
Harvest song

The flower ladies were in the church on Saturday morning, decorating for the Harvest festival.P1030394

This particular flower person is Charlie, doing a vegetable table.P1030402At the very last minute he couldn’t cut any flowers at all from the garden. A photographer was coming from the New York Times to take a portrait of him and to photograph his garden. We found out on Friday evening at 8 o clock that they wanted to arrive on Sunday morning.  Bonkers. So vegetables it was.

When everyone was finished, the church looked completely beautiful.P1030413 P1030416 P1030422 P1030423 P1030424 P1030427

Obviously I never get bored during services, but if I was to, I suspect my eye would wander to the tiny fragments of stained glass that make up the borders of the windows.P1030428 P1030431

Or the plain, simple but perfect carving of the pilaster capitals. There is something almost minimalist in this high Victorian design.P1030434 P1030436 P1030438 P1030442

We made our way back to the veg garden. It’s been an extraordinary harvest autumn, after all.P1030448

Did you spot the red admiral butterfly, bottom left in the picture above? Basking in the warm sunshine.
P1030452 P1030454 P1030459

The garden was, to be fair, looking somewhat photogenic by midday on Sunday.P1030462 P1030465 P1030470 P1030474 P1030478

Charlie’s flower room. The pop-up shop, next door to us in Rugby Street, has I think what is best described as the soft opening tomorrow… Full-on madness will probably start next week – (not least because these weekend we’re off to Ledbury for whole new explorations with our friends over at Tinsmiths).P1030487

More flower room chaos.P1030488 P1030489 P1030491 P1030497

The harvest festival service was lovely.P1030498

Stephen, our vicar, with Jim & Nic’s daughter Annie… glowing in the late afternoon sunshine as we came out of the church:P1030502 P1030506 P1030508 P1030509 P1030510 P1030513 P1030514 P1030516 P1030517 Just before we sat down for supper in the village hall, this extraordinary sunset opened up in the sky. In all the years I’ve lived in the valley now, I’m not sure I’ve seen anything quite like it.
P1030547 P1030548 P1030551 P1030553 P1030555 P1030557 P1030558 P1030565 The colours faded to a purple, and then it was gone.

And we returned to the hall, and had a crazy night in only the way we can here in the village…P1030590 P1030597

And all felt very well with the earth. Autumn is here.

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