Ben's Posts
Workroom Profile: Bridie Hall at Home
Beginning a blog featuring our many and varied suppliers has been at the pinnacle of my ‘to do’ list for the last three months. I must admit to suffering from...
Workroom Profile: Bridie Hall at Home
Beginning a blog featuring our many and varied suppliers has been at the pinnacle of my ‘to do’ list for the last three months. I must admit to suffering from...
Never go back…
…was the wise advice Will gave me a couple of weeks ago. So true. I’d been asked by the Soane Museum to give a talk, last Monday evening. “What’s it...
Never go back…
…was the wise advice Will gave me a couple of weeks ago. So true. I’d been asked by the Soane Museum to give a talk, last Monday evening. “What’s it...
Back to Normal
It’s been a bit of a secret of mine, really, but since last summer, around about the time I came back from Italy, the garden has been completely out of...
Back to Normal
It’s been a bit of a secret of mine, really, but since last summer, around about the time I came back from Italy, the garden has been completely out of...
Morning at Franklin Farm
If I ever get around to writing another book, one of the reasons will be to publish photographs of my friends Kim and Pip’s farmhouse in Hampshire. I was staying...
Morning at Franklin Farm
If I ever get around to writing another book, one of the reasons will be to publish photographs of my friends Kim and Pip’s farmhouse in Hampshire. I was staying...
Grand Budapest…
I’m afraid it’s a very short post today. So, I am sorry to upset your routine… but I’m on the road for work after a lovely weekend with Mum &...
Grand Budapest…
I’m afraid it’s a very short post today. So, I am sorry to upset your routine… but I’m on the road for work after a lovely weekend with Mum &...
Hockney Spring
You’d have felt a bit sad to be an old gold-framed Old Master hanging at the Dulwich Picture Gallery this weekend. The people were queuing to see Hockney. I’m afraid...
Hockney Spring
You’d have felt a bit sad to be an old gold-framed Old Master hanging at the Dulwich Picture Gallery this weekend. The people were queuing to see Hockney. I’m afraid...