
And I’m happy to say that…

that particular vote passed.. and, yes, I’m happy. Now it’s on to the next stages in Parliament, and doubtless lots more arguments, so I am afraid I can expect a few more months of little plastic men photos in the press, but there we go.

Phew! Reading some of the very heartfelt comments on my last blog has changed my views a little bit; I can see that words are really important, and if you’re keen to be married as opposed to being Civilised Partners (anyone? – have I just coined a phrase?), well – I for one really wouldn’t dream of stepping in your way.

It’s been interesting reading so many comments and I’m grateful for everyone for writing. I’m actually always grateful for every comment on this blog, but none more so on an issue like this one; and I’m particularly grateful that everyone manages to stay kind and thoughtful at the same time as expressing strongly held belief.

I’m also very happy that my Dad appears to be a rapidly growing internet sensation. Who knew? For all those Captain Pentreath admirers out there, here’s another snap from my little photo album. That was the little photo album my Mum made me when I first went off to stay at boarding school, at an age that these days would be considered a bit young, but at the time, no problem. Anyway, I’ve kept that little album with me ever since, to New York and back.

Elaine, the one of the left is for you… And it’s true to say that my Mum and Dad really are inspiration to me, every day of the week.

Normal service will resume next week. (Have you been chitting your seed potatoes, for instance? Yes, I am sure you have).

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