
Sneak preview…

On Tuesday, as you will know if you follow this blog, Bridie and I reopen the doors after what can only be described as a new term reorganisation. We’ve metaphorically got a nice shiny new pair of shoes, put a new notebook and pencil case in our bags, and turned over a whole new shop!  Sophie and Jessica will be joining the team. And we’ve been hard at work sourcing a lot of new ideas and getting ready to open the expanded shop, including the new Utility Room.

I couldn’t photograph the utility room today because, well, it’s still full of builders’ ladders and goodness knows what. But I thought you might like to see the dahlias that I brought up from Dorset early early this morning… making our new window for a few days, and providing a rather lovely little moment in the back of the shop in the Hone Museum.

We hope you’ve had a good start to term too, and we can’t wait to see you on Rugby Street!





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