
Almost farewell

What a week! It was a busy one, for sure...

On Tuesday evening, my wonderful friend Skye McAlpine - who's beautiful butter yellow kitchen features prominently in 'An English Vision' hosted a fantastic supper party for a lovely group of friends to make a final hurrah for the book!  Here was the table laid before everyone arrived....

We all had such a riotous evening that almost everyone forgot to take any photos at all. But when, at midnight, everyone had gone home, Skye, Anthony, Charlie and I had a cup of tea upstairs in the drawing room.  Here we all are, laughing away - Charlie sporting his kilt that has become almost nightly wear in London now.

The next morning I had a VERY early start to catch a train down to Hampshire for a day on site with our huge new town project, Welborne - which is looking fantastic.  That, I think, though, will be a blog for another day just for now.  Back to London late that evening.  Thursday was another long day in the office. And on Friday, I had an even EARLIER start catching a train out to Oxfordshire for site visits there.  And then at last down to Dorset in the evening.  Our last ever Friday evening at the Parsonage.  Within a week we will be gone.

Saturday was bright and breezy. We had an early visit to Bridport for our LAST EVER (well, unless we come back, of course) breakfast at Soulshine, and saying goodbye to all our friends on the market - although frankly it hasn't been the same for weeks and weeks after wonderful Clive and Angela - who very regular readers of the blog will remember as the famous 'one pound china lady' have retired.  We didn't manage to see them before they left but they are so enormously missed.  As we've been packing up years and years worth of china, it's strange to recall how many pieces we found on Clive and Angela's stand. Now some of our most treasured bits.  Farewell too to Alistair and his excellent plant stand. Charlie of course had already said goodbye to Tamarisk Farm and Fruits of the Earth the day before.  These goodbyes are the saddest thing about moving.

We got home to give the dogs a walk in blustery sunshine, fluffy clouds dashing across the autumnal sky.

The landscape was one of momentary shadows...

Followed by brilliant sunshine.  Heaven.

Then we had our work cut out. We were getting ready for our tea party as a farewell for some local friends.  At 5.25 we were still hurtling through the shower. At 5.30pm we were all ready, and at 5.31 our first guests arrived!

Here was Charlie's astonishing tea table!  I promise, PROMISE, that one day there will be a book about the Parsonage which REVEALS THE RECIPE FOR HIS VICTORIA SPONGE.  Until then, please watch this space.  The Empire biscuits were a particular treat.

Lots of incredible cheeses and ginger loaf and sandwiches.

Here is Charlie's stack of pumpkins that greeted everyone at the door.

Here is the drawing room with a roaring fire - such a familiar scene...

Everyone stayed until midnight!  The best tea party of all!   We rolled into bed and I slept in a bit this morning.  The weather had changed overnight. Rain had come sweeping through the valley.  The day was grey and wet, but had a beautiful autumnal air.

Ravilious landscapes...

And then - packing.  The last rooms. Oh my.  The end of an era.

Waiting for the delivery vans next week. We are all ready.  And SOON we are off - for what feels not like just a new chapter - but a whole new book!  I can't wait to tell you more.

But for now - also - a final note.  Thank you to so many readers of the blog, and followers on instagram, for the INCREDIBLE sales that we are making for An English Vision. Bride and I are frankly quite overwhelmed.  When you put a lot (and it really, really was a lot) of effort into things, it is of course pretty amazing when the results are quite as kind as they have been. I have had a huge amount of messages from people all over the world saying how much they are enjoying the book when it arrives.

Now - there is another problem which quite a few people will have encountered in the meantime. Demand has gone crazy.  Basically, Amazon uk and all other UK online retailers - the, Waterstones, WHSmith and the rest have completely sold out.  PLEASE bear with us! The brilliant people at Rizzoli are doing a lot to get more stock to the UK as soon as they can, but I don't yet have a date for when this will be. As soon as I do I'll put it on instagram.

Just for now, therefore, I'm thanking our lucky stars that I did place a huge order for the books for Pentreath & Hall, and for once that seems to have been a good call!  Thank you to everyone who's been placing such astonishing orders over the weekend.

First - we have got enough books to send out to everyone, but we have a backlog. We have more help in the warehouse and Chelsea and brilliant Emily and Beatrice are working like mad people to get through it all.

Second, I'm signing all copies still, and will still do so for a few weeks... BUT I won't be around while Charlie and I are moving house so there's just a small potential delay in getting signed stock out to everyone.  We very much hope everyone will be forgiving, the timing is pretty crazy.

Third - thank you for supporting us so much, because we are NOT Amazon and we can't discount and offer all the free shipping that Mr Bezos can do. So we're immensely grateful for all the orders - on the other hand, it's quite nice to have lots of stock to dispatch when they have run out!! If I can put it like that?!

Fourth - if you live in London or are visiting, do pop into the shop on Lambs Conduit Street as we always have signed copies there.  Sorry for people who came on the first two days to get a signed copy only to find there weren't any. There are now and we can also sign your copy if you bring it back and leave it with us for a day or two.

Basically, thank you to everyone who's ordered a copy through Pentreath & Hall, or from your local bookshop - all of whom need SO much support and love.  Over the next few months I'll be doing a lot of events in smaller shops and will keep you posted on Instagram as to what's going on when.

So thank you - we really couldn't be more grateful.


While I've been writing the blog this evening, our last Sunday in Dorset, sitting at the kitchen table, as I've done for countless times now - the sun has broken through the clouds just at the most incredible time of the day, as the sun is setting now.  Look at these final photos!

Farewell to Dorset - every last moment of sunshine like this is one to be cherished!




I can’t imagine what this is like…maybe a little bitter, a little sweet, and a little exciting? Thank you for sharing this goodbye with us so that we could be part of the Dorset send-off. Onward to new adventures!

Alexa Johnson

So sorry you are leaving such a beautiful place, heaven on earth. I have been to Little Bredy many times and I love it. Just a question: what will happen to your cat Henry?
I wish you two all the best.

Jacqueline Ledrezen

Thank you for all those unforgettable parsonage posts. Book purchased too.

Pierre B.

Sending all best wishes for the move. What a delight for so many years to be able to share in the Parsonage’s lovely rooms, the cozy kitchen meals, the garden in every season, the long walks — thank you both for such beauty, respite, and inspiration. And now I look forward to watching you create your new home. And have just ordered the book, before it sells out here in Canada!


It is testament to your wonderful writing and beautiful photos that those of us who have never met you and Charlie or visited the Parsonage feel as if we have. From all your blog posts over the years and of course on Instagram we have shared many great adventures from steam rallies and country shows (how many amateur Dorset horticulturalists out there will share a sigh of relief that they might have a chance next year in the flower or veg classes) to grand country houses and trips abroad but mainly the Parsonage with its beautiful eponymous pink sitting room and garden that is Heaven on Earth. Thank you for sharing it all.
Very best wishes for your move. Look forward to the next adventure.


I’ll be in London in a couple of weeks, staying in Bloomsbury, and I’m looking forward to a visit to the store. And to see the new book in person! Congratulations!

Lesley Sutton

Dying waiting for my copy to arrive here at home! I have your first two books on design, and the one about making your house right as well.
Your stylish prose is a pleasure to read, and the pictures as well! to look at… when is Charlie’s book due? Flowers, gardens, veggies- all so vibrant!
Seriously, is there a book in the works?
Chris Daniels

Chris A Daniels

I am HUGELY enjoying your book. Despite living in Australia for nearly 60 years I am still English! Not popular with some friends who think I should have ‘become’ Australian by now. But the landscape speaks to me the way it doesn’t here. I grew up in Sussex so your beautiful photos spoke to me even more. I firmly believe you become connected in some way to the landscape you grew up in.
Thank you for your book, your photos and your gentle words. Best wishes for your move. I’m looking forward to following along as you both start a new chapter of your lives.
PS. Oh yes! a book with that sponge recipe would be another sell out. 💐

Lindsey Back

Thank you so much for all your wonderful posts full of gorgeous imagery over the years. Best wishes to you and Charlie for your new adventure.

Jane de Teliga

Lovely images and what a spread of gorgeous food for the farewell party! Will miss your lovely images of the hills, valleys, gardens and buildings and Charlies lovely plantings, but I remember them all well. Look forward to my book arriving whenever it makes the journey to NZ….great to know it is selling so well. All the best for the move…sounds exciting and we look forward to updates on the next chapter….Jennie, NZ

Jennifer Phillipps

Loved all your photos of the garden and house and will miss them a bit like old friends. Looking forward to seeing the next house. ☘️☘️

Eleanor Stanley

So in shock that you are leaving this beautiful home in Dorset, but very happy to be waiting to hear about you and Charlies’ next chapter of your life. The sun shining in the windows for the last time and the wonderful garden and the tea party and many other past parties and outings, I shall miss this home, but so look forward to your new future plans. All the best. I can’t wait to visit your shop when I visit from Canada again and I hold so many purchases and memories and look forward to purchasing your new book. All the Best.

Darlene Chandler

I’ve also followed your blog from the start. Thank-you for my wonderful signed book I wish you and Charlie every happiness and I’ll miss your beautiful home x


How is it that a virtual family can become so meaningful, in a very real way? The attachment to people & experiences shared: the symbolic power of words & photographs, a world created and access to it, invited and welcomed. I don’t know how but it is enough to have been a part of your world: your walks, your bountiful and beautiful harvests, the clear & honest generosity for friends and readers alike. I am very happy that your book is such a success. Hard work and talent brings its own reward but it’s nice to see that the rewards are accruing to such good people. It’s encouraging, even for those of us so distant. Your book has come out at just the right time – we (your readers, the ones who live vicariously) will need a way to come close again, to the creativity and to the skills that I am sure are on every page. So, thank-you. As you move forward, we look forward, as the future begins to blend with the past. The book will sit on a shelf one day but it’s contents will resonate for everyone every time we turn a page, every time we seek once more a look through the blog to see the garden, the views from walks with the dogs bringing us closer to the experiences that are yours alone but so generously shared…can barely wait to see where your creativity leads you.


Congratulations on your book Ben and the best of luck for your new home.

Peter Sullivan

Thank you so much for sharing all of this at this incredibly busy time for you. You must know how we will all feel sad to say goodbye to the Parsonage. Also, how excited we all are for your new adventure which I am sure will include a garden and more Victoria Sponge.

Patricia Carter

Good luck to you both! I admire your ability to leave such an incredible place and hope there will be a book in that – Victoria sponge recipe and all! My copy of ‘An English Vision’, which I ordered from P&H, arrived promptly and I am literally inhaling it. Thank you.


Well, Ben, here you are, getting ready to move into the future. In honor of your last days at the Old Parsonage, I spent an hour or so on the blog back in 2009-2011, when you got your lease and began putting in the gardens. I got as far as the Howard & Co. blue chair (which I hope is traveling with you) and when you painted the drawing room pink. I wonder if it is a weird feeling, that your memories are also many other peoples’ memories? The result of your gifts for writing and photography. I look forward to reading/seeing them applied to your and Charlie’s newest adventures. But I am REALLY looking forward to that book about the Old Parsonage! I know I’m not alone in that.

Congratulations of the marvelous reception of A British Vision!

Diane Keane

Last beautiful walks, Charlie’s scrumdiddlyumptious baking, packing, pants, all the things that make Home, neatly packed and ready for What Is Next. Happy Next Adventure.


Pulling up stakes to move brings to the fore all the delight of things passed spent at that soon-to-be-departed time and place. How achingly sweet are those goodbyes, soothed only by a shivery anticipation of what’s to come. Be fair, tomorrow; be assured that in the going a bit of our spirit resides forever where our path once was.

c. morgan

Oh my! I feel I will miss your lovely photos of this magical place almost as much as I am sure you will miss being there. Looking forward to following along with you for the next chapter. And! I am looking forward to receiving my signed copies of “An English Vision.” All best wishes!


I know you’re off on an exciting new venture but I’m still sad to see your emptied out rooms which have been so inspiring since I discovered your house on Instagram so many years ago! Looking forward to reading your new chapter!


I don’t usually comment on your blog , but really enjoy it when it arrives in my in box
Just want to wish you and Charlie all the best in your new home
🏠 love Hazel xxx

Hazel lavelle

Dear Ben, I remember finding your shop online and signing up for your blog (this was pre-Instagram…you were actually briefly on Twitter!) and being taken in and transported by your words and photos of the Parsonage. Thank you for sharing your home and garden, later adding fabulous Charlie and of course the dogs! The world is a crazy place and you manage to sort things out and keep us grounded in what really matters. Thank you for this chapter and my goodness I’m SO EXCITED for the next!!! xo Alice

Alice M

Best of all wishes for your new venture. You lovely blog carried me through covid and I will so miss your photos of Dorset – love the clump of trees atop the hill! Looking forward to seeing a new garden from Charlie!

Kay Langevin

I am so sorry to see your leave the Parsonage:( I read awhile back that the estate it sits in was for sale, and I was fearful that you would leave (not that was the reason for your departure). I am sure where ever you next live you & Charlie shall make it as beautiful as the Parsonage—but that is a tall order! Wishing you a stress free move (if such has ever existed!).

Laura Harrison

Farewell to the very lovely Parsonage! Can’t wait to hear about what’s next. Undoubtedly it will be amazing! Good luck with the move – never easy. Best, Alicia

Alicia Whitaker

Feeling so sad about you leaving the delights of Dorset, but I know you must be moving on to something hugely exciting so I can’t wait to find out! A grand country house restoration, a Scottish castle?? Your book is beautiful Ben, the properties, photography, colours, fabrics – everything is a delight. Thank you for your very decorative and very positive presence in my life.


Ben, the book is a triumph! I’m in Sydney, ordered the book through Amazon, had it that afternoon.we all run Amazon into the ground, but when push comes to shove, it’s pretty dam good! Love to you both.XX

Wendy Meiklejohn

I have a fairly big lump in my throat and tears in my eyes Sending very best wishes, joy and happiness in your new chapter – from across the North sea. 🇬🇧🇳🇴

Jeanne Richardson

I’m sobbing as I read this, so absolutely beautifully written. Will miss these amazing views but looking forward to the news ones. Good luck with your move xx

Alex Bainbridge

Thank you for this wonderful post and I feel a bit tearful towards the end. Onwards and upwards and sending you all, not forgetting Henry the cat, my very best wishes for a wonderful new adventure!

Melissa Thistlethwayte

I have been reading your blogs since the start
I feel the Parsonage is part of my family home
I received your book last week and think it’s fabulous
Keep writing and doing what you do
I look forward to reading about your next home
Best wishes
Melbourne Australia

Eldin Dixon

I feel so sad, I shall miss your beautiful Dorset pictures of the house. I know the area well.
Good luck to you both in your new home.
Looking forward to hearing all about it.
Kindest regards,

Jane Britton

I have treasured following you both and the dogs and cats in the fabulous Parsonage it has lifted my soul to see the glorious interior’s evolve and Charlie’s fabulous garden fill to glorious abundance .
I was very lucky to have pre ordered your lovely book and it has consoled me in periods of grief, just to read your words and admire the gorgeous photos has been uplifting and inspiring.
Thank you and I wish you well on this latest adventure.

Lesley Nott

As autumn, which I hate arrives I have already begun to struggle. Thank you for the beautiful photos. I can’t believe you are moving and tears fell as I hate change and endings. But I wish you joy.

Lynn Egger

I’m sure that I’m not the only one feeling surprisingly emotional about this move. How we will miss its beauty and its gentleness. Good luck.

Mandy Stevenson Smyth

Congratulations guys!!! and Ben, well done, please don’t stop writing! I can’t wait to see where you’ll end up – it will be fantastic nonetheless – I do hope the moving will be alright and you’ll all be settled nicely soon. Lots of hugs!!


Wishing you and Charlie all the best for your next chapter. Goodbyes are bittersweet but change is inevitable in life. I’ve loved your photography and blog about life at the Parsonage, and I’m sure you will make your next home equally wonderful!

Margaret MacDonald

I will miss seeing all your lovely pictures of Dorset and the parsonage. I hope all goes well for you and I am very much looking forward to hearing what you do next!!

Gillian Thompson

So sad to read this. Why oh why can’t the village remain as it is? This is not change for the better. I will cherish the photos I’ve been receiving over the past few years and look back at them fondly. With best wishes for your move Ben and Charlie.

Sarah Burgess

Have loved soaking up the beautiful images of the parsonage over the years, very best wishes for the next stage ! Book purchased x

Claire Barlas

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