street Dry Goods & Stationery shop now opens on Mondays! Opening hours; Monday - Friday, 11am to 6pm. Saturday, 11am - 5pm. Sunday, Closed.
Shop Christmas and New Year Holiday Opening Hours
We will be closed for a well earned break from; 24th December - we re-open Tuesday 2nd January 2024. All online orders placed after the 21st December will begin to be...
Shop Christmas and New Year Holiday Opening Hours
We will be closed for a well earned break from; 24th December - we re-open Tuesday 2nd January 2024. All online orders placed after the 21st December will begin to be...
Christmas Delivery Deadlines
To avoid disappointment, please place your online orders with us by or before the following dates; International shipping deadline: Sunday 17th December Domestic Shipping Deadline: Tuesday 19th December
Christmas Delivery Deadlines
To avoid disappointment, please place your online orders with us by or before the following dates; International shipping deadline: Sunday 17th December Domestic Shipping Deadline: Tuesday 19th December
JOIN US! Lamb's Conduit & Rugby Street Christma...
Please join us next Wednesday 29th November for the annual Lamb's Conduit & Rugby Street Christmas Shopping event. All traders will be offering their own discounts and festive fare. Christmas...
JOIN US! Lamb's Conduit & Rugby Street Christma...
Please join us next Wednesday 29th November for the annual Lamb's Conduit & Rugby Street Christmas Shopping event. All traders will be offering their own discounts and festive fare. Christmas...
Christmas at Pentreath & Hall
We'd argue everything at Pentreath & Hall would make the perfect Christmas present but as there is SO MUCH to choose from we've made a selection of Christmas essentials, like...
Christmas at Pentreath & Hall
We'd argue everything at Pentreath & Hall would make the perfect Christmas present but as there is SO MUCH to choose from we've made a selection of Christmas essentials, like...
Everyday Entertaining Elegance
Bridie Hall's latest patterned trays bring together a brilliant fusion of contemporary aesthetics and timeless charm. With practiced designs and an imaginative use of colour, these trays effortlessly elevate any...
Everyday Entertaining Elegance
Bridie Hall's latest patterned trays bring together a brilliant fusion of contemporary aesthetics and timeless charm. With practiced designs and an imaginative use of colour, these trays effortlessly elevate any...
Intaglio Soaps Available Now.
Soap as you've never seen it before! Painstakingly cast in two parts. The white relief is an unscented soap, hardened with a touch of beeswax to give longevity through use to...
Intaglio Soaps Available Now.
Soap as you've never seen it before! Painstakingly cast in two parts. The white relief is an unscented soap, hardened with a touch of beeswax to give longevity through use to...
Dazzling Diamond Daisy
Bridie's new diamond daisy pattern is an unlikely and pleasing fusion of elegance and playfulness. Its timeless appeal makes it a perfect choice for those seeking a touch of sophistication and...
Dazzling Diamond Daisy
Bridie's new diamond daisy pattern is an unlikely and pleasing fusion of elegance and playfulness. Its timeless appeal makes it a perfect choice for those seeking a touch of sophistication and...
WANTED! Pentreath & Hall | Assistant Shop Manager
Pentreath & Hall | Assistant Shop Manager Hours: Monday – Friday, 9am – 6pm - £15.50 per hour. We are looking for a self-motivated, friendly and responsible person to assist with...
WANTED! Pentreath & Hall | Assistant Shop Manager
Pentreath & Hall | Assistant Shop Manager Hours: Monday – Friday, 9am – 6pm - £15.50 per hour. We are looking for a self-motivated, friendly and responsible person to assist with...
Operation Coronation Decoration Celebration
Please join us for drinks this Thursday 11th May to celebrate and say goodbye to our now famous shop Coronation Decorations.
Operation Coronation Decoration Celebration
Please join us for drinks this Thursday 11th May to celebrate and say goodbye to our now famous shop Coronation Decorations.
P&H Limited Edition Coronation Collection
Coronation celebrations are beginning early at Pentreath & Hall. Our love for royal memorabilia runs deep, both collecting and creating. Its tradition can be traced back to 1661 to mark...
P&H Limited Edition Coronation Collection
Coronation celebrations are beginning early at Pentreath & Hall. Our love for royal memorabilia runs deep, both collecting and creating. Its tradition can be traced back to 1661 to mark...
NEW! Grand Tour Intaglio Cases
Inspired by the famous Cobbe museum’s collections of colourful ‘medallion wafers’. When hardstone cameos and intaglios produced during the Italian Renaissance period, were so rare and expensive they were...
NEW! Grand Tour Intaglio Cases
Inspired by the famous Cobbe museum’s collections of colourful ‘medallion wafers’. When hardstone cameos and intaglios produced during the Italian Renaissance period, were so rare and expensive they were...
Introducing P&H Long Luxury Matches - Regency C...
Introducing P&H Long Luxury Matches - Regency Caning Matches designed by and made exclusively for Pentreath & Hall. We designed these to take pride of place on the mantlepiece. A...
Introducing P&H Long Luxury Matches - Regency C...
Introducing P&H Long Luxury Matches - Regency Caning Matches designed by and made exclusively for Pentreath & Hall. We designed these to take pride of place on the mantlepiece. A...
Back in Stock! The P&H Lidded Urn with Handles.
BACK IN STOCK AND AVAILABLE NOW! The latest and most popular addition to the P&H Creamware Collection. This Lidded Urn with Handles follows the tradition of the achingly elegant versions...
Back in Stock! The P&H Lidded Urn with Handles.
BACK IN STOCK AND AVAILABLE NOW! The latest and most popular addition to the P&H Creamware Collection. This Lidded Urn with Handles follows the tradition of the achingly elegant versions...
JOIN US! With Frances Palmer at P&H on Thursday...
JOIN US! For a fun evening with Frances Palmer to celebrate her latest collection of 'Cirrus' bud vases and a book signing. At Pentreath & Hall, 17 Rugby Street, London...
JOIN US! With Frances Palmer at P&H on Thursday...
JOIN US! For a fun evening with Frances Palmer to celebrate her latest collection of 'Cirrus' bud vases and a book signing. At Pentreath & Hall, 17 Rugby Street, London...
Pentreath & Hall Creamware Collection
The reassuringly traditional plain glazed cream earthenware made by the great English potteries of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, known as creamware, has been a stock staple of Pentreath &...
Pentreath & Hall Creamware Collection
The reassuringly traditional plain glazed cream earthenware made by the great English potteries of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, known as creamware, has been a stock staple of Pentreath &...
New P&H Lacquer Trays
Introducing our latest collaboration with The Lacquer Company. A collection of beautifully proportioned trays. Available in two convenient sizes and five inspiring colourways. Explore today!
New P&H Lacquer Trays
Introducing our latest collaboration with The Lacquer Company. A collection of beautifully proportioned trays. Available in two convenient sizes and five inspiring colourways. Explore today!
Happy New Year!
Enjoy 10% off everything, excluding Furniture and Lighting, when you shop online during January at Pentreath & Hall Ltd. Discount is deducted automatically at the checkout.
Happy New Year!
Enjoy 10% off everything, excluding Furniture and Lighting, when you shop online during January at Pentreath & Hall Ltd. Discount is deducted automatically at the checkout.
P&H shipping deadlines and Christmas & New Year...
The deadline for shipping all international orders is now closed. The domestic shipping deadline is Wednesday 21st December. Order now to avoid disappointment and use code PH15XMAS at the...
P&H shipping deadlines and Christmas & New Year...
The deadline for shipping all international orders is now closed. The domestic shipping deadline is Wednesday 21st December. Order now to avoid disappointment and use code PH15XMAS at the...
Introducing Bay & Rosemary Caesar soaps
Introducing new Bay & Rosemary Caesar Soaps! Caesar shaped soaps, the likes of which you've never seen before! For everyday use in the cloakroom, shower and bath. A perfect sized and...
Introducing Bay & Rosemary Caesar soaps
Introducing new Bay & Rosemary Caesar Soaps! Caesar shaped soaps, the likes of which you've never seen before! For everyday use in the cloakroom, shower and bath. A perfect sized and...
Pentreath & Hall Royal Commemorative Plates
“We believe in beautifully made products that are inspired by history and which will stand the test of time.” Our love for royal memorabilia runs deep, both collecting and creating. Its...
2 commentsPentreath & Hall Royal Commemorative Plates
“We believe in beautifully made products that are inspired by history and which will stand the test of time.” Our love for royal memorabilia runs deep, both collecting and creating. Its...
Lambswool Throws by Ben Pentreath X Johnstons o...
Introducing a new collection of Lambswool throws for Pentreath & Hall in collaboration with Johnstons of Elgin. Along with a much larger collection of home interior fabrics designed with Johnstons...
Lambswool Throws by Ben Pentreath X Johnstons o...
Introducing a new collection of Lambswool throws for Pentreath & Hall in collaboration with Johnstons of Elgin. Along with a much larger collection of home interior fabrics designed with Johnstons...
WANTED: Pentreath & Hall | Stockroom & Warehous...
Hours: 3 days per week (Monday, Wednesday & Thursday), 9am – 6pm - £12.50 per hour. We are looking for a self-motivated and responsible person to help with the day-to-day...
WANTED: Pentreath & Hall | Stockroom & Warehous...
Hours: 3 days per week (Monday, Wednesday & Thursday), 9am – 6pm - £12.50 per hour. We are looking for a self-motivated and responsible person to help with the day-to-day...
Ben Pentreath for William Morris & Co. Cornubia...
Cornubia is the second collaboration between Morris & Co. and renowned architect and interior designer, Ben Pentreath. Referring to its Cornish origins, Cornubia conveys a vibrant story of spring and...
Ben Pentreath for William Morris & Co. Cornubia...
Cornubia is the second collaboration between Morris & Co. and renowned architect and interior designer, Ben Pentreath. Referring to its Cornish origins, Cornubia conveys a vibrant story of spring and...
Jubilee Weekend Opening Hours
We've decided to make the most of this lovely long relaxing weekend to take a rest and enjoy the celebrations so will be keeping the following hours; CLOSED: Thursday 2nd...
Jubilee Weekend Opening Hours
We've decided to make the most of this lovely long relaxing weekend to take a rest and enjoy the celebrations so will be keeping the following hours; CLOSED: Thursday 2nd...
Introducing a New Alphabet Brush Pot Font - 'FIGGINS ANTIQUE' Enjoy a 20% discount on all new 'Figgins Antique Font Alphabet Brush Pots' Offer ends Friday 6th May. Desktops don’t have to...
Introducing a New Alphabet Brush Pot Font - 'FIGGINS ANTIQUE' Enjoy a 20% discount on all new 'Figgins Antique Font Alphabet Brush Pots' Offer ends Friday 6th May. Desktops don’t have to...
Pentreath & Hall April Newsletter
Until recently, Ben and I both considered ourselves 'accidental shopkeepers', that was until it dawned on us we've been at it for thirteen years and happily going from strength to...
1 commentPentreath & Hall April Newsletter
Until recently, Ben and I both considered ourselves 'accidental shopkeepers', that was until it dawned on us we've been at it for thirteen years and happily going from strength to...
Pentreath & Hall Shop Assistant wanted.
9am to 6pm. Two days a week Friday and Saturday - £12.50/hour We’re looking for a friendly, self-motivated and responsible person to help with day-to-day operations of Pentreath & Hall...
Pentreath & Hall Shop Assistant wanted.
9am to 6pm. Two days a week Friday and Saturday - £12.50/hour We’re looking for a friendly, self-motivated and responsible person to help with day-to-day operations of Pentreath & Hall...
WANTED: Freelance Creative Visual Content Co-Or...
We are seeking a reliable, enthusiastic and friendly person to create still-life and lifestyle product photographs for our website, social media channels and press image library. Our ideal candidate will...
WANTED: Freelance Creative Visual Content Co-Or...
We are seeking a reliable, enthusiastic and friendly person to create still-life and lifestyle product photographs for our website, social media channels and press image library. Our ideal candidate will...
Alphabet Brush Pot - Workshop 2nd's
Don't miss out on our Alphabet Brush Pot Workshop 2nd's sale. These ’Alphabet Brush Pot Workshop 2nd's’ will contain a minor fault of manufacture meaning it doesn’t quite make the...
Alphabet Brush Pot - Workshop 2nd's
Don't miss out on our Alphabet Brush Pot Workshop 2nd's sale. These ’Alphabet Brush Pot Workshop 2nd's’ will contain a minor fault of manufacture meaning it doesn’t quite make the...
Pentreath & Hall New Year Sale!
To celebrate the New Year, we are offering a 10% discount off everything* when you use the code PHSALE21 at the checkout. This offer can be applied to already reduced...
Pentreath & Hall New Year Sale!
To celebrate the New Year, we are offering a 10% discount off everything* when you use the code PHSALE21 at the checkout. This offer can be applied to already reduced...
After a difficult year we're taking a well-deserved break.Our shop will be closed at 4pm on Friday 24th December and re-opens at 11am on Tuesday 4th January 2022. WEB ORDERS WON’T BEGIN TO...
After a difficult year we're taking a well-deserved break.Our shop will be closed at 4pm on Friday 24th December and re-opens at 11am on Tuesday 4th January 2022. WEB ORDERS WON’T BEGIN TO...
The P&H Book Bundle Gift Box
The P&H Book Bundle Gift Box inducts the recipient into the visual world of Pentreath & Hall with the P&H Alphabet Book and takes them through the many and varied...
The P&H Book Bundle Gift Box
The P&H Book Bundle Gift Box inducts the recipient into the visual world of Pentreath & Hall with the P&H Alphabet Book and takes them through the many and varied...
Pentreath & Hall November Newsletter
The air of excitement and anticipation that builds during November is one of my favourite things when it all starts heating up. At the shop, the final deliveries of stock have...
Pentreath & Hall November Newsletter
The air of excitement and anticipation that builds during November is one of my favourite things when it all starts heating up. At the shop, the final deliveries of stock have...
Pop-up shop - Pressed & Folded.
Pentreath & Hall are delighted to welcome Pressed & Folded to the Pop Up Shop next door on Rugby Street from Tuesday 16th November to Saturday 27th November. The Pop Up Shop is open...
Pop-up shop - Pressed & Folded.
Pentreath & Hall are delighted to welcome Pressed & Folded to the Pop Up Shop next door on Rugby Street from Tuesday 16th November to Saturday 27th November. The Pop Up Shop is open...
Pentreath & Hall October Newsletter
Apologies for stating the obvious, but my, haven’t the evenings drawn in over the last few weeks? May I remind you that they are due to more so when the...
Pentreath & Hall October Newsletter
Apologies for stating the obvious, but my, haven’t the evenings drawn in over the last few weeks? May I remind you that they are due to more so when the...
Pop Up Shop - Meg Fatharly
Pentreath & Hall are delighted to welcome Meg Fatharly to the Pop Up Shop next door on Rugby Street from Tuesday 2nd November to Saturday 13th November. The Pop Up Shop is...
Pop Up Shop - Meg Fatharly
Pentreath & Hall are delighted to welcome Meg Fatharly to the Pop Up Shop next door on Rugby Street from Tuesday 2nd November to Saturday 13th November. The Pop Up Shop is...
Pentreath & Hall | Assistant Shop Manager
Hours: Tuesday – Saturday, 9am – 6pm - £13.50 per hour. We’re excited to be expanding our team and are looking for a self-motivated, friendly and responsible person to assist...
Pentreath & Hall | Assistant Shop Manager
Hours: Tuesday – Saturday, 9am – 6pm - £13.50 per hour. We’re excited to be expanding our team and are looking for a self-motivated, friendly and responsible person to assist...
Pop Up Shop - Marion Elliot
Pentreath & Hall are delighted to welcome Marion Elliot to the Pop Up Shop next door on Rugby Street from Tuesday 19th October until Saturday 30th October. The Pop Up...
1 commentPop Up Shop - Marion Elliot
Pentreath & Hall are delighted to welcome Marion Elliot to the Pop Up Shop next door on Rugby Street from Tuesday 19th October until Saturday 30th October. The Pop Up...
WANTED: Pentreath & Hall Ltd Shop Manager
Pentreath & Hall Ltd Shop Manager Hours: Monday – Friday, 9am – 6pm. Occasional Saturdays along with the odd late-night event. Job Description: We’re looking for a self-motivated and responsible person...
WANTED: Pentreath & Hall Ltd Shop Manager
Pentreath & Hall Ltd Shop Manager Hours: Monday – Friday, 9am – 6pm. Occasional Saturdays along with the odd late-night event. Job Description: We’re looking for a self-motivated and responsible person...
Pentreath & Hall September Newsletter
Hello autumn, be golden and kind to us. . . Another month has passed, summer is all but over and there wasn’t much of one to report of in London. I...
Pentreath & Hall September Newsletter
Hello autumn, be golden and kind to us. . . Another month has passed, summer is all but over and there wasn’t much of one to report of in London. I...
Pop Up Shop - Alice Pattullo
Pentreath & Hall are delighted to welcome firm favourite Alice back to our next door Pop Up Shop on Rugby Street from Monday 4th October till Friday 15th October. There will be...
Pop Up Shop - Alice Pattullo
Pentreath & Hall are delighted to welcome firm favourite Alice back to our next door Pop Up Shop on Rugby Street from Monday 4th October till Friday 15th October. There will be...
Pop Up - molesworth & bird
Pentreath & Hall are delighted to welcome molesworth & bird to our next door Pop Up Shop on Rugby Street from today, Monday 20th September till Friday 1st October. With a love...
Pop Up - molesworth & bird
Pentreath & Hall are delighted to welcome molesworth & bird to our next door Pop Up Shop on Rugby Street from today, Monday 20th September till Friday 1st October. With a love...
Pop Up Shop - Robert Gladden
Pentreath & Hall are excited to welcome Robert Gladden to our Pop Up Shop next door on Rugby Street running all week from Monday 13th September till Friday...
Pop Up Shop - Robert Gladden
Pentreath & Hall are excited to welcome Robert Gladden to our Pop Up Shop next door on Rugby Street running all week from Monday 13th September till Friday...
Pentreath & Hall July Newsletter
Greetings from the first issue of our freshly resurrected Pentreath & Hall shop newsletter. I realise it’s been years since the last was sent out (not counting the job vacancy...
Pentreath & Hall July Newsletter
Greetings from the first issue of our freshly resurrected Pentreath & Hall shop newsletter. I realise it’s been years since the last was sent out (not counting the job vacancy...
Pop Up Shop - Freya Walker
Pentreath & Hall are excited to welcome Freya Walker to our Pop Up Shop joining us next door on Rugby Street from Monday 5 July till Friday 16 July. Freya is a...
Pop Up Shop - Freya Walker
Pentreath & Hall are excited to welcome Freya Walker to our Pop Up Shop joining us next door on Rugby Street from Monday 5 July till Friday 16 July. Freya is a...
WE'RE HIRING! Freelance Creative Visual Content...
Pentreath & Hall | Freelance Creative Visual Content Coordinator We are seeking a reliable, enthusiastic and friendly person to create still-life and lifestyle product photographs for our website, social media...
WE'RE HIRING! Freelance Creative Visual Content...
Pentreath & Hall | Freelance Creative Visual Content Coordinator We are seeking a reliable, enthusiastic and friendly person to create still-life and lifestyle product photographs for our website, social media...
Pentreath & Hall | Shop Assistant An exciting opportunity has arisen for a friendly, self-motivated and responsible person to help with day-to-day operations of Pentreath & Hall shop and stock room. Our...
Pentreath & Hall | Shop Assistant An exciting opportunity has arisen for a friendly, self-motivated and responsible person to help with day-to-day operations of Pentreath & Hall shop and stock room. Our...
Pop Up Shop - East London Cloth
Pentreath & Hall are excited to welcome back our Pop Up Shop for 2021, with East London Cloth joining us next door on Rugby Street from 21 June – 2...
Pop Up Shop - East London Cloth
Pentreath & Hall are excited to welcome back our Pop Up Shop for 2021, with East London Cloth joining us next door on Rugby Street from 21 June – 2...
Pentreath & Hall Ltd Shop Manager – Maternity C...
Hours: Monday – Friday, 9am – 6pm. Occasional Saturdays along with the odd late-night event. Job Description: We’re looking for a self-motivated and responsible person to take over the reins from...
Pentreath & Hall Ltd Shop Manager – Maternity C...
Hours: Monday – Friday, 9am – 6pm. Occasional Saturdays along with the odd late-night event. Job Description: We’re looking for a self-motivated and responsible person to take over the reins from...
Pentreath & Hall | Ecommerce Co-ordinator An exciting opportunity has arisen for a customer-focused, dynamic and motivated candidate to run the day-to-day online operations of our globally reputable central London-based...
Pentreath & Hall | Ecommerce Co-ordinator An exciting opportunity has arisen for a customer-focused, dynamic and motivated candidate to run the day-to-day online operations of our globally reputable central London-based...
P&H Rugby Street Shop - Tier 4 COVID Closure.
Due to the latest Tier - 4 COVID restrictions in London we have had to close our Rugby Street shop to walk in custom. Click & Collect orders can still...
P&H Rugby Street Shop - Tier 4 COVID Closure.
Due to the latest Tier - 4 COVID restrictions in London we have had to close our Rugby Street shop to walk in custom. Click & Collect orders can still...
Shop opening hours over the holiday period.
The Christmas delivery cut-off deadlines are earlier than usual this year due to the unprecedented increase in online orders as a result of the national and global COVID-19 restrictions affecting...
Shop opening hours over the holiday period.
The Christmas delivery cut-off deadlines are earlier than usual this year due to the unprecedented increase in online orders as a result of the national and global COVID-19 restrictions affecting...
Last Orders
Christmas Delivery Deadlines Europe & International: Thursday 10th December. National: Friday 18th December.
Last Orders
Christmas Delivery Deadlines Europe & International: Thursday 10th December. National: Friday 18th December.
Useful and beautiful!
Pentreath & Hall are thrilled to launch an exclusive range of cushions made with the new Morris & Co Queen Square fabric. Produced in collaboration with...
Useful and beautiful!
Pentreath & Hall are thrilled to launch an exclusive range of cushions made with the new Morris & Co Queen Square fabric. Produced in collaboration with...
Colourful Carafes
Each carafe and goblet is delicately mouth blown in an array of coloured glass; each piece is heat and cold resistant and add extraordinary pleasure to the simple act of...
Colourful Carafes
Each carafe and goblet is delicately mouth blown in an array of coloured glass; each piece is heat and cold resistant and add extraordinary pleasure to the simple act of...
Production Manager wanted for Bridie Hall Limited
Bridie Hall Ltd is currently looking for a full time Production Manager. £27,000 – £30,000 per annum. Within this role the successful candidate will be required to produce and finish...
Production Manager wanted for Bridie Hall Limited
Bridie Hall Ltd is currently looking for a full time Production Manager. £27,000 – £30,000 per annum. Within this role the successful candidate will be required to produce and finish...
New Suzani Cushions
Rich and precious, the Suzani fabrics are originally from central Asia. On a frame of either silk or cotton, the patterns are then hand embroidered with silk thread. The...
New Suzani Cushions
Rich and precious, the Suzani fabrics are originally from central Asia. On a frame of either silk or cotton, the patterns are then hand embroidered with silk thread. The...
Beautiful and bold
Cheerful Italian earthenware painted in colours evocative of the landscape and crystalline sea off of Puglia. To see the collection, click here The post Beautiful and bold appeared...
Beautiful and bold
Cheerful Italian earthenware painted in colours evocative of the landscape and crystalline sea off of Puglia. To see the collection, click here The post Beautiful and bold appeared...
New Alphabet Brush Pot Colours Available Now!
The post New Alphabet Brush Pot Colours Available Now! appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
New Alphabet Brush Pot Colours Available Now!
The post New Alphabet Brush Pot Colours Available Now! appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
VACANCY: Pentreath & Hall | Shop Manager
Shop StaffHours: Monday – Friday, 9am – 6pm. Occasional Saturdays along with the odd late-night event. Job Description: We’re looking for a self-motivated and responsible person to take over the reins of...
VACANCY: Pentreath & Hall | Shop Manager
Shop NewsHours: Monday – Friday, 9am – 6pm. Occasional Saturdays along with the odd late-night event. Job Description: We’re looking for a self-motivated and responsible person to take over the reins of...
An English Vision - March dates in the US
Ben PentreathI thought it would be helpful for our American friends of Pentreath & Hall if I listed all the events where I'm speaking and signing books in March! There...
2 commentsAn English Vision - March dates in the US
by Ben PentreathI thought it would be helpful for our American friends of Pentreath & Hall if I listed all the events where I'm speaking and signing books in March! There...
Introducing the newest additions to the P&H Cre...
Shop StaffA collection of two temple jars, a ginger jar and a high shouldered vase. Modelled from four fine Chinese examples. Over the course of 2024, Bridie took multiple trips to...
Introducing the newest additions to the P&H Cre...
Shop NewsA collection of two temple jars, a ginger jar and a high shouldered vase. Modelled from four fine Chinese examples. Over the course of 2024, Bridie took multiple trips to...
Days lengthening
Ben PentreathI flew into Kirkwall ahead of the storm - which was to wreak so much havoc across Ireland and the central belt of Scotland. It was in the dawn hours...
60 commentsDays lengthening
by Ben PentreathI flew into Kirkwall ahead of the storm - which was to wreak so much havoc across Ireland and the central belt of Scotland. It was in the dawn hours...
A Happy New Year
Ben PentreathI hope you've had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. Let us pray for a gentle year ahead. Suddenly, today, when we are all back at work at Ben P...
110 commentsA Happy New Year
by Ben PentreathI hope you've had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. Let us pray for a gentle year ahead. Suddenly, today, when we are all back at work at Ben P...
The P&H Christmas Shop Opening Hours
Bridie HallChristmas Opening Hours: Tuesday – Friday, 11am to 6pm Saturday – 11am to 5pm Open Sunday 22nd December – 11am to 5pm Christmas Eve – 11am – 5pm CLOSED:...
The P&H Christmas Shop Opening Hours
Shop NewsChristmas Opening Hours: Tuesday – Friday, 11am to 6pm Saturday – 11am to 5pm Open Sunday 22nd December – 11am to 5pm Christmas Eve – 11am – 5pm CLOSED:...
Introducing: The Great Creamware Candlestick
Shop StaffIn the 1760s, Josiah Wedgwood introduced his famous ‘creamware’ designed initially for Queen Charlotte, wife of George III. The designs, with their pure simplicity and classical form, took Georgian England...
Introducing: The Great Creamware Candlestick
Shop NewsIn the 1760s, Josiah Wedgwood introduced his famous ‘creamware’ designed initially for Queen Charlotte, wife of George III. The designs, with their pure simplicity and classical form, took Georgian England...
Ben PentreathI've been getting into the rhythm of Rousay weeks. It's different from the relentless up and down to Dorset, down on a Thursday, back on a Monday. I'd been up...
38 commentsRainbows
by Ben PentreathI've been getting into the rhythm of Rousay weeks. It's different from the relentless up and down to Dorset, down on a Thursday, back on a Monday. I'd been up...
Home at last
Ben PentreathThe light was bright on the flight from Edinburgh to Kirkwall on Friday. Thankfully I'd had a cancelled meeting that day so was able to head home, at last, a...
33 commentsHome at last
by Ben PentreathThe light was bright on the flight from Edinburgh to Kirkwall on Friday. Thankfully I'd had a cancelled meeting that day so was able to head home, at last, a...
JOIN US! Shop book signing Thursday 21st November!
Shop StaffJoin us for all manner of festivities this Thursday 21st November. From 6pm - 8pm Ben will be in our Lamb's Conduit Street shop signing copies of his new book...
JOIN US! Shop book signing Thursday 21st November!
Shop NewsJoin us for all manner of festivities this Thursday 21st November. From 6pm - 8pm Ben will be in our Lamb's Conduit Street shop signing copies of his new book...
A tale of two islands
Ben PentreathAs regular readers of the blog will have read last week, I was heading to New York, for some lovely book events. I flew in last Friday. I woke early,...
28 commentsA tale of two islands
by Ben PentreathAs regular readers of the blog will have read last week, I was heading to New York, for some lovely book events. I flew in last Friday. I woke early,...
A good perspective
Ben PentreathL E A V I N G O R K N E Y This was my commute back down to London at the end of our move-in week......
47 commentsA good perspective
by Ben PentreathL E A V I N G O R K N E Y This was my commute back down to London at the end of our move-in week......
Farewell and hello
Ben PentreathAnd as if like that, the Parsonage was completely empty. It was a beautiful, perfect October evening when we had finally packed and swept and the removals vans had left....
180 commentsFarewell and hello
by Ben PentreathAnd as if like that, the Parsonage was completely empty. It was a beautiful, perfect October evening when we had finally packed and swept and the removals vans had left....
Almost farewell
Ben PentreathWhat a week! It was a busy one, for sure... On Tuesday evening, my wonderful friend Skye McAlpine - who's beautiful butter yellow kitchen features prominently in 'An English Vision'...
48 commentsAlmost farewell
by Ben PentreathWhat a week! It was a busy one, for sure... On Tuesday evening, my wonderful friend Skye McAlpine - who's beautiful butter yellow kitchen features prominently in 'An English Vision'...
Moro Dabron Scented Candles - New to Pentreath ...
Shop StaffAs the nights are properly drawing in now, we're delighted with the arrival of the newest collection of Moro Dabron scented candles. We've selected our three favourite scents and...
Moro Dabron Scented Candles - New to Pentreath ...
Shop NewsAs the nights are properly drawing in now, we're delighted with the arrival of the newest collection of Moro Dabron scented candles. We've selected our three favourite scents and...
Lengthening Shadows....
Ben PentreathP A R T 1 It's the time of year.... the shadows in the valley are lengthening, as we gently tip into Autumn now. It's Sunday evening and rain...
29 commentsLengthening Shadows....
by Ben PentreathP A R T 1 It's the time of year.... the shadows in the valley are lengthening, as we gently tip into Autumn now. It's Sunday evening and rain...
Kasmin's Postcards - A collection of books and ...
Shop StaffAs it so happens in the world of shop-keeping, certainly our line of shop-keeping, is that we're routinely introduced to and become engrossed in the most unsuspecting and thrilling subjects...
Kasmin's Postcards - A collection of books and ...
Shop NewsAs it so happens in the world of shop-keeping, certainly our line of shop-keeping, is that we're routinely introduced to and become engrossed in the most unsuspecting and thrilling subjects...
Just four more weeks....
Ben PentreathThe garden has tipped into September - and with it, we now have fewer than four weeks before we'll be moving - so strange to write this. For those that...
25 commentsJust four more weeks....
by Ben PentreathThe garden has tipped into September - and with it, we now have fewer than four weeks before we'll be moving - so strange to write this. For those that...
The last days of summer
Ben PentreathI'm writing in Dorset this morning, feeling positively autumnal after a weekend of storms blowing through. There isn't quite yet that chill of autumn, I'm glad to say. Someone on...
14 commentsThe last days of summer
by Ben PentreathI'm writing in Dorset this morning, feeling positively autumnal after a weekend of storms blowing through. There isn't quite yet that chill of autumn, I'm glad to say. Someone on...
ORDER NOW : An English Vision - Signed Copy
Shop StaffA project five years in the making, covering over two decades of Ben's projects, exploring his distinctive approach to architecture, design, and decoration. Each project has been beautifully photographed and...
ORDER NOW : An English Vision - Signed Copy
Shop NewsA project five years in the making, covering over two decades of Ben's projects, exploring his distinctive approach to architecture, design, and decoration. Each project has been beautifully photographed and...
P&H Summer Sale!
Shop StaffVisit the 'Sale' department on our website and enjoy up to 40% off some of our favourite items. CLICK HERE TO VISIT THE P&H SALE
P&H Summer Sale!
Shop NewsVisit the 'Sale' department on our website and enjoy up to 40% off some of our favourite items. CLICK HERE TO VISIT THE P&H SALE
Summer song
Ben PentreathP A R T 1 : V E N I C E Is there any better way to start a summer holiday than with a photograph like this...
15 commentsSummer song
by Ben PentreathP A R T 1 : V E N I C E Is there any better way to start a summer holiday than with a photograph like this...
Tuscan interlude
Ben PentreathWe were very lucky to be invited to stay with some friends at Cetinale, that fabled Tuscan house. We flew to Florence last Friday and at lunchtime this was our...
21 commentsTuscan interlude
by Ben PentreathWe were very lucky to be invited to stay with some friends at Cetinale, that fabled Tuscan house. We flew to Florence last Friday and at lunchtime this was our...
Keep up to date with our Latest Arrivals
Shop StaffSee the very latest of what landed in the shop by visiting our 'Latest Arrivals' department on the website. CLICK HERE TO SEE MORE
Keep up to date with our Latest Arrivals
Shop NewsSee the very latest of what landed in the shop by visiting our 'Latest Arrivals' department on the website. CLICK HERE TO SEE MORE
Scotland calling...
Ben PentreathIs it possible that six weeks can fly by quite so quickly? From May to July in a single blog, but with rather a few places visited too. I hope...
15 commentsScotland calling...
by Ben PentreathIs it possible that six weeks can fly by quite so quickly? From May to July in a single blog, but with rather a few places visited too. I hope...
Rebecca Christie-Miller Antiques at Pentreath &...
Shop StaffAs a part of the larger refurbishment of the Rugby Street Showrooms, we are delighted to announce that we are now carrying an exclusive collection of Rebecca Christie-Miller Antiques. Available...
Rebecca Christie-Miller Antiques at Pentreath &...
Shop NewsAs a part of the larger refurbishment of the Rugby Street Showrooms, we are delighted to announce that we are now carrying an exclusive collection of Rebecca Christie-Miller Antiques. Available...
One day...
Ben PentreathI got down to Dorset early on Friday morning, driving out of London at dawn. There are few things I like more than being up, really early, in a city...
5 commentsOne day...
by Ben PentreathI got down to Dorset early on Friday morning, driving out of London at dawn. There are few things I like more than being up, really early, in a city...
P&H Coronation Decorations 2023
Bridie HallIt was this time a year ago we were beginning to think about taking down the Coronation Decorations that adorned our shop front for the week prior and the week...
5 commentsP&H Coronation Decorations 2023
Shop NewsIt was this time a year ago we were beginning to think about taking down the Coronation Decorations that adorned our shop front for the week prior and the week...
The lie of the Land
Ben PentreathI realise that last week's blog was insanely long. Each place in Copenhagen could have been a post on its own. This week, we can catch our breath. Back on...
12 commentsThe lie of the Land
by Ben PentreathI realise that last week's blog was insanely long. Each place in Copenhagen could have been a post on its own. This week, we can catch our breath. Back on...
LCS and Rugby Street Summer Fair Saturday 22nd ...
Shop StaffMusic Miles Copeland of Wonderfulsound will be playing tunes. Ciao Bella - pizza offerings Perseverance & The Lamb - Pimms bar etc Shrine to the Vine - Tastings Schuller -...
LCS and Rugby Street Summer Fair Saturday 22nd ...
Shop NewsMusic Miles Copeland of Wonderfulsound will be playing tunes. Ciao Bella - pizza offerings Perseverance & The Lamb - Pimms bar etc Shrine to the Vine - Tastings Schuller -...
Tulip fever
Ben PentreathD O R S E T A month has passed since the last blog - and despite this cold April, here we are, tipping into May - and that extraordinary...
13 commentsTulip fever
by Ben PentreathD O R S E T A month has passed since the last blog - and despite this cold April, here we are, tipping into May - and that extraordinary...
London Leaves
Shop StaffNOW SOLD OUT: More coming soon... Gathered on her daily morning walk from between Bridie's home in Islington and her Bloomsbury workshop over the summer of 2022. Slabs of clay...
1 commentLondon Leaves
Shop NewsNOW SOLD OUT: More coming soon... Gathered on her daily morning walk from between Bridie's home in Islington and her Bloomsbury workshop over the summer of 2022. Slabs of clay...
New: Limited Edition Prints
Shop StaffNew limited edition Urn Prints have been added to the website. Click HERE to visit the Limited Edition Prints department on our website and add to your collection today.
New: Limited Edition Prints
Shop NewsNew limited edition Urn Prints have been added to the website. Click HERE to visit the Limited Edition Prints department on our website and add to your collection today.
Wool you look what's back in stock?
Shop StaffOur exclusive range of colourful, reversible rugs are back in stock! Designed by P&H and made in collaboration with Shame Studio's, these wool yarn rugs have been hand spun and...
Wool you look what's back in stock?
Shop NewsOur exclusive range of colourful, reversible rugs are back in stock! Designed by P&H and made in collaboration with Shame Studio's, these wool yarn rugs have been hand spun and...
Use the code NEWSHIP at the checkout and enjoy ...
Shop StaffP&H are delighted to share that after much research and hard nosed negotiation, we have road tested and signed up to two new delivery services who are enabling us to...
Use the code NEWSHIP at the checkout and enjoy ...
Shop NewsP&H are delighted to share that after much research and hard nosed negotiation, we have road tested and signed up to two new delivery services who are enabling us to...
Easter Song
Ben PentreathP R E L U D E I've been away a lot, it feels - first, a lovely trip to Suffolk and Norfolk, for my old office annual reunion in...
14 commentsEaster Song
by Ben PentreathP R E L U D E I've been away a lot, it feels - first, a lovely trip to Suffolk and Norfolk, for my old office annual reunion in...
P&H Shop Easter Opening Hours
Shop StaffOur Lamb's Conduit Street opening hours over the Easter holiday are as follows; CLOSED: Good Friday – 29th March We are open Saturday 30th March. CLOSED: Easter Monday – 1st April...
P&H Shop Easter Opening Hours
Shop NewsOur Lamb's Conduit Street opening hours over the Easter holiday are as follows; CLOSED: Good Friday – 29th March We are open Saturday 30th March. CLOSED: Easter Monday – 1st April...
Spring Calling
Ben PentreathP A R T 1 : T H E B U R R E L L We left the blog at the bothy, a couple of weeks...
12 commentsSpring Calling
by Ben PentreathP A R T 1 : T H E B U R R E L L We left the blog at the bothy, a couple of weeks...
P&H Rugby Street closes.... for exciting spring...
Shop StaffOur P&H Rugby Street shop is now closed for refurbishment. We are excited to re-open later in Summer 2024! Our P&H Dry Goods & Stationery shop is open as usual...
P&H Rugby Street closes.... for exciting spring...
Shop NewsOur P&H Rugby Street shop is now closed for refurbishment. We are excited to re-open later in Summer 2024! Our P&H Dry Goods & Stationery shop is open as usual...
Home to Scotland
Ben PentreathIt was a magical weekend in Dorset two weeks ago - sunshine and showers, but springlike days. I have read a brilliant description of this time of year - the...
10 commentsHome to Scotland
by Ben PentreathIt was a magical weekend in Dorset two weeks ago - sunshine and showers, but springlike days. I have read a brilliant description of this time of year - the...
Check out our new P&H Books and Magazine Depart...
Shop StaffThere's now plenty of inspiration and food for thought to be found in our new Books & Magazines Department. Click here to visit.
Check out our new P&H Books and Magazine Depart...
Shop NewsThere's now plenty of inspiration and food for thought to be found in our new Books & Magazines Department. Click here to visit.
January travels
Ben PentreathP A R T 1 : S Y D N E Y We arrived in Sydney in crystal clear heat.... We landed early in the morning, met with...
17 commentsJanuary travels
by Ben PentreathP A R T 1 : S Y D N E Y We arrived in Sydney in crystal clear heat.... We landed early in the morning, met with...
All in a day's work
Ben PentreathOne of the reasons I think I enjoy my life is because the work is so varied. On Wednesday, I was back in London, after the two weeks in Dorset,...
7 commentsAll in a day's work
by Ben PentreathOne of the reasons I think I enjoy my life is because the work is so varied. On Wednesday, I was back in London, after the two weeks in Dorset,...
"We write the book. The choice is ours"
Ben PentreathHappy New year! On the train coming back up from Dorset today, the guard had the following announcement. "Just remember ladies and gentlemen, it's the first Wednesday of the year"....
26 comments"We write the book. The choice is ours"
by Ben PentreathHappy New year! On the train coming back up from Dorset today, the guard had the following announcement. "Just remember ladies and gentlemen, it's the first Wednesday of the year"....
The P&H New Year Sale Continues!
Shop StaffEnjoy further discounts on selected and discontinued items. Available while stocks last. Click here to view the sale.
The P&H New Year Sale Continues!
Shop NewsEnjoy further discounts on selected and discontinued items. Available while stocks last. Click here to view the sale.
New: Lambs Conduit Street Opening Hours.
Shop StaffOur Lambs Conduit Street Dry Goods & Stationery shop now opens on Mondays! Opening hours; Monday - Friday, 11am to 6pm. Saturday, 11am - 5pm. Sunday, Closed.
New: Lambs Conduit Street Opening Hours.
Shop NewsOur Lambs Conduit Street Dry Goods & Stationery shop now opens on Mondays! Opening hours; Monday - Friday, 11am to 6pm. Saturday, 11am - 5pm. Sunday, Closed.
Shop Christmas and New Year Holiday Opening Hours
Shop StaffWe will be closed for a well earned break from; 24th December - we re-open Tuesday 2nd January 2024. All online orders placed after the 21st December will begin to be...
Shop Christmas and New Year Holiday Opening Hours
Shop NewsWe will be closed for a well earned break from; 24th December - we re-open Tuesday 2nd January 2024. All online orders placed after the 21st December will begin to be...
Christmas Delivery Deadlines
Shop StaffTo avoid disappointment, please place your online orders with us by or before the following dates; International shipping deadline: Sunday 17th December Domestic Shipping Deadline: Tuesday 19th December
Christmas Delivery Deadlines
Shop NewsTo avoid disappointment, please place your online orders with us by or before the following dates; International shipping deadline: Sunday 17th December Domestic Shipping Deadline: Tuesday 19th December
Autumn journey...
Ben PentreathI last posted eight weeks ago, as I was on my way to Scotland. Sorry for the intermission! As you will see, it's been a busy little time. And we...
14 commentsAutumn journey...
by Ben PentreathI last posted eight weeks ago, as I was on my way to Scotland. Sorry for the intermission! As you will see, it's been a busy little time. And we...
JOIN US! Lamb's Conduit & Rugby Street Christma...
Shop StaffPlease join us next Wednesday 29th November for the annual Lamb's Conduit & Rugby Street Christmas Shopping event. All traders will be offering their own discounts and festive fare. Christmas...
JOIN US! Lamb's Conduit & Rugby Street Christma...
Shop NewsPlease join us next Wednesday 29th November for the annual Lamb's Conduit & Rugby Street Christmas Shopping event. All traders will be offering their own discounts and festive fare. Christmas...
Christmas at Pentreath & Hall
Shop StaffWe'd argue everything at Pentreath & Hall would make the perfect Christmas present but as there is SO MUCH to choose from we've made a selection of Christmas essentials, like...
Christmas at Pentreath & Hall
Shop NewsWe'd argue everything at Pentreath & Hall would make the perfect Christmas present but as there is SO MUCH to choose from we've made a selection of Christmas essentials, like...
The light on the hills
Ben PentreathIt's that time of year when suddenly the sunlight begins to slant across the land in the most extraordinary way - the low-lying light and long shadows of autumn. I...
8 commentsThe light on the hills
by Ben PentreathIt's that time of year when suddenly the sunlight begins to slant across the land in the most extraordinary way - the low-lying light and long shadows of autumn. I...
The Indian Summer
Ben PentreathIt has been a beautiful few days in Dorset - but we have been thinking of our friends and neighbours in Scotland too, as torrential rainfall swept through Argyll &...
23 commentsThe Indian Summer
by Ben PentreathIt has been a beautiful few days in Dorset - but we have been thinking of our friends and neighbours in Scotland too, as torrential rainfall swept through Argyll &...
Tourists in our own place
Ben PentreathP A R T 1 It was a beautiful morning on Wednesday when the office decamped, blindingly, at Petworth House, after a rather early start from Waterloo to Petersfield...
10 commentsTourists in our own place
by Ben PentreathP A R T 1 It was a beautiful morning on Wednesday when the office decamped, blindingly, at Petworth House, after a rather early start from Waterloo to Petersfield...
Harvest Song
Ben PentreathIs there any better view than the train from Glasgow to Lochgliphead, as I was inching my way closer to the bothy? I'd stayed overnight in Edinburgh and caught an...
9 commentsHarvest Song
by Ben PentreathIs there any better view than the train from Glasgow to Lochgliphead, as I was inching my way closer to the bothy? I'd stayed overnight in Edinburgh and caught an...
Everyday Entertaining Elegance
Shop StaffBridie Hall's latest patterned trays bring together a brilliant fusion of contemporary aesthetics and timeless charm. With practiced designs and an imaginative use of colour, these trays effortlessly elevate any...
Everyday Entertaining Elegance
Shop NewsBridie Hall's latest patterned trays bring together a brilliant fusion of contemporary aesthetics and timeless charm. With practiced designs and an imaginative use of colour, these trays effortlessly elevate any...
The last of Summer
BenBack from Italy. And suddenly, have you noticed the evenings getting shorter, the mornings just that little darker? If you are in the Southern Hemisphere, you will suddenly be feeling...
17 commentsThe last of Summer
by Ben PentreathBack from Italy. And suddenly, have you noticed the evenings getting shorter, the mornings just that little darker? If you are in the Southern Hemisphere, you will suddenly be feeling...
Intaglio Soaps Available Now.
Shop StaffSoap as you've never seen it before! Painstakingly cast in two parts. The white relief is an unscented soap, hardened with a touch of beeswax to give longevity through use to...
Intaglio Soaps Available Now.
Shop NewsSoap as you've never seen it before! Painstakingly cast in two parts. The white relief is an unscented soap, hardened with a touch of beeswax to give longevity through use to...
Italian interlude, Summer 2023
BenI left Dorset for London, for Italy… here is a view snapped from my early train that morning. And the sunset, the following evening, in Tuscany…. T U S...
9 commentsItalian interlude, Summer 2023
by Ben PentreathI left Dorset for London, for Italy… here is a view snapped from my early train that morning. And the sunset, the following evening, in Tuscany…. T U S...
Wild Flowers of the Chalk
BenIf you were to come and stay in Dorset, one of the books you’d find in a big stack on the end of the bed in the guest bedroom is...
7 commentsWild Flowers of the Chalk
by Ben PentreathIf you were to come and stay in Dorset, one of the books you’d find in a big stack on the end of the bed in the guest bedroom is...
Six weeks of Summer
BenSix weeks have passed since I last wrote, on my way back from Scotland. How long ago those balmy days of early June now feel. Charlie’s garden was frothy with...
18 commentsSix weeks of Summer
by Ben PentreathSix weeks have passed since I last wrote, on my way back from Scotland. How long ago those balmy days of early June now feel. Charlie’s garden was frothy with...
NEW! Trellis Work Glass & Brass Lamps. High Fre...
Bridie HallIntroducing the newest range of Glass & Brass Lamps featuring a colourful array of newly worked richly printed trellis work patterns by Bridie Hall. Colour is at the very heart...
NEW! Trellis Work Glass & Brass Lamps. High Fre...
by Bridie HallIntroducing the newest range of Glass & Brass Lamps featuring a colourful array of newly worked richly printed trellis work patterns by Bridie Hall. Colour is at the very heart...
Introducing! CHIC Red & White Marble Soap Dishe...
Bridie HallThe rectangular and round red and white marble soap dishes were designed by Bridie especially for the Intaglio and Bay & Rosemary Caesar Soaps. There's no better soap dish for...
Introducing! CHIC Red & White Marble Soap Dishe...
by Bridie HallThe rectangular and round red and white marble soap dishes were designed by Bridie especially for the Intaglio and Bay & Rosemary Caesar Soaps. There's no better soap dish for...
Dazzling Diamond Daisy
Shop StaffBridie's new diamond daisy pattern is an unlikely and pleasing fusion of elegance and playfulness. Its timeless appeal makes it a perfect choice for those seeking a touch of sophistication and...
Dazzling Diamond Daisy
Shop NewsBridie's new diamond daisy pattern is an unlikely and pleasing fusion of elegance and playfulness. Its timeless appeal makes it a perfect choice for those seeking a touch of sophistication and...
Northern progress
BenI’ve been on a bit of a mission on the second half of this week, taking photographs of our Tornagrain New Town project and two other Scottish houses we’ve worked...
28 commentsNorthern progress
by Ben PentreathI’ve been on a bit of a mission on the second half of this week, taking photographs of our Tornagrain New Town project and two other Scottish houses we’ve worked...
WANTED! Pentreath & Hall | Assistant Shop Manager
Shop StaffPentreath & Hall | Assistant Shop Manager Hours: Monday – Friday, 9am – 6pm - £15.50 per hour. We are looking for a self-motivated, friendly and responsible person to assist with...
WANTED! Pentreath & Hall | Assistant Shop Manager
Shop NewsPentreath & Hall | Assistant Shop Manager Hours: Monday – Friday, 9am – 6pm - £15.50 per hour. We are looking for a self-motivated, friendly and responsible person to assist with...
Summer days are here again
BenI had a magical few days in Ojai, California, last weekend – where we will be working on a beautiful 1920s house for a very old client of mine. We...
10 commentsSummer days are here again
by Ben PentreathI had a magical few days in Ojai, California, last weekend – where we will be working on a beautiful 1920s house for a very old client of mine. We...
Fleeting moments
BenOne of my favourite views in the whole of Scotland – as you come around the corner towards Inveraray. Luckily, there’s often a moment when you stop for a second...
10 commentsFleeting moments
by Ben PentreathOne of my favourite views in the whole of Scotland – as you come around the corner towards Inveraray. Luckily, there’s often a moment when you stop for a second...
Project Intaglio Soap - From Hades to Hercules.
Bridie HallFor those of you who have been following along on my creative path for over 12 years now, you will be familiar with the intaglio cases we have made over the...
1 commentProject Intaglio Soap - From Hades to Hercules.
by Bridie HallFor those of you who have been following along on my creative path for over 12 years now, you will be familiar with the intaglio cases we have made over the...
Coronation Spring
BenWe had the best weekend. Wilfred and Molly came to stay. Here we all are, in the gloaming, marvelling at Charlie’s mad and beautiful Coronation Decorations…
12 commentsCoronation Spring
by Ben PentreathWe had the best weekend. Wilfred and Molly came to stay. Here we all are, in the gloaming, marvelling at Charlie’s mad and beautiful Coronation Decorations…
Operation Coronation Decoration Celebration
Shop StaffPlease join us for drinks this Thursday 11th May to celebrate and say goodbye to our now famous shop Coronation Decorations.
Operation Coronation Decoration Celebration
Shop NewsPlease join us for drinks this Thursday 11th May to celebrate and say goodbye to our now famous shop Coronation Decorations.
April showers and sunshine
BenIt’s been a cold spring. I can’t say this for a fact… I haven’t checked the official data, but I’ve been feeling it. But the advantage of a slow spring...
13 commentsApril showers and sunshine
by Ben PentreathIt’s been a cold spring. I can’t say this for a fact… I haven’t checked the official data, but I’ve been feeling it. But the advantage of a slow spring...
P&H Limited Edition Coronation Collection
Shop StaffCoronation celebrations are beginning early at Pentreath & Hall. Our love for royal memorabilia runs deep, both collecting and creating. Its tradition can be traced back to 1661 to mark...
P&H Limited Edition Coronation Collection
Shop NewsCoronation celebrations are beginning early at Pentreath & Hall. Our love for royal memorabilia runs deep, both collecting and creating. Its tradition can be traced back to 1661 to mark...
NEW! Grand Tour Intaglio Cases
Shop StaffInspired by the famous Cobbe museum’s collections of colourful ‘medallion wafers’. When hardstone cameos and intaglios produced during the Italian Renaissance period, were so rare and expensive they were...
NEW! Grand Tour Intaglio Cases
Shop NewsInspired by the famous Cobbe museum’s collections of colourful ‘medallion wafers’. When hardstone cameos and intaglios produced during the Italian Renaissance period, were so rare and expensive they were...
Springtime, stateside…
BenWe went to Chicago – my first time back in that beautiful city for well over twenty years. I was there for an event and to receive a very kind...
17 commentsSpringtime, stateside…
by Ben PentreathWe went to Chicago – my first time back in that beautiful city for well over twenty years. I was there for an event and to receive a very kind...
Introducing P&H Long Luxury Matches - Regency C...
Shop StaffIntroducing P&H Long Luxury Matches - Regency Caning Matches designed by and made exclusively for Pentreath & Hall. We designed these to take pride of place on the mantlepiece. A...
Introducing P&H Long Luxury Matches - Regency C...
Shop NewsIntroducing P&H Long Luxury Matches - Regency Caning Matches designed by and made exclusively for Pentreath & Hall. We designed these to take pride of place on the mantlepiece. A...
Back in Stock! The P&H Lidded Urn with Handles.
Shop StaffBACK IN STOCK AND AVAILABLE NOW! The latest and most popular addition to the P&H Creamware Collection. This Lidded Urn with Handles follows the tradition of the achingly elegant versions...
Back in Stock! The P&H Lidded Urn with Handles.
Shop NewsBACK IN STOCK AND AVAILABLE NOW! The latest and most popular addition to the P&H Creamware Collection. This Lidded Urn with Handles follows the tradition of the achingly elegant versions...
Out of this world…
BenCharlie and I are just back from a wonderful week in the mountains. Staying at our absolutely favourite hotel… Built in the later 19th century, and (with a few modifications)...
11 commentsOut of this world…
by Ben PentreathCharlie and I are just back from a wonderful week in the mountains. Staying at our absolutely favourite hotel… Built in the later 19th century, and (with a few modifications)...
Spring is just around the corner, now
BenI haven’t blogged for a few weeks now, and isn’t it funny to notice how suddenly the air changes in February? Charlie and I were up in Scotland only 2...
11 commentsSpring is just around the corner, now
by Ben PentreathI haven’t blogged for a few weeks now, and isn’t it funny to notice how suddenly the air changes in February? Charlie and I were up in Scotland only 2...
JOIN US! With Frances Palmer at P&H on Thursday...
Shop StaffJOIN US! For a fun evening with Frances Palmer to celebrate her latest collection of 'Cirrus' bud vases and a book signing. At Pentreath & Hall, 17 Rugby Street, London...
JOIN US! With Frances Palmer at P&H on Thursday...
Shop NewsJOIN US! For a fun evening with Frances Palmer to celebrate her latest collection of 'Cirrus' bud vases and a book signing. At Pentreath & Hall, 17 Rugby Street, London...
Simple days
BenThe sunshine sparkled on our walk this morning. What a difference a day makes – Saturday was the flattest, greyest life – nothing moving. Today it felt as if the...
10 commentsSimple days
by Ben PentreathThe sunshine sparkled on our walk this morning. What a difference a day makes – Saturday was the flattest, greyest life – nothing moving. Today it felt as if the...
Pentreath & Hall Creamware Collection
Bridie HallThe reassuringly traditional plain glazed cream earthenware made by the great English potteries of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, known as creamware, has been a stock staple of Pentreath &...
Pentreath & Hall Creamware Collection
Shop NewsThe reassuringly traditional plain glazed cream earthenware made by the great English potteries of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, known as creamware, has been a stock staple of Pentreath &...
From mid-winter to high summer
BenWell, it was the greyest weekend in Dorset. The flat grey light of late January, the month that seems to last always about a week too long, and that certain...
13 commentsFrom mid-winter to high summer
by Ben PentreathWell, it was the greyest weekend in Dorset. The flat grey light of late January, the month that seems to last always about a week too long, and that certain...
New P&H Lacquer Trays
Shop StaffIntroducing our latest collaboration with The Lacquer Company. A collection of beautifully proportioned trays. Available in two convenient sizes and five inspiring colourways. Explore today!
New P&H Lacquer Trays
Shop NewsIntroducing our latest collaboration with The Lacquer Company. A collection of beautifully proportioned trays. Available in two convenient sizes and five inspiring colourways. Explore today!
Winter days and evenings
BenIt has been the softest wintery weekend in Dorset – still air, freezing temperature, brilliant sunshine. Snow still lies on the shadows of the hills. Beautiful January days.
9 commentsWinter days and evenings
by Ben PentreathIt has been the softest wintery weekend in Dorset – still air, freezing temperature, brilliant sunshine. Snow still lies on the shadows of the hills. Beautiful January days.
The earth laid bare
BenFrom the sparkling sunshine and greens and blues of New Zealand to the depths of the English winter. Dorset is drenched. The rain poured down yesterday, and we hardly left...
12 commentsThe earth laid bare
by Ben PentreathFrom the sparkling sunshine and greens and blues of New Zealand to the depths of the English winter. Dorset is drenched. The rain poured down yesterday, and we hardly left...
The bright summer
BenWe’re back to London this weekend, grey skied, rain sweeping through, everything drenched, trees black-green barked, buildings a symphony of brown and cream and black gloss paint. Red phone and...
29 commentsThe bright summer
by Ben PentreathWe’re back to London this weekend, grey skied, rain sweeping through, everything drenched, trees black-green barked, buildings a symphony of brown and cream and black gloss paint. Red phone and...
Happy New Year!
Shop StaffEnjoy 10% off everything, excluding Furniture and Lighting, when you shop online during January at Pentreath & Hall Ltd. Discount is deducted automatically at the checkout.
Happy New Year!
Shop NewsEnjoy 10% off everything, excluding Furniture and Lighting, when you shop online during January at Pentreath & Hall Ltd. Discount is deducted automatically at the checkout.
P&H shipping deadlines and Christmas & New Year...
Shop StaffThe deadline for shipping all international orders is now closed. The domestic shipping deadline is Wednesday 21st December. Order now to avoid disappointment and use code PH15XMAS at the...
P&H shipping deadlines and Christmas & New Year...
Shop NewsThe deadline for shipping all international orders is now closed. The domestic shipping deadline is Wednesday 21st December. Order now to avoid disappointment and use code PH15XMAS at the...
Introducing Bay & Rosemary Caesar soaps
Bridie HallIntroducing new Bay & Rosemary Caesar Soaps! Caesar shaped soaps, the likes of which you've never seen before! For everyday use in the cloakroom, shower and bath. A perfect sized and...
Introducing Bay & Rosemary Caesar soaps
Shop NewsIntroducing new Bay & Rosemary Caesar Soaps! Caesar shaped soaps, the likes of which you've never seen before! For everyday use in the cloakroom, shower and bath. A perfect sized and...
Back to Scotland
BenSunday lunch at the Parsonage, a few weeks ago now – Charlie had pulled in all his chrysanthemums from the greenhouse, the sun was streaming in through the bay window…....
18 commentsBack to Scotland
by Ben PentreathSunday lunch at the Parsonage, a few weeks ago now – Charlie had pulled in all his chrysanthemums from the greenhouse, the sun was streaming in through the bay window…....
Godly and quietly
BenAutumn is shifting into gear now. We had huge rain and thunderstorms last night and woke this morning to a drenched landscape, but the clouds soon swept through to be...
19 commentsGodly and quietly
by Ben PentreathAutumn is shifting into gear now. We had huge rain and thunderstorms last night and woke this morning to a drenched landscape, but the clouds soon swept through to be...
Autumn song
BenA month has passed now, since the death of Queen Elizabeth. I was in Oxfordshire, that evening, and for work the following day – so I only got down to...
24 commentsAutumn song
by Ben PentreathA month has passed now, since the death of Queen Elizabeth. I was in Oxfordshire, that evening, and for work the following day – so I only got down to...
Pentreath & Hall Royal Commemorative Plates
Shop Staff“We believe in beautifully made products that are inspired by history and which will stand the test of time.” Our love for royal memorabilia runs deep, both collecting and creating. Its...
2 commentsPentreath & Hall Royal Commemorative Plates
Shop News“We believe in beautifully made products that are inspired by history and which will stand the test of time.” Our love for royal memorabilia runs deep, both collecting and creating. Its...
Lambswool Throws by Ben Pentreath X Johnstons o...
Shop StaffIntroducing a new collection of Lambswool throws for Pentreath & Hall in collaboration with Johnstons of Elgin. Along with a much larger collection of home interior fabrics designed with Johnstons...
Lambswool Throws by Ben Pentreath X Johnstons o...
Shop NewsIntroducing a new collection of Lambswool throws for Pentreath & Hall in collaboration with Johnstons of Elgin. Along with a much larger collection of home interior fabrics designed with Johnstons...
The Show Goes On
BenThe blog opens with the wonderfully happy Mayor of Bridport, Ian Bark, on the sunshine-filled day a couple of weeks ago at the Melplash Agricultural Society Show. It is SO...
14 commentsThe Show Goes On
by Ben PentreathThe blog opens with the wonderfully happy Mayor of Bridport, Ian Bark, on the sunshine-filled day a couple of weeks ago at the Melplash Agricultural Society Show. It is SO...
The Great Dorset Steam Fair 2022
BenIf you’re an old Dorset hand, you probably already know that the best day out in the County is the Great Dorset Steam Fair. But just in case you don’t,...
29 commentsThe Great Dorset Steam Fair 2022
by Ben PentreathIf you’re an old Dorset hand, you probably already know that the best day out in the County is the Great Dorset Steam Fair. But just in case you don’t,...
Italian Intermission
BenThe strange this is, I’ve only been away for a week. But looking at all these photos, it feels like double or triple that. How beautiful it’s been to be...
23 commentsItalian Intermission
by Ben PentreathThe strange this is, I’ve only been away for a week. But looking at all these photos, it feels like double or triple that. How beautiful it’s been to be...
WANTED: Pentreath & Hall | Stockroom & Warehous...
Shop StaffHours: 3 days per week (Monday, Wednesday & Thursday), 9am – 6pm - £12.50 per hour. We are looking for a self-motivated and responsible person to help with the day-to-day...
WANTED: Pentreath & Hall | Stockroom & Warehous...
Shop NewsHours: 3 days per week (Monday, Wednesday & Thursday), 9am – 6pm - £12.50 per hour. We are looking for a self-motivated and responsible person to help with the day-to-day...
Living the dream
BenThe world goes quiet in August, but I’ve noticed for rather a few years now that the silly season never seems so funny anymore, does it? But then again, I’ve...
17 commentsLiving the dream
by Ben PentreathThe world goes quiet in August, but I’ve noticed for rather a few years now that the silly season never seems so funny anymore, does it? But then again, I’ve...
High Spring to High Summer
BenWe begin in Spring and end in Summer. I last managed to blog in early May, and here we are, tipping into late June. It’s actually been lovely to look...
20 commentsHigh Spring to High Summer
by Ben PentreathWe begin in Spring and end in Summer. I last managed to blog in early May, and here we are, tipping into late June. It’s actually been lovely to look...
Ben Pentreath for William Morris & Co. Cornubia...
Shop StaffCornubia is the second collaboration between Morris & Co. and renowned architect and interior designer, Ben Pentreath. Referring to its Cornish origins, Cornubia conveys a vibrant story of spring and...
Ben Pentreath for William Morris & Co. Cornubia...
Shop NewsCornubia is the second collaboration between Morris & Co. and renowned architect and interior designer, Ben Pentreath. Referring to its Cornish origins, Cornubia conveys a vibrant story of spring and...
Jubilee Weekend Opening Hours
Shop StaffWe've decided to make the most of this lovely long relaxing weekend to take a rest and enjoy the celebrations so will be keeping the following hours; CLOSED: Thursday 2nd...
Jubilee Weekend Opening Hours
Shop NewsWe've decided to make the most of this lovely long relaxing weekend to take a rest and enjoy the celebrations so will be keeping the following hours; CLOSED: Thursday 2nd...
Workshop Assistants Wanted for Bridie Hall Ltd
Bridie Hall£12.50/hour. Monday – Thursday, 9am to 5.30pm. Bridie Hall Ltd is growing and we are currently looking for two workshop assistants for four days a week. They will be required...
Workshop Assistants Wanted for Bridie Hall Ltd
by Bridie Hall£12.50/hour. Monday – Thursday, 9am to 5.30pm. Bridie Hall Ltd is growing and we are currently looking for two workshop assistants for four days a week. They will be required...
Green time…
BenIt’s a blog of parts again! Looking back at these photos I realise I’ve been around a bit. Time to stay still in the same place sometime soon, I think....
18 commentsGreen time…
by Ben PentreathIt’s a blog of parts again! Looking back at these photos I realise I’ve been around a bit. Time to stay still in the same place sometime soon, I think....
Bridie HallIntroducing a New Alphabet Brush Pot Font - 'FIGGINS ANTIQUE' Enjoy a 20% discount on all new 'Figgins Antique Font Alphabet Brush Pots' Offer ends Friday 6th May. Desktops don’t have to...
Shop NewsIntroducing a New Alphabet Brush Pot Font - 'FIGGINS ANTIQUE' Enjoy a 20% discount on all new 'Figgins Antique Font Alphabet Brush Pots' Offer ends Friday 6th May. Desktops don’t have to...
Pentreath & Hall April Newsletter
Shop StaffUntil recently, Ben and I both considered ourselves 'accidental shopkeepers', that was until it dawned on us we've been at it for thirteen years and happily going from strength to...
1 commentPentreath & Hall April Newsletter
Shop NewsUntil recently, Ben and I both considered ourselves 'accidental shopkeepers', that was until it dawned on us we've been at it for thirteen years and happily going from strength to...
Catching up
BenThere’s only one way to stay on top of things, I suppose… which is, try to stay on top of things. So although the blog is a little overdue, I’ve...
13 commentsCatching up
by Ben PentreathThere’s only one way to stay on top of things, I suppose… which is, try to stay on top of things. So although the blog is a little overdue, I’ve...
Extraordinary spring
BenWe had been planning a trip north. But on Friday morning, early, when Charlie should have been hitting the motorway early (I was going to meet him later in Glasgow,...
11 commentsExtraordinary spring
by Ben PentreathWe had been planning a trip north. But on Friday morning, early, when Charlie should have been hitting the motorway early (I was going to meet him later in Glasgow,...
The Broadwey & Upwey Spring Show
BenIt was the weekend of the Broadwey & Upwey Spring show… the first spring show that Charlie has ever entered. I think he was up and about at 4 or...
23 commentsThe Broadwey & Upwey Spring Show
by Ben PentreathIt was the weekend of the Broadwey & Upwey Spring show… the first spring show that Charlie has ever entered. I think he was up and about at 4 or...
Spring song
BenThe months are passing. I think that all the regular readers of the blog have grown a little accustomed to the fact that I don’t, or can’t, write quite as...
22 commentsSpring song
by Ben PentreathThe months are passing. I think that all the regular readers of the blog have grown a little accustomed to the fact that I don’t, or can’t, write quite as...
Intaglio Paperweights
Bridie HallBelieve it or not paperweights were part of a showcase of international artistic innovation at The Great Exhibition of 1851. Paperweights were viewed as luxury items that satisfied the C19th...
Intaglio Paperweights
by Bridie HallBelieve it or not paperweights were part of a showcase of international artistic innovation at The Great Exhibition of 1851. Paperweights were viewed as luxury items that satisfied the C19th...
Pentreath & Hall Shop Assistant wanted.
Shop Staff9am to 6pm. Two days a week Friday and Saturday - £12.50/hour We’re looking for a friendly, self-motivated and responsible person to help with day-to-day operations of Pentreath & Hall...
Pentreath & Hall Shop Assistant wanted.
Shop News9am to 6pm. Two days a week Friday and Saturday - £12.50/hour We’re looking for a friendly, self-motivated and responsible person to help with day-to-day operations of Pentreath & Hall...
WANTED: Freelance Creative Visual Content Co-Or...
Shop StaffWe are seeking a reliable, enthusiastic and friendly person to create still-life and lifestyle product photographs for our website, social media channels and press image library. Our ideal candidate will...
WANTED: Freelance Creative Visual Content Co-Or...
Shop NewsWe are seeking a reliable, enthusiastic and friendly person to create still-life and lifestyle product photographs for our website, social media channels and press image library. Our ideal candidate will...
Alphabet Brush Pot - Workshop 2nd's
Shop StaffDon't miss out on our Alphabet Brush Pot Workshop 2nd's sale. These ’Alphabet Brush Pot Workshop 2nd's’ will contain a minor fault of manufacture meaning it doesn’t quite make the...
Alphabet Brush Pot - Workshop 2nd's
Shop NewsDon't miss out on our Alphabet Brush Pot Workshop 2nd's sale. These ’Alphabet Brush Pot Workshop 2nd's’ will contain a minor fault of manufacture meaning it doesn’t quite make the...
In the midst of darkness – there is always light
BenYet again, time and events run away from me and weeks pass before I write another blog! Happy New Year! But the funny thing is that nothing gives me more...
24 commentsIn the midst of darkness – there is always light
by Ben PentreathYet again, time and events run away from me and weeks pass before I write another blog! Happy New Year! But the funny thing is that nothing gives me more...
AD100 Bridie Hall 2022
Bridie HallI am honoured to be included in the AD100 lineup for 2022. What a wonderful way to start the year.
AD100 Bridie Hall 2022
by Bridie HallI am honoured to be included in the AD100 lineup for 2022. What a wonderful way to start the year.
Pentreath & Hall New Year Sale!
Shop StaffTo celebrate the New Year, we are offering a 10% discount off everything* when you use the code PHSALE21 at the checkout. This offer can be applied to already reduced...
Pentreath & Hall New Year Sale!
Shop NewsTo celebrate the New Year, we are offering a 10% discount off everything* when you use the code PHSALE21 at the checkout. This offer can be applied to already reduced...
Shop StaffAfter a difficult year we're taking a well-deserved break.Our shop will be closed at 4pm on Friday 24th December and re-opens at 11am on Tuesday 4th January 2022. WEB ORDERS WON’T BEGIN TO...
Shop NewsAfter a difficult year we're taking a well-deserved break.Our shop will be closed at 4pm on Friday 24th December and re-opens at 11am on Tuesday 4th January 2022. WEB ORDERS WON’T BEGIN TO...
The P&H Book Bundle Gift Box
Shop StaffThe P&H Book Bundle Gift Box inducts the recipient into the visual world of Pentreath & Hall with the P&H Alphabet Book and takes them through the many and varied...
The P&H Book Bundle Gift Box
Shop NewsThe P&H Book Bundle Gift Box inducts the recipient into the visual world of Pentreath & Hall with the P&H Alphabet Book and takes them through the many and varied...
Bear Bottle Pottery Project
Bridie HallFor as long as l have visited the pottery galleries at the V&A, I have admired their small collection of bear bottles and jugs. As my interest in pottery grew...
Bear Bottle Pottery Project
by Bridie HallFor as long as l have visited the pottery galleries at the V&A, I have admired their small collection of bear bottles and jugs. As my interest in pottery grew...
Pentreath & Hall November Newsletter
Shop StaffThe air of excitement and anticipation that builds during November is one of my favourite things when it all starts heating up. At the shop, the final deliveries of stock have...
Pentreath & Hall November Newsletter
Shop NewsThe air of excitement and anticipation that builds during November is one of my favourite things when it all starts heating up. At the shop, the final deliveries of stock have...
Pop-up shop - Pressed & Folded.
Shop StaffPentreath & Hall are delighted to welcome Pressed & Folded to the Pop Up Shop next door on Rugby Street from Tuesday 16th November to Saturday 27th November. The Pop Up Shop is open...
Pop-up shop - Pressed & Folded.
Shop NewsPentreath & Hall are delighted to welcome Pressed & Folded to the Pop Up Shop next door on Rugby Street from Tuesday 16th November to Saturday 27th November. The Pop Up Shop is open...
BenTwo weeks ago we were in Cheltenham, for the happiest wedding, one of Charlie’s old friends getting married to her wonderful man. So much laughter along the way and a...
15 commentsContrasts….
by Ben PentreathTwo weeks ago we were in Cheltenham, for the happiest wedding, one of Charlie’s old friends getting married to her wonderful man. So much laughter along the way and a...
Pentreath & Hall October Newsletter
Harriett JenkinsApologies for stating the obvious, but my, haven’t the evenings drawn in over the last few weeks? May I remind you that they are due to more so when the...
Pentreath & Hall October Newsletter
Shop NewsApologies for stating the obvious, but my, haven’t the evenings drawn in over the last few weeks? May I remind you that they are due to more so when the...
Pop Up Shop - Meg Fatharly
Harriett JenkinsPentreath & Hall are delighted to welcome Meg Fatharly to the Pop Up Shop next door on Rugby Street from Tuesday 2nd November to Saturday 13th November. The Pop Up Shop is...
Pop Up Shop - Meg Fatharly
Shop NewsPentreath & Hall are delighted to welcome Meg Fatharly to the Pop Up Shop next door on Rugby Street from Tuesday 2nd November to Saturday 13th November. The Pop Up Shop is...
Pentreath & Hall | Assistant Shop Manager
Bridie HallHours: Tuesday – Saturday, 9am – 6pm - £13.50 per hour. We’re excited to be expanding our team and are looking for a self-motivated, friendly and responsible person to assist...
Pentreath & Hall | Assistant Shop Manager
Shop NewsHours: Tuesday – Saturday, 9am – 6pm - £13.50 per hour. We’re excited to be expanding our team and are looking for a self-motivated, friendly and responsible person to assist...
Autumn in Scotland
BenI’ve been on a northern progress – many sights and beautiful things. I drove up to Northumberland on Sunday – to a dreamy, romantic place, where we are being asked...
14 commentsAutumn in Scotland
by Ben PentreathI’ve been on a northern progress – many sights and beautiful things. I drove up to Northumberland on Sunday – to a dreamy, romantic place, where we are being asked...
Pop Up Shop - Marion Elliot
Harriett JenkinsPentreath & Hall are delighted to welcome Marion Elliot to the Pop Up Shop next door on Rugby Street from Tuesday 19th October until Saturday 30th October. The Pop Up...
1 commentPop Up Shop - Marion Elliot
Shop NewsPentreath & Hall are delighted to welcome Marion Elliot to the Pop Up Shop next door on Rugby Street from Tuesday 19th October until Saturday 30th October. The Pop Up...
WANTED: Pentreath & Hall Ltd Shop Manager
Bridie HallPentreath & Hall Ltd Shop Manager Hours: Monday – Friday, 9am – 6pm. Occasional Saturdays along with the odd late-night event. Job Description: We’re looking for a self-motivated and responsible person...
WANTED: Pentreath & Hall Ltd Shop Manager
Shop NewsPentreath & Hall Ltd Shop Manager Hours: Monday – Friday, 9am – 6pm. Occasional Saturdays along with the odd late-night event. Job Description: We’re looking for a self-motivated and responsible person...
Softly and gently…
BenAnd so, softly, gently, summer slips into autumn. What an autumn it has been this year. I suppose it is amazing how just when the world feels stranger than ever,...
19 commentsSoftly and gently…
by Ben PentreathAnd so, softly, gently, summer slips into autumn. What an autumn it has been this year. I suppose it is amazing how just when the world feels stranger than ever,...
Pentreath & Hall September Newsletter
Harriett JenkinsHello autumn, be golden and kind to us. . . Another month has passed, summer is all but over and there wasn’t much of one to report of in London. I...
Pentreath & Hall September Newsletter
Shop NewsHello autumn, be golden and kind to us. . . Another month has passed, summer is all but over and there wasn’t much of one to report of in London. I...
Production Assistant Wanted for Bridie Hall Ltd
Bridie HallBridie Hall Ltd is currently looking for a workshop assistant for four days a week. They will be required to help with the preparation and...
Production Assistant Wanted for Bridie Hall Ltd
by Bridie HallBridie Hall Ltd is currently looking for a workshop assistant for four days a week. They will be required to help with the preparation and...
Pop Up Shop - Alice Pattullo
Harriett JenkinsPentreath & Hall are delighted to welcome firm favourite Alice back to our next door Pop Up Shop on Rugby Street from Monday 4th October till Friday 15th October. There will be...
Pop Up Shop - Alice Pattullo
Shop NewsPentreath & Hall are delighted to welcome firm favourite Alice back to our next door Pop Up Shop on Rugby Street from Monday 4th October till Friday 15th October. There will be...
Pop Up - molesworth & bird
Harriett JenkinsPentreath & Hall are delighted to welcome molesworth & bird to our next door Pop Up Shop on Rugby Street from today, Monday 20th September till Friday 1st October. With a love...
Pop Up - molesworth & bird
Shop NewsPentreath & Hall are delighted to welcome molesworth & bird to our next door Pop Up Shop on Rugby Street from today, Monday 20th September till Friday 1st October. With a love...
Pop Up Shop - Robert Gladden
Harriett JenkinsPentreath & Hall are excited to welcome Robert Gladden to our Pop Up Shop next door on Rugby Street running all week from Monday 13th September till Friday...
Pop Up Shop - Robert Gladden
Shop NewsPentreath & Hall are excited to welcome Robert Gladden to our Pop Up Shop next door on Rugby Street running all week from Monday 13th September till Friday...
Twenty four hours, twenty years ago.
BenFor four of the five years that I lived in beautiful New York, this was the view north from my little railroad apartment, a 5th floor walk up, one tiny...
42 commentsTwenty four hours, twenty years ago.
by Ben PentreathFor four of the five years that I lived in beautiful New York, this was the view north from my little railroad apartment, a 5th floor walk up, one tiny...
New: Grand Tour Intaglio Cases
Bridie HallDiamond, rectangle, square, triangle and octagonal shaped shaped display cases filled an array of candy coloured cast 'Grand tour' intaglios. Inspired by the famous Cobbe museum’s collections of colourful ‘medallion...
1 commentNew: Grand Tour Intaglio Cases
by Bridie HallDiamond, rectangle, square, triangle and octagonal shaped shaped display cases filled an array of candy coloured cast 'Grand tour' intaglios. Inspired by the famous Cobbe museum’s collections of colourful ‘medallion...
Out of the blue….
BenWelcome back to life – that end of August feeling, September turning, the new school year starting, new notebooks… have you been doing this weekend what is my favourite thing...
27 commentsOut of the blue….
by Ben PentreathWelcome back to life – that end of August feeling, September turning, the new school year starting, new notebooks… have you been doing this weekend what is my favourite thing...
Pentreath & Hall July Newsletter
Charlotte MeadsGreetings from the first issue of our freshly resurrected Pentreath & Hall shop newsletter. I realise it’s been years since the last was sent out (not counting the job vacancy...
Pentreath & Hall July Newsletter
Shop NewsGreetings from the first issue of our freshly resurrected Pentreath & Hall shop newsletter. I realise it’s been years since the last was sent out (not counting the job vacancy...
June passing….
BenI can’t quite believe the whole of June has flown by like this? Can you? And I am sorry that yet again it feels that the blog, which I used...
24 commentsJune passing….
by Ben PentreathI can’t quite believe the whole of June has flown by like this? Can you? And I am sorry that yet again it feels that the blog, which I used...
Pop Up Shop - Freya Walker
Charlotte MeadsPentreath & Hall are excited to welcome Freya Walker to our Pop Up Shop joining us next door on Rugby Street from Monday 5 July till Friday 16 July. Freya is a...
Pop Up Shop - Freya Walker
Shop NewsPentreath & Hall are excited to welcome Freya Walker to our Pop Up Shop joining us next door on Rugby Street from Monday 5 July till Friday 16 July. Freya is a...
WE'RE HIRING! Freelance Creative Visual Content...
Charlotte MeadsPentreath & Hall | Freelance Creative Visual Content Coordinator We are seeking a reliable, enthusiastic and friendly person to create still-life and lifestyle product photographs for our website, social media...
WE'RE HIRING! Freelance Creative Visual Content...
Shop NewsPentreath & Hall | Freelance Creative Visual Content Coordinator We are seeking a reliable, enthusiastic and friendly person to create still-life and lifestyle product photographs for our website, social media...
Charlotte MeadsPentreath & Hall | Shop Assistant An exciting opportunity has arisen for a friendly, self-motivated and responsible person to help with day-to-day operations of Pentreath & Hall shop and stock room. Our...
Shop NewsPentreath & Hall | Shop Assistant An exciting opportunity has arisen for a friendly, self-motivated and responsible person to help with day-to-day operations of Pentreath & Hall shop and stock room. Our...
Pop Up Shop - East London Cloth
Charlotte MeadsPentreath & Hall are excited to welcome back our Pop Up Shop for 2021, with East London Cloth joining us next door on Rugby Street from 21 June – 2...
Pop Up Shop - East London Cloth
Shop NewsPentreath & Hall are excited to welcome back our Pop Up Shop for 2021, with East London Cloth joining us next door on Rugby Street from 21 June – 2...
The Saturated Palette of Spring
BenIt’s seeming as though it has never stopped raining this May, although I manage to only take my camera out for the brief 3 seconds a day when the sun...
11 commentsThe Saturated Palette of Spring
by Ben PentreathIt’s seeming as though it has never stopped raining this May, although I manage to only take my camera out for the brief 3 seconds a day when the sun...
Happy Days really are here again….
Ben“I thought you already owned a Morris Minor?” said a text from my friend Val (from New York) on Monday. “Or am I going mad?”. That was what alerted me...
19 commentsHappy Days really are here again….
by Ben Pentreath“I thought you already owned a Morris Minor?” said a text from my friend Val (from New York) on Monday. “Or am I going mad?”. That was what alerted me...
Happy days are here again
Ben'I thought you said you wanted a leaf green Porsche?' said my brother Tim. 'I thought you wanted a Porsche' emailed my friend Paul when I told him. Yup—in a...
41 commentsHappy days are here again
by Ben Pentreath'I thought you said you wanted a leaf green Porsche?' said my brother Tim. 'I thought you wanted a Porsche' emailed my friend Paul when I told him. Yup—in a...
Pentreath & Hall Ltd Shop Manager – Maternity C...
Emily GeorgiouHours: Monday – Friday, 9am – 6pm. Occasional Saturdays along with the odd late-night event. Job Description: We’re looking for a self-motivated and responsible person to take over the reins from...
Pentreath & Hall Ltd Shop Manager – Maternity C...
Shop NewsHours: Monday – Friday, 9am – 6pm. Occasional Saturdays along with the odd late-night event. Job Description: We’re looking for a self-motivated and responsible person to take over the reins from...
An Easter of hope
Ben PentreathIt has been a beautiful weekend - I hope you have had a very restful, happy Easter. Spring has arrived in Dorset. The air has been filled with birdsong each...
17 commentsAn Easter of hope
by Ben PentreathIt has been a beautiful weekend - I hope you have had a very restful, happy Easter. Spring has arrived in Dorset. The air has been filled with birdsong each...
One year later….
BenI’ve been thinking a lot to this time exactly a year ago; I’ll be honest, to the sense of total fear that I had, as I’d arrived in Dorset, physically...
33 commentsOne year later….
by Ben PentreathI’ve been thinking a lot to this time exactly a year ago; I’ll be honest, to the sense of total fear that I had, as I’d arrived in Dorset, physically...
Bridie HallPentreath & Hall | Ecommerce Co-ordinator An exciting opportunity has arisen for a customer-focused, dynamic and motivated candidate to run the day-to-day online operations of our globally reputable central London-based...
Shop NewsPentreath & Hall | Ecommerce Co-ordinator An exciting opportunity has arisen for a customer-focused, dynamic and motivated candidate to run the day-to-day online operations of our globally reputable central London-based...
Spring turning
BenAs if by magic, we’re on the eve of the 1st of March, St. David’s Day, and spring felt like it had sprung in the valley. I’ve actually been in...
16 commentsSpring turning
by Ben PentreathAs if by magic, we’re on the eve of the 1st of March, St. David’s Day, and spring felt like it had sprung in the valley. I’ve actually been in...
Time drifts by….
Ben“Missing Ben’s Blog” said a text from our lovely neighbour Christine, this weekend. And I promised that I’d finally write one! There’s been something about this wintery lockdown – partly...
43 commentsTime drifts by….
by Ben Pentreath“Missing Ben’s Blog” said a text from our lovely neighbour Christine, this weekend. And I promised that I’d finally write one! There’s been something about this wintery lockdown – partly...
The New Year Sale Is Now On!
Emily GeorgiouHappy New Year! The sale is now on. Use online code NEWYEAR10 for 10% off * Also head to our SALE page for further reductions. *10% off excludes lighting and...
The New Year Sale Is Now On!
by Emily GeorgiouHappy New Year! The sale is now on. Use online code NEWYEAR10 for 10% off * Also head to our SALE page for further reductions. *10% off excludes lighting and...
Out of the fog comes hope
BenOur walk this morning somehow felt appropriate. It was a beautiful morning, but a thick fog filled the valley. The air was still, silent, muffled. No one was about.
27 commentsOut of the fog comes hope
by Ben PentreathOur walk this morning somehow felt appropriate. It was a beautiful morning, but a thick fog filled the valley. The air was still, silent, muffled. No one was about.
24 Mondays to the longest day of the year!
BenAs always at this time of year, those last few weeks of December hurtle by – even without any late nights and too much drinking as normal – and then...
31 comments24 Mondays to the longest day of the year!
by Ben PentreathAs always at this time of year, those last few weeks of December hurtle by – even without any late nights and too much drinking as normal – and then...
At home with the 'Bible of British Taste'
Bridie HallIt was a privilege and an honour to allow the hallowed ‘Bible of British Taste’, back in the days when it was safe to do so, into my home to...
At home with the 'Bible of British Taste'
by Bridie HallIt was a privilege and an honour to allow the hallowed ‘Bible of British Taste’, back in the days when it was safe to do so, into my home to...
P&H Rugby Street Shop - Tier 4 COVID Closure.
Emily GeorgiouDue to the latest Tier - 4 COVID restrictions in London we have had to close our Rugby Street shop to walk in custom. Click & Collect orders can still...
P&H Rugby Street Shop - Tier 4 COVID Closure.
Shop NewsDue to the latest Tier - 4 COVID restrictions in London we have had to close our Rugby Street shop to walk in custom. Click & Collect orders can still...
The year is on the brink of turning….
BenIs it the second lockdown, or was it just that we had a weird technical glitch that prevented me from writing (or at least, from posting a blog) for weeks?...
42 commentsThe year is on the brink of turning….
by Ben PentreathIs it the second lockdown, or was it just that we had a weird technical glitch that prevented me from writing (or at least, from posting a blog) for weeks?...
Shop opening hours over the holiday period.
Emily GeorgiouThe Christmas delivery cut-off deadlines are earlier than usual this year due to the unprecedented increase in online orders as a result of the national and global COVID-19 restrictions affecting...
Shop opening hours over the holiday period.
Shop NewsThe Christmas delivery cut-off deadlines are earlier than usual this year due to the unprecedented increase in online orders as a result of the national and global COVID-19 restrictions affecting...
Last Orders
Emily GeorgiouChristmas Delivery Deadlines Europe & International: Thursday 10th December. National: Friday 18th December.
Last Orders
Shop NewsChristmas Delivery Deadlines Europe & International: Thursday 10th December. National: Friday 18th December.
Everything is going to be alright
BenI left London on Thursday… the most beautiful day, but it was hard to concentrate. The world was holding its breath. I arrived in Dorset, exhausted. Charlie was awake early...
25 commentsEverything is going to be alright
by Ben PentreathI left London on Thursday… the most beautiful day, but it was hard to concentrate. The world was holding its breath. I arrived in Dorset, exhausted. Charlie was awake early...
Useful and beautiful!
Emily GeorgiouPentreath & Hall are thrilled to launch an exclusive range of cushions made with the new Morris & Co Queen Square fabric. Produced in collaboration with...
Useful and beautiful!
Shop NewsPentreath & Hall are thrilled to launch an exclusive range of cushions made with the new Morris & Co Queen Square fabric. Produced in collaboration with...
Out of the storm…
BenThe rain lashed the valley on Saturday. A huge storm passed through. Any tree exposed to the wind has lost its leaves. We stayed in bed late and got up...
37 commentsOut of the storm…
by Ben PentreathThe rain lashed the valley on Saturday. A huge storm passed through. Any tree exposed to the wind has lost its leaves. We stayed in bed late and got up...
Reflection time
BenWe were staying with our friends Luke and Duncan this weekend, but were in Scotland the week before that. We popped up for the shortest time to put the cottage...
36 commentsReflection time
by Ben PentreathWe were staying with our friends Luke and Duncan this weekend, but were in Scotland the week before that. We popped up for the shortest time to put the cottage...
Vacancy: Box Packer Wanted!
Bridie HallBox packer wanted! Bridie Hall Ltd is looking for a happy hardworking and practical box packer to help out 2-3 days per week until Christmas in the NEW central London...
Vacancy: Box Packer Wanted!
by Bridie HallBox packer wanted! Bridie Hall Ltd is looking for a happy hardworking and practical box packer to help out 2-3 days per week until Christmas in the NEW central London...
BenLast weekend, we had our friends Beata and John staying. The rain lashed down all weekend…wet walks, wet trips to Bridport, wet trips to the beach.
21 commentsThanksgiving
by Ben PentreathLast weekend, we had our friends Beata and John staying. The rain lashed down all weekend…wet walks, wet trips to Bridport, wet trips to the beach.
BenThe air is slipping into an autumn mood. Trees are turning; the light takes on that extraordinary glow that I love so much at this time of year. This is...
11 commentsAutumnal…
by Ben PentreathThe air is slipping into an autumn mood. Trees are turning; the light takes on that extraordinary glow that I love so much at this time of year. This is...
Weekend in Scotland…
BenWe’ve just come back from Scotland – but first, a few photos from Dorset last week. We’ve had the most beautiful days and evenings; Charlie’s dahlia border is reaching its...
13 commentsWeekend in Scotland…
by Ben PentreathWe’ve just come back from Scotland – but first, a few photos from Dorset last week. We’ve had the most beautiful days and evenings; Charlie’s dahlia border is reaching its...
The Summer of 2020: Part II
Ben PentreathAnd then – we were to be in Scotland for weeks. We woke that first day to find bright skies and a powerful breeze; blue skies over Jura… Mavis was...
37 commentsThe Summer of 2020: Part II
by Ben PentreathAnd then – we were to be in Scotland for weeks. We woke that first day to find bright skies and a powerful breeze; blue skies over Jura… Mavis was...
The Summer of 2020: Part 1
Ben PentreathI am sorry it’s taken so long to write. It’s for all sorts of reasons. Partly, you’ll understand, that for all of us, hours merged into days, days into weeks...
37 commentsThe Summer of 2020: Part 1
by Ben PentreathI am sorry it’s taken so long to write. It’s for all sorts of reasons. Partly, you’ll understand, that for all of us, hours merged into days, days into weeks...
Colourful Carafes
shopEach carafe and goblet is delicately mouth blown in an array of coloured glass; each piece is heat and cold resistant and add extraordinary pleasure to the simple act of...
Colourful Carafes
Shop NewsEach carafe and goblet is delicately mouth blown in an array of coloured glass; each piece is heat and cold resistant and add extraordinary pleasure to the simple act of...
Desk Accessories for Pentreath & Hall
Bridie HallCovering our classic desk accessories in my collection of ‘Opus Sectile’ patterned papers made me think about how chic they would look printed onto leather and covering a beautiful collection...
Desk Accessories for Pentreath & Hall
by Bridie HallCovering our classic desk accessories in my collection of ‘Opus Sectile’ patterned papers made me think about how chic they would look printed onto leather and covering a beautiful collection...
Painted Rainbow Needlepoint cushions for Fine C...
Bridie HallIn 2018 I was inspired by the work of the nun pop artist Corita Kent and had some fun painting some simple bright rainbows. This coincided nicely with a meeting...
Painted Rainbow Needlepoint cushions for Fine C...
by Bridie HallIn 2018 I was inspired by the work of the nun pop artist Corita Kent and had some fun painting some simple bright rainbows. This coincided nicely with a meeting...
New Suzani Cushions
Shop NewsRich and precious, the Suzani fabrics are originally from central Asia.
Production Manager wanted for Bridie Hall Limited
shopBridie Hall Ltd is currently looking for a full time Production Manager. £27,000 – £30,000 per annum. Within this role the successful candidate will be required to produce and finish...
Production Manager wanted for Bridie Hall Limited
Shop NewsBridie Hall Ltd is currently looking for a full time Production Manager. £27,000 – £30,000 per annum. Within this role the successful candidate will be required to produce and finish...
Production Manager Wanted
Bridie HallBridie Hall is currently looking for a full time Production Manager. £27,000 – £30,000 per annum. Within this role the successful candidate will be required to produce and finish Bridie...
Production Manager Wanted
by Bridie HallBridie Hall is currently looking for a full time Production Manager. £27,000 – £30,000 per annum. Within this role the successful candidate will be required to produce and finish Bridie...
New Suzani Cushions
shopRich and precious, the Suzani fabrics are originally from central Asia. On a frame of either silk or cotton, the patterns are then hand embroidered with silk thread. The...
New Suzani Cushions
Shop NewsRich and precious, the Suzani fabrics are originally from central Asia. On a frame of either silk or cotton, the patterns are then hand embroidered with silk thread. The...
Beautiful and bold
shopCheerful Italian earthenware painted in colours evocative of the landscape and crystalline sea off of Puglia. To see the collection, click here The post Beautiful and bold appeared...
Beautiful and bold
Shop NewsCheerful Italian earthenware painted in colours evocative of the landscape and crystalline sea off of Puglia. To see the collection, click here The post Beautiful and bold appeared...
New Alphabet Brush Pot Colours Available Now!
shopThe post New Alphabet Brush Pot Colours Available Now! appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
New Alphabet Brush Pot Colours Available Now!
Shop NewsThe post New Alphabet Brush Pot Colours Available Now! appeared first on Ben Pentreath Inspiration.
A second month in the country
BenHow’s it possible that four weeks have drifted by since my last blog? Partly – work has been weirdly busy… from time to time, intensely so. Partly, Charlie and I...
A second month in the country
by Ben PentreathHow’s it possible that four weeks have drifted by since my last blog? Partly – work has been weirdly busy… from time to time, intensely so. Partly, Charlie and I...