
Everything is going to be alright

I left London on Thursday… the most beautiful day, but it was hard to concentrate. The world was holding its breath.  I arrived in Dorset, exhausted. Charlie was awake early the following morning. I wasn’t sure I was ready to get out of bed, but he was meeting our neighbour Nicky for their regular walk. I dragged myself up.

Thank goodness.

However strange the world, however tired my mind, there is nothing more peaceful and restorative than this hour, tramping up the hills and down again, as a new dawn is breaking.

Mist hung over the fields, and pockets of frost lay here and there.

First light on the hills. 

This timeless place has seen it all.  As some kind person commented on my instagram photographs of this view, you can imagine Roman Legionaries marching over these same ancient hills on a morning like this. 

Today, it was just us. 

It was a beautiful day, but I had my head deep in work, and the world had its head deep in politics.  As the sun lowered, the house was filled with an astonishing light.

We climbed the scaffold (the windows are being painted and repaired at the moment).

A different perspective as dusk fell…

Charlie has spent the last week digging a huge patch in the meadow for his show veg and flowers for 2021. Gardening is the most optimistic pursuit of all. 

Saturday. A heavy mist had rolled in. The fog felt apposite. 

And then the news broke, yesterday afternoon, that the result had been called for the American election.

It has been an eternal drum beat of mine, these last 10 or 12 years now, that at the end of the day, everything will be alright.  Democracy has spoken. But the beauty of democracy is that she is neutral. She spoke also when the President was elected, four years ago; and she has spoken again, now.  The key is to listen not only to the now, and the excitement of the 75 million who have spoken so loudly, but to answer the worries of the other 70 million as well.

I pray for peace, for healing; and for oil to be poured gently, wisely, on the troubled waters of America.

This morning, we had a quiet moment at the War Memorial, remembering, as we always do, the seven men of this tiny village who died during the First World War. 

Afterwards, rain clearing, Charlie and I took the dogs for our walk. 

This is the Collect for this Sunday, that was read in our brief commemoration by the war memorial.


Almighty Father,

whose will is to restore all things in your beloved Son, the King of all:

govern the hearts and minds of those in authority, and bring the families of the nations,

divided and torn apart by the ravages of sin, to be subject to his just and gentle rule;

who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, now and for ever.

Keep us, good Lord, under the shadow of your mercy in this time of uncertainty and distress.

Sustain and support the anxious and fearful, be with those who care for the sick,

and lift up all who are brought low; that we may rejoice in your comfort

knowing that nothing can separate us from your love in Christ Jesus our Lord.


I left London on Thursday… the most beautiful day, but it was hard to concentrate. The world was holding its breath.  I arrived in Dorset, exhausted. Charlie was awake early the following morning. I wasn’t sure I was ready to get out of bed, but he was meeting our neighbour Nicky for their regular walk. I dragged myself up.

Thank goodness.

However strange the world, however tired my mind, there is nothing more peaceful and restorative than this hour, tramping up the hills and down again, as a new dawn is breaking.

Mist hung over the fields, and pockets of frost lay here and there.

First light on the hills. 

This timeless place has seen it all.  As some kind person commented on my instagram photographs of this view, you can imagine Roman Legionaries marching over these same ancient hills on a morning like this. 

Today, it was just us. 

It was a beautiful day, but I had my head deep in work, and the world had its head deep in politics.  As the sun lowered, the house was filled with an astonishing light.

We climbed the scaffold (the windows are being painted and repaired at the moment).

A different perspective as dusk fell…

Charlie has spent the last week digging a huge patch in the meadow for his show veg and flowers for 2021. Gardening is the most optimistic pursuit of all. 

Saturday. A heavy mist had rolled in. The fog felt apposite. 

And then the news broke, yesterday afternoon, that the result had been called for the American election.

It has been an eternal drum beat of mine, these last 10 or 12 years now, that at the end of the day, everything will be alright.  Democracy has spoken. But the beauty of democracy is that she is neutral. She spoke also when the President was elected, four years ago; and she has spoken again, now.  The key is to listen not only to the now, and the excitement of the 75 million who have spoken so loudly, but to answer the worries of the other 70 million as well.

I pray for peace, for healing; and for oil to be poured gently, wisely, on the troubled waters of America.

This morning, we had a quiet moment at the War Memorial, remembering, as we always do, the seven men of this tiny village who died during the First World War. 

Afterwards, rain clearing, Charlie and I took the dogs for our walk. 

This is the Collect for this Sunday, that was read in our brief commemoration by the war memorial.


Almighty Father,

whose will is to restore all things in your beloved Son, the King of all:

govern the hearts and minds of those in authority, and bring the families of the nations,

divided and torn apart by the ravages of sin, to be subject to his just and gentle rule;

who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, now and for ever.

Keep us, good Lord, under the shadow of your mercy in this time of uncertainty and distress.

Sustain and support the anxious and fearful, be with those who care for the sick,

and lift up all who are brought low; that we may rejoice in your comfort

knowing that nothing can separate us from your love in Christ Jesus our Lord.


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    Pentreath & Hall X Hunt & Hope
    Regular price £ 450.00
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    Pentreath & Hall
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Thank u for ur carefully chosen words & photos. They soothe my exhausted mind & soul.

ROSE Dwight

My comment isn’t directly concerned with this latest blog, other to say how much I enjoy your thoughts, comments and photos. I have only recently discovered this wonderful blog and have been busy reading them from the beginning. I had got up to June 2016 and to my horror, on Saturday, I discovered that I could only see the blogs going back to November 2017. A whole chunk had disappeared. Also I can no longer see any photos. I have tried looking on my PC, laptop and iPad to no avail. Any suggestions anyone? Is it just me that is having this problem.?

Dawn Johnston

What a beautiful piece with stunning photographs of our beloved England!
I stumbled upon your blog while searching for a (soon to be purchased) gift for my loving sister and I am so delighted that I did. It instantly made me feel so homesick, as I write from the chilly climes of Calgary, Alberta. How I miss the English countryside, mist and frost. Thank you for uplifting my spirits in these uncertain times. Home Sweet Home is calling!

Rose Beckham

People, please lets not turn this celebrated Blog into a Political platform. Ben brings so much joy and delight into a very difficult world – which so many of us escape into – for a short time to forget the woes of the world outside . This is precious.

Christine Gascoigne

for your wonderful post; thank you and heartfelt gratitude through the tears


Once again your lovely post has given me hope for my country and looking a your gorgeous photos just reaffirms that God above truly is watching over all of us..
thanks again.



Ben, for me, this is your finest post, and that’s saying A LOT. Your images and the prayer at the end sent an uplifting breeze into my heart.
As many of your followers have commented, as an American, I’m exhilarated that we will have goodness and kindness and concern for others, restored to our country.
Blessings to you, Charlie and all of those you care for.

Sally Leonard

Thank you for the lovely images of early morning in Dorset and then sunset, a beautiful view from your scaffolding. So look forward to your new garden next year. The prayer at the end was beautiful. Let us hope for peace and calmness for all countries. Loved the pictures of the sun shining in on your new wallpaper and dining room cabinet. I just love that wallpaper, so beautiful and when the light hits it even more beautiful. So hard to imagine we are into the middle of November here in Toronto; and 23 degrees today and my outdoor plants are thriving too. So uplifting to have nature to comfort us in these times and prayers.

Darlene Chandler

I want to thank you for the uplifting images and words, which ring true, loud and clear, all the way even to Sydney. I was very moved by the prayer at the end, it’s beautiful. The images you share do make me feel like everything is going to be okay after all! Just lovely!

Melissa Whigham

Writing as an American with a deep love for her country, I can only speak to the sense of great relief I have felt in these last few days. For months, we did not have a leader to guide us through these most awful of times – a pandemic. A man who name-called and hated, a Cheeto-colored idiot who thought of only himself – the “Narcissist in Chief.”

A new light has broken over our great country and we will go forward and mend those rips and tears of our moral fiber and fabric and solider on to greater heights than ever before. But those heights must include the poor and the under-served, people of color and age who have received nothing but bias for their efforts and, most importantly, the young. Please may we find it in our hearts to forgive and move on and learn to love all those that share this Earth with us.

Thank you for inspiring me…yet again!

Susan Toye Ferguson
Rockland, Maine

Susan Toye Ferguson

England is my favourite country, and oh, so much pain now that usual travel to enjoy it as often as possible is made so very difficult.. I am so incredibly grateful to you Ben, and Charlie and the doggies, and every single flower and leaf in that magical Dorset of yours (and London, and Scotland.. wherever you go!) for keeping me near, there, nonetheless.
I enjoy your blog immensely, thank you sooooo much for taking the pain to write it, as busy as you are, it’s one of my favourite joys. A big hug.


Thank you for posting that beautiful collect. AMEN!


Ben, thank you for your kind words on our election in the United States. We need more people like you here in the U.S. Your words and the prayer at the end of your post were what our country needs to hear.


Thank you, Ben, for these images of calm, beauty, and timelessness so needed now during these difficult days.
Stay strong and hopeful, everyone.

Janice Smith

As a native of the deep red state of Nebraska who lives in the indigo-blue city of Cambridge, Massachusetts, I have been so pained by the mutual demonization of the last four years. Whatever Biden’s limits, he is generous spirited, and he doesn’t lure people (on either side) into confusing rage with strength of principles. At this point our attitude toward each other is more important than policies. The Collect brings tears to my eyes. Thank you — and the Book of Common Prayer-for helping us hope. Humbly.

Elizabeth Knoll

Dear Ben
The words of the remembrance prayer are so true in these difficult times. You are so lucky to be surrounded by nature it really does restore the soul and offers beauty hope and stability thank you for sharing your beautiful photos take care.

Debra Moore

Thank you for the lovely pictures and for the sincere words of hope. It has been a long four years, but the USA is finally exhaling. We recognize that 70 million folks are not happy, but we will work hard to heal those wounds.


I cried with joy over the results of the election, but I worry for the next one given that so many Americans now feel as I did in 2016. Yes, we must build bridges, and I pray they will be sturdy enough. Yes, we must turn our attention inward, and I pray they will be receptive. But for now, I will gladly embrace the win.

I watched the last three episodes of Gardener’s World last night, and I shall now watch them all over again starting with 2019. Looking forward to watching you two hoisting the mighty marrow again.

Mother Nature will pull us through.

Deborah Wagner, Cambridge, MA

Deborah Wagner

Your blessed hills, vales, bosques, pathways, by now so familiar as i travel, remotely, with you, Charlie and the dogs seem to express, even more than usual, assurance of the eternal, the comfort available in the beauty of the natural world. Here in American, dark clouds abate; frightened, weary souls lift, the clarion call resounds as prospect for repair, renewal and salvation.


How lovely that you have quoted the Collect for Remembrance Sunday Ben. It is a wonderful way to open up hope for the future for us all. Thank you.


Thank you – lovely, as well as sensible and thoughtful

Dr Mitchell Leimon

Thank you Ben. Like you, we have been working hard to ensure work for our teams; to be positive about changing political landscapes and to add interest to our lives during Lockdown 2.0. Your wonderful words on a Monday morning add perspective to these worrying times and really do set me up to face the week with renewed hope and vigour!

Jane Kaula

Dear Ben, thank you for your gentle soothing pictures. For your reminder that all is not lost and madness but that nature and the seasons calmly carry on. In my kitchen in Norfolk is a painting of a feather and words from psalm 91. He will cover you with His feathers and under His wings you will find refuge. Words for the whole world.

Lynn Egger

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