The sunshine sparkled on our walk this morning. What a difference a day makes – Saturday was the flattest, greyest life – nothing moving. Today it felt as if the earth was straining into spring. Everyone felt cheerier. The snowdrops in the hedge bank were just poking their leaves up a week or two ago. Now here they are, announcing the beginning of the end of winter. Bridehead gleamed… The ancient markings and enclosures on the hill were in sharp relief. In the valley, bales of hay have been placed – like some strange and rather beautiful sculpture. Animal ridges just catching the sun.
In the garden, Charlie’s early daffodils are showing. Hellibores and snowdrops. More snowdrops – Charlie’s amazing, growing collection… We bumped into some neighbours on our walk – one of whom is a fisherman – who asked if we’d like a bag of fresh mussels. That was lunch sorted – steaming mussels in a white wine broth… It was a perfect afternoon. I did a few little errands – like designing our Coronation Tea Towel for the shop, which will be wending its way to the shop very soon! – while Charlie worked in the sunshine in the garden.
His onions are coming on in the greenhouse. The veg garden glowed in the afternoon sunshine. A month ago it would have been dark at this time of day.
But I had to tear myself away. It is one of those weekends when I needed to be back in London on Sunday night, so that we can catch an early train for work on Monday morning.
As Charlie took me to the station, we were met at the top of the hill by a huge moon rising over the woods and hills below. The sky was purple. A scene of astonishing stillness and beauty. And, in the other direction, the most vivid sunset.
The simplest day, but a good one.