Don’t you love the perfect simplicity of this advertisement, which I found on a little browse around Google this morning? (And which came from a rather extraordinary, very simple, one page website which you can find here).
Well, anyway, I was prompted to look around for something like this because I wanted to illustrate in some slightly more interesting way the new role that we are advertising for over here at Ben P towers.
The interior decoration side of the business is expanding and we now need a full time assistant to support me and Bridie starting in April 2012. I’ve posted full details of what we are after over on the architecture website here. If you would like to join the business, or know the perfect person for us, please get in touch. We need CVs by Friday 9th March and we’ll be interviewing week commencing 19th March for a start in April.
The one thing I would emphasise is that we do need someone with experience of the role I’m describing. So although it would be great to hear from you if you think you might want to dip your toe in the world of interiors, or you’re looking for a change in life, or if it just sounds like a fun thing to do to come and help (which of course it will be)… please resist from getting too excited unless you actually do have lots of current experience in the role we’re describing—it’s really what I’m after. (As well as your being the friendliest, happiest, most enthusiastic person here on planet earth). I am sure in the future new roles will open up for interns and the like, but not just yet!
Thanks… and we look forward very much to hearing from you.