If you’d spotted Charlie and me at a little after two o’ clock on Saturday afternoon, you might have been a bit surprised.
This is where we were, in Yeovil.
At the Holy Trinity Scout Group Hut.
There was the smallest clue as to what was going on inside from these people, already leaving.
Or from this box, left outside a red Ford focus.
More people leaving, as we were arriving, all clutching large boxes.
You guessed it. It was the Yeovil & District Chrysanthemum and Dahlia Society annual Chrysanthemum Show and Dahlia tuber sale. The sight of so many huge chrysanthemum was awe-inspiring.
My favourites. I’d never seen anything like it.
In the tea corner, it became clear….
…. that Charlie wasn’t quite the youngest person in the room by 40 years, but just about.
I think that possibly my favourite thing of all was the huge banner that gives title to this blog.
Then, of course, there was the tuber sale. Here, none of the serenely impressive displays over on the other side of the room.
It was a madhouse.
Of course, very sharp-eyed readers will have just spotted Christine Tompkins, who cleaned up so spectacularly at this year’s Melplash Show;
And who should we spy next but Roger Downting who took all the prizes that Christine didn’t, at Melplash.
The array of silverware included the astonishingly beautiful Brigham Cup, with wonderful aesthetic movement chased silver decoration; perhaps the last moment that Chrysanthemums were truly appreciated?
The raffle table,
which sported an amazing poster: Trees of Britain: Look and Learn with Andrex.
I wish that a few more companies today would market their products in such a beautiful and improving way.
Success in the tuber sale:
The tea room was also doing roaring trade.
And, as it happens, carried two more posters from Andrex loo roll: Freshwater Fish and Countryside Animals of Britain. Eventually we tore ourselves away. The hall of the Scout hut was lined with photographs of past adventures.
In between hanging pictures and sorting the stuff at Mum & Dad’s flat, we went for a beautiful walk with Mavis this morning.
Yellow-orange autumn has settled across the valley. The evenings are dark so early now; it feels like Christmas is just around the corner. Which I’m excited about!
A date for your diary – our traders’ Christmas event, on the 7th December. It will be a wonderful afternoon and evening, and just like the Yeovil Dahlia Society, all are welcome.
Here’s the poster I’ve just had fun producing!
We look forward to welcoming you in the shop, or – for those that are not able to attend – online.
Please visit and support small independent retailers this Christmas!