Ben's Posts
Green time…
It’s a blog of parts again! Looking back at these photos I realise I’ve been around a bit. Time to stay still in the same place sometime soon, I think....
Green time…
It’s a blog of parts again! Looking back at these photos I realise I’ve been around a bit. Time to stay still in the same place sometime soon, I think....
Catching up
There’s only one way to stay on top of things, I suppose… which is, try to stay on top of things. So although the blog is a little overdue, I’ve...
Catching up
There’s only one way to stay on top of things, I suppose… which is, try to stay on top of things. So although the blog is a little overdue, I’ve...
Extraordinary spring
We had been planning a trip north. But on Friday morning, early, when Charlie should have been hitting the motorway early (I was going to meet him later in Glasgow,...
Extraordinary spring
We had been planning a trip north. But on Friday morning, early, when Charlie should have been hitting the motorway early (I was going to meet him later in Glasgow,...
The Broadwey & Upwey Spring Show
It was the weekend of the Broadwey & Upwey Spring show… the first spring show that Charlie has ever entered. I think he was up and about at 4 or...
The Broadwey & Upwey Spring Show
It was the weekend of the Broadwey & Upwey Spring show… the first spring show that Charlie has ever entered. I think he was up and about at 4 or...
Spring song
The months are passing. I think that all the regular readers of the blog have grown a little accustomed to the fact that I don’t, or can’t, write quite as...
Spring song
The months are passing. I think that all the regular readers of the blog have grown a little accustomed to the fact that I don’t, or can’t, write quite as...
In the midst of darkness – there is always light
Yet again, time and events run away from me and weeks pass before I write another blog! Happy New Year! But the funny thing is that nothing gives me more...
In the midst of darkness – there is always light
Yet again, time and events run away from me and weeks pass before I write another blog! Happy New Year! But the funny thing is that nothing gives me more...